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Posts posted by Stridentzephon

  1. Ok so I only play melee classes and do not completely understand the handicap that they get vs us but I do have to say, one way to bring them down to par is adjusting one of them. Since force based attacks are 100% chance of landing and they also have a 5% bonus to non tank spec classes one ofthem need to be adjusted. Before we all say l2p against them, i do farly well killing them but I do find this one of the things I say is kinda messed up.
  2. I saw this in reddit and made me want to post a suggestion here for it, One of the things that have bugged me about legacy perks is the fact that rocket boots just seem..... wrong for jedi to use when they can, I dont know run with force speed. I personally didnt buy them because I hated that fact. But going forward BW made an item to buy to change toss in hutball to a kick. I was wondering if they could do this for that now. I would prefer force speed the rocket boots. Doing it this way keeps both animations in the game and gives others a choice. Before many say that would break the fact that everyone now has "force speed", it already is broke becaue legacy gives others legacy force attacks upon completing chapter 3.
  3. I refer to the sundering effect. I gives armor reduction not fills in the rotation for the skill. SS and ST do the exact same thing. When you open if you use saber throw it reduces armor.


    Which ever rotation you use with in the first 5 attacks you will use SS which does nothing further since armor reduction is already appiled to it full potential. The only reason it was valid when it first came out was because it did not apply the full effect. when it was first used. It was maintained for the duration of the fight. SS also had a shorter cooldown then it down now,




    In no way am I asking to REMOVE saber throw or Sundering strike. I refer to the "buff" be redesigned or moved further down the tree or even being stacked with improved sundering strike because its the same ability just appied two different ways and causes useless overlapping.


    Not once did I say anything about getting rid of a ability. If you main guardian or jugg you should know you have the same effect applied to TWO abilites and if you use one of them in the rotation the gained effect of the other is gone making the skill point useless. Read what your spec gives and you would see what I was clearly saying.

  4. BW please redesign this ability or improve sundering stike to give it purpose. This is almost a pointless skill since this overlaps in our rotation. Sundering throw applies armor reduction but sundering stike does the exact same thing. If not a redesign then move it further down on the list because this is a skill that is not need AND improved sundering strike.
  5. Reven never "works" with the repub. All he saids is thank you for saving me now I have some asses to kick and walks off screen, never says he dies or anything. Then in the new FP if you address him and question him about his actions since you saved him he gives a vague reason why he is doing this.


    As another player pointed it the storyline lines up perfectly. Only thing is if you read Reven the noval, none of this makes sense. The way the character is written and protrayed. He doesn't or shouldn't come back to the galaxy to destroy it AFTER he understands his past and gets beat by the sith. It should serve as the backbone for him to work against the empire but not with the jedi because they have rejected him.

  6. How about this take on the idea (or possibly just an elaboration of what the OP was thinking, since he didn't go into much detail):


    Ability to combine any primary color dye with any secondary color dye. Sell small "packs" of 5 or 10 or whatever of these dye templates on the Market and/or have it be a credit thing at a vendor somewhere. Wouldn't be cheap, would be cool.


    So I buy a pack of 5 Dye Templates, and I buy a primary orange dye and a secondary green dye, and I insert them into this modable Dye Template to create an Orange and Green Dye Module. Presumably all three pieces would be destroyed upon removing the item; though it would be nice to be able to reuse the templates, I find it unlikely ;) Maybe be able to change the colors so long as you don't remove the template? That way you only have to buy one template per armor set/piece you want to dye, but if you want them for multiple sets you have to buy more than one.


    Yes that is exactly what I was saying only shorter. They could use multip single sell ones or a pack, just more options. They could sell this even with a shader option. Right now they sell black and black and white and white for $10. If they did it this way they could sell a blank one for $10-15-20. The difference is $10 you can put in any pre-exsisting colors from the single color one. Then the $15-20 you can make your own color thur a color wheel.

  7. What your asking exsisted already and it was a bad idea. When black hole first was introduced it made it so you could easily gear your toon with the best gear by running dailies and ops. You could really gear yourself with dailies alone really.


    After one month you pretty much where geared and with BiS for pve with stats AND could be BiS with pvp gear. During that time many players quit due to really reaching the ceiling and not the "glass" ceiling you speak of. Even though I hate it with all my blood to make some items ops and some NiM ops to get BiS, It keeps players playing to get the BiS gear. Not to mention that BW position is to make them and it eaiser to obtain with boister now which makes the lower pre glass tiers errevent. You can now que up to get the second to best gear in game and be boister to marginal gear score level to complete ops.

  8. Seriously.... no game producer will never say "no" not ever. It does not keep players involved or innovate. At the same time if they give a defined answer the forums would be like the sky is falling. I like to point out some of player would like obi wans style EXACTLY how it looked in ep 1-3 I am one of them. They did not say no but said they would not copy and paste.,,,,,, We are still asking for the exact copy and paste lol.
  9. So glad they finally answered this for ALL the treads that kept asking for it. 1-55 yes it is a grind but gives learning time and passes time. If you wanted to be a jedi knight roll a knight. Sith warrior roll a warrior. No reason why you need ability to change faction or class when you can lvl an alt pretty fast and legacy send items to that class. And not to mention they said they will be adding legacy bank to store items in.
  10. Some hilts that are newer the blade is slightly bigger or thinner. One big example of this is the gree event saber. The glow is much thinner but the blade is way to big. Another is the anakin lookalike. The bleam is more focused and thinner but the blade is same as normal. There is two versions of the anakins hilt tho. One that has a certian anamation and one that is solid.
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