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Posts posted by KonaiNobi

  1. /sign


    Over 2 years later and still no way to manually adjust particle count or quality.

    Truly disappointing. :confused: but not at all unexpected. :mad:


    BioWare -- Get your act together and stop trying to placate us with cartel fluff, your community deserves better.

  2. Frequency slider - like in some of BW's single player games. The random chat is amusing, but it's just too frequent for my (and probably lots of others') tastes, and not quite random enough somehow - IOW, there are some comments that come up too often (Kira's "lightsaber jerk" and Tharan's "I'm a pacifist" come to mind), and other ones that are just as good that you hear far too infrequently relative to those. Perhaps some adjustment?


    I absolutely love this idea and support it wholeheartedly! :cool:

  3. What they need to do is add a slider on how often all companions talk.. Setting 0 would be completely silent, and setting 10 would be that of a mag pie and talking all the time.. .


    I support this option as well as a slider to control the volume of companion speech, because some of them are just to boisterous.

  4. After some reasonably thorough testing it is confirmed that any time new 2D text appears on the screen (chat text and *especially* nameplates) there is a small "stutter" in the graphics engine.


    If I had to guess, I'd say that this is the reason we don't have chat bubbles, especially considering Daniel Erickson stated at the guild convention a while back that (and I para-phrase) "chat bubbles caused severe lag and we cant figure out why".

  5. When will game developers understand that being able to decide exactly how your character LOOKS is - hands down - one of THE most important things to many gamers?


    I completely agree Rodney, character customization is definitely one of the most import features for long-term players who play the game to be in the game world. The logic is simple;

    • The more customization options I have for my character, the closer I can get it to my vision.
    • The closer my character is to my vision, the more I will identify with it.
    • The more I identify with my character, the more I want to keep paying to spend time in the game world.


    As a side note, it would be nice, as a crafter, to be able to pick an emitter, pommel, and handle section for sabers we create, as well as decide on the sound fx set it uses when active. Of course, this same principle would be awesome for blasters too ;)

  6. You know.. It I almost feel sorry for you?? My only question is, what are you going to do if something really bad happens like the wife or hubby burns the meat loaf??


    Is there really something so hard about altering your name a smidge so you can still use it?? I mean do you really have to use your name exaclty as it is and no other way?? Are you really that inflexable??


    Nobody is forcing you to do anything.. You are not the victim here.. There was no threat of Bioware banning your account if you didn't transfer.. You made the choice of your own free will to move to another server.. So there is nobody to blame but yourself..


    But let's look at your idea.. Hypothetically..


    You started playing Dec. 15th, 2011.. That was the start of early release.. So I am transfering to your server.. I have been playing since July 21st, 2011.. So by your rules, They should take the name off your character and give it to me.. Is that correct?? Am I understanding that correctly?? Yes, I am including the beta.. But even still as long as my account or character is older.. You lose.. Your toon will be stripped without warning.. You will login to a nice message that says, 'Your name has been removed to welcome someone new to the server.. His character and account is older than your by about 2 days, which means you have no rights at all and therefore lose your name..' Does that sound good to you??


    Get a grip there.. That would be bad customer service and you know it.. But remember.. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.. What comes around goes around..


    Make a new name and be happy.. It really isn't that big a deal.. Oh.. Go check the meat loaf..


    My names are very unusual so the gripe I posted was more for others than myself. After getting over the thought of the having to alter the identity of our characters we took the plunge and transferred. It ended up not being so bad. Only a couple of spelling modifications had to be made but phonetically everyone got to keep their names, even the awesome legacy names were still available. And I must say, the community at Begeren Colony is amazing. There were 144 at fleet at 3pm yesterday, PvP was poppin' like mad and finding a FP group was like finding doughnuts in a bakery. The small sacrifices we had to make in our naming pale in comparison to the overwhelming sense of community, and overall cohesiveness of our new home. Moving was, without a doubt, the right choice.


    Oh, and just so ya know, the meatloaf came out just fine. :p

  7. I am so frustrated and angry that this server merger, (and it was a merger), did not take into account character age or even account age to determine seniority for name retention.


    My friends, family, and I all bought into the Early Adopter and took launch day off of work so that we could get the names we wanted. Now we are all but being forced to move to a place where we will lose those names forever.


    The way this has been executed deeply breaks my heart because most of the people I play with would rather quit playing than be bullied into losing the names we all took significant steps to acquire. And why would I want to keep playing if my father, son, and friends aren't. So now we are virtually stranded on a server that has 5 people in fleet and they are currently in the process of transferring. So it appears that we have the entirety of Vrook Lamar pretty much to ourselves until players get funneled there, or the server gets closed. (I am personally hoping for the former.)


    BioWare,from Baldur's Gate to Knights of the Old Republic, you have been my favorite game studio. I have had complete faith in you and believed that no matter what you would handle things appropriately, until today. Now I don't even know what to say that wouldn't get me banned except, thank you. :(:mad::(

  8. Stop complaining and creating drama where there is none.


    Hobnobb, trolling doesn't help anyone so please attempt to refrain from doing so in the future.


    Ninety-seven (97) pages of posts is not unnecessary drama, it is an outcry from the community. This is a legitimate problem for many people and is probably the single largest Customer Service issue SWTOR has at this time. It needs to be addressed immediately and really should be BioWare's primary concern right now. I personally feel that this is MUCH more important than pushing out v1.2 as this is a serious risk to the game community as a whole.


    Just FYI, I am on Vrook Lamar, which is not even a very low population srever. Off-peak (weekday morning to afternoon), my fleet has about 50 people in it, during peak, that number jumps as high as 150+. I just recognize how serious of an issue this is and that it should not to be taken lightly. The community exodus is what killed SWG, so I have first-hand knowledge of what happens to an MMO when its community vacates.


    I love SWTOR more than any other game I have ever played. It is the most seriously awesome Star Wars experience I have had in a game and I do not want to see it diminished in any way.


    BioWare PLEASE, for the love of the Force, assign a dedicated team to deal with this and have a CSR post in this thread immediately to address this issue that not only continues to gain momentum, but feels close to reaching critical mass.



    "It was as if a million voices suddenly cried out for transfers, and then, silence." - (what Obi-wan Kenobi might say about this)



    May the Force be with us all,

  9. Seriously so them ignoring us during beta or total of 7 months since the beginning of beta makes this bs summit alright. fanboi's are always happy about pr stuff. No community interaction what soever since beta or the game comes out but alright they took notes...:rolleyes:


    And haters are never happy no matter how far anyone extends themselves, but I am sure that is not how you meant to come across.


    I'm not saying there's not problems. This is a new game, with a new engine, and a TON of new features that haven't been seen in any game before, ever. So there are bound to be a whole slew of new and interesting issues to tackle. And even though things aren't happening in the time that some of us believe is acceptable, we are definitely not being ignored. If you ever played Star Wars: Galaxies, (Talk about a botched launch, *every* server crashed within 30min of going live.), prior to the NGE then you would know what being ignored *really* is and this is certainly not it.


    Furthermore, I have been a member of this community since 10.26.08, was in the beta, and am quite aware of most of the issues. Continuing to hold a grudge for beta mishaps is, at best, ignorant. Beta is meant to be broken, and even though we all have our own priorities, the production team at BioWare has to make their decisions based on the community as a whole, not just what an individual feels is important. I often fall into the minority about what is important for this game, and that's ok because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Things *will* get better, bugs *will* be fixed, and in a couple years, this game will have even more shiny awesome than WoW ever dreamed of having.


    Finally, I am not a "fanboi", just a "glass is full" kinda guy. I am also a software developer, and having worked on large projects, I can assure you that there are many, many things going on behind the scenes. These things hold bearing on all of the decisions that are made every day, affecting everything from systems design to artistic style. BioWare has good reasons for making the decisions they make and this is a passionate project for them. As such, they have a strong desire to make it the best it can possibly be, for themselves as well as us, their customers.


    As a Star Wars loving role-player, if I was going to be upset about any one thing, it would be the fact that Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinal, and Jedi Arbiter (not yet included in game) are in fact *all* "Jedi Knights". The game seriously deviates from this important tid-bit of lore and should be adjusted appropriately.


    As a customer, if I was going to be upset about any one thing it would be the lack of a character transfer service that is currently placing additional strain on the communities social aspect. Currently there are 96 pages of posts asking for a character transfer service. The thread can be viewed HERE.


    Regarding patch 1.2, I am especially thankful for the new guild management tools, the improved GTN, improved UI, and *any* bug fixes that get addressed.


    May the Force guide and protect us all.

  10. I spent all day listening to (and watching when I could) this amazing event while I was stuck at work. Not only did the core BioWare team listen to the community, they answered every question. But most importantly, they took lots and lots of notes on everything from issues people had with PvP to suggestions about enhancing PvP, role-play, story, and nearly every other major facet of the game.


    To my knowledge no other gaming company has held an event where the gaming community actually got to sit down with the developers and give input and feedback about the game.


    For all the naysayers and complainers out there that think BioWare is ignoring their customer base, this clearly shows that BW indeed has a deep desire to make sure that SWTOR is the best experience it can possibly be for players of all styles.


    I for one am extremely pleased with how this event turned out and thank the BioWare team for taking an entire day out of their busy schedules to show us that they really do care.


    May the Force guide and protect us all.

  11. So yeah... they're taking out the coolest looking landspeeders in the game because of "customer complaints"? Why?


    Why this arbitrary and seriously weird decision?


    Because they're ugly as sin, especially when there's 5 of them hovering over a vendor.

    I for one am happy that they are being discontinued and even happier that I don't have to feel pressured to acquire one before they go the way of the dodo. :D

  12. * Speeder License Costs - Rank III licenses are going up while the other two are going down. The losers are the ones who purchased speeder license II and are not high enough level or don't have the credits to purchase the third license. They are the losers because they'll be paying the highest price possible for all three licenses. Perhaps a credit towards speeder license III can be given to those in this situation.


    Being one of those in "that situation", I completely agree.

  13. Here's the thing. Those examples in lore were there for DRAMATIC effect. The authors used these anomalies (note, not the rule, the anomaly) as a plot device to set the characters apart. There IS a very definitive aesthetic regarding crystal color.


    Now in SWTOR we can play against type as well -- it's in the restriction system. Dark side Jedi can equip Red crystals. I'm fine with that. But that's because they're DARK. I have a Sith Marauder who is a Revenite who wields red and blue sabers. But I'm voluntarily taking a penalty on the upgrade of one of my crystals in order to maintain this.


    This very restriction creates uniqueness. Most people aren't willing to take even one stat hit. I am, in order to have a modicum of uniqueness. The removal of restriction removes any simulation of dramatic exception that we find in the Lore, and that you yourself pointed out.


    Firstly, there are plenty of players that are not playing a Force sensitive class that want to use any color, and they bloody well should be able to. I know my friend wants a red crystal for his light-side trooper mega-cannon. For this reason, the restriction removal is a good thing.


    However, I am also in favor of some kind of color restriction, but ONLY for Jedi and Sith.


    Perhaps, rather than taking a penalty for using a color that is *not* "in alignment", using a color that fits your Force alignment would grant a bonus. This way, people are given an incentive to stay with tradition, but not punished if they choose to walk a different path..

  14. The typical reason for lesser customer communication is that they actually don't know, this genre is new to Bioware and they learn something new everyday. They are still just people, doing their best to satisfy their customers. It's not like they can press a button and everyone's wish would magically come true.


    A very good point Jepplen.


    Although even just having a BW rep make an official post to this thread saying that they, "are aware of the problem but still working on a solution.", would go a long way toward sating the rabid customer base that is so obviously frothing at the mouth. Character transfers are something that most every MMO has and really shouldn't be that big of a deal from the developers standpoint, and keeping the community together should be one of BioWare's highest priorities for this project.


    I have several friends that want to transfer to the server I am on but have already leveled at least one character to 50 and don't want to start over. They, and everyone like them, are basically stuck in limbo. It would be very nice to get an official word from BioWare on when this functionality will be made available to the western hemisphere.

  15. ok mates there are some news especially for those who wish to transfer to different Region Servers (e.g US->EU) The Asia Pacific region servers have launched and BioWare has announced that every Ausie or Asian mate that was forced to play on US or EU server is entitled an ONE TIME FREE transfer to the Asian Pacific Servers.


    TWO facts should be deducted from this incident:1) First of all and most important , if they allow EU and US ---> Asian Pacific Transfers that means that US--->EU or EU---->US transfers are TOTALLY Viable !


    Second fact is that they allowed first transfer to be FREE.since they even mentioned the word FREE it means that the Future holds a fee for transfers that's certain but they MAY allow an ONE TIME transfer without charging us!What's more they mentioned that the only restrictions to the transfer is that NO FRIEND LIST is transferred as well as ANY GTN item or any item in mailbox (even credits) must be on character or in bank else they will be lost forever !Finally GUILD Transfers are also not doable. In other words mates everything that we expected and that is considered normal is taking effect on those first transfers!Now we shall await for the official launch of EU and US transfers!Can't wait !!!


    Here you can find the specifics as posted by BioWare ----> http://www.swtor.com/info/faq/game#q400115




    Oustanding post TheForbiddenOne. It's nice to see a community member actually being pro-active about this important issue.

  16. For varying reasons, many of my friends and I didn't coordinate with each other about which server to start on. Now, we're all spread across the country, some even in the wrong time-zone. There should be an initial free service where a limited number of characters (1 - 3?) could be transferred, and after that it costs $25 (or whatever) per character. Not having a character transfer service is damaging to the community as a whole and needs to be addressed immediately. It's hard for me to imagine that a conscientious firm like BioWare would not see the seriousness of this and take immediate measures to correct it.


    BioWare, we NEED a character transfer service right now.


    May the Force be with us all.

  17. What crisis? Have you been reading the forums? There is a lot of screaming going on, and whether you want to admit it, it is going out "there" and the vibe is pulsing that the game is not delivering.


    The UI scaling is a minimal response to the playerbase's request for the sophistication of a game released at this time. With all the information out there and the other games and their superb UIs, the one given us by BW is probably the laziest one I have ever seen. Even really old games, like Lineage II, have a user friendly UI that makes you laugh at the one given us by BW. I am astounded at its lack of sophistication in this day and age.


    The game is not just one month old. In fact, there have been betas out there for over a year. I played beta for 3 months. In every new build, the pleading went out for them to address the UI, the bugs, and many other things. There was NO response from BW and when the new build came and then finally the release build, too many of us were astounded that nothing had been done. So much effort into stress testings, and they refused to consider that the finer things, the little things (like the bugs and the UI) would make or break this game.


    Don't get me wrong. I am playing SWTOR and have no intention of rage quitting. Just really am pursuing the objective of bringing awareness to BW and their priorities.


    I also know that there isn't a single phase of this game that isn't bugged by something. NOTHING runs smoothly.


    This advice of "be patient, young padawan" is dismissive, immature, and blind. Sorry.


    My point is, that it takes years *after launch* for any massive game to reach a point where it's so polished that everybody is basically happy. "NOTHING runs smoothly" is a blanket statement that is only correct for you. Aside from some minor graphical glitches (TY BW for fixing those awefull green sheets everywhere!!), a little latency, and some bugged Tusken Raiders, I have not had, (and I realize that this is *just* my experience), any issues that warrant the outcry (and sometimes rage) that are flying around the forums.

    "Be patient, young padawan." is not dismissive, immature, or blind. It is what people need to be when taking part in an enormous and constantly evolving system like this one.

  18. Looking good. Unfortunately other MMORPGs have kept their development team together and not split it up, so that inaccuracy sort of made me want to stop watching. But I kept watching.


    There were statements that did cause me to wonder how long I would be playing the game. The first was specifically calling out that they planed to improve the PvP system. The problems was not in what was mentioned but in how it was mentioned. It really seems like the emphasis is on PvP for end game. That is something that does not interest me. I do enjoy a fun PvP system, but I will not play a game if that is all that is offered.


    Next came the short comment on the legacy system. If it is a system that helps people level additional characters faster that is one thing. But the video implies that you will get game advantages beyond this by leveling up as many alternate characters as possible. This gives me the impression that the non-PvP end game will boil down into leveling alts to gain the greatest advantages for everything you do. This is not a plan that I would look very favorably on.


    Finally there was the implication at the end that the players would be driving what the developers did. There is a big difference between listening to the player base for areas that are not working and need changes and implementing specifically what the players asked for. ST:TOR only has to look at SWG to see a game that fell apart mechanically and with the fans when the developers blindly implemented what players asked for. This was also repeated in the massive game churn in STO. Developers do need to listen to the consumers to understand area's that need work. But in 90% of the time the specifics of what is asked are just bad. There is a difference between a request to nerf an ability and fixing an overpowered class. The players who ask for ability nerfs will ask for things that often make that class far worse than the other classes. If the developers agree that a class is over powered, or under powered, the fix could and should be based on the class as an entity and other classes as entities and the fix will generally be better. (But of course some players will complain because the fix may not have been their request.)


    The actions of the development team implements in the next two months will convince me that they do or do not understand how to keep an MMORPG fun and interesting for years or if this is simply a glorified KOTOR with a monthly subscription fee. (I liked KOTOR as a stand alone game. But it is also not one that I would have paid a monthly fee to play or for the option to play with others.)


    Tiars, this is the most concise and objective rant I have read so far.

    Although I have faith that BioWare has spent years studying both what made SWG great *and* why it failed.

    I just felt your statements deserved a bump because they truly addresses some core considerations that need to be kept in mind.


    May the Force be with you.

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