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Posts posted by nokizaru

  1. If you have no interest in end-game, and you only want to do the stories, why do you need double XP? XP rates effectively mean you will always be overleveled, and doing just the class and planetary missions will keep you on track. What do you need the double experience for?


    Primarily because I like to get my characters to a certain level before I PVP. Is that OK with you? I'll sometimes go 5 or 6 months without playing and then level 4 or 5 characters to around level 50 to PVP until I've had my fill. I find it amusing that you feel it necessary to press other players on why they feel the need for double xp. Again: does it affect you in any way?

  2. We just had like 4 months of it.


    So? For some of us with busy schedules it's the only time worth logging in. It would be no skin off their (or yours, for that matter) noses to end the year on a couple weeks of double xp. End game is of little to no interest to me; when I get the chance to play, I like to focus on leveling new characters via the class stories, and I'm not alone in that regard.


    I'm convinced it's less the speed and more just the novelty of "Things will go faster!"


    Like BW could not buff the rate, but still apply the little icon by your XP bar and say it's double XP and so many people would still be head over heels for it.


    Way to be patronising.

  3. So if the PvP community doesn't have enough slaps to the face; open world Illum during the Gree event is now bolstered.


    Huh? I'm not sure I understand why we even have "PvP" gear. Sure, I understand that the PvP gear still performs best (very small advantage) but the point is that people who want to venture into open world pvp should prepare themselves. Otherwise, just let everyone wear PVE gear and use bolster.


    Will pvp gear get a pve bolster for Operations to make it "more viable". Or is this just another opportunity to implement a confusing, broken system on a pvp community that already thoroughly annoyed with the lack of new pvp content, a true ranked season, etc.


    There is nothing in your post that comes anywhere close to justifying your "slaps to the face" accusation. How are you disadvantaged? If anything, this means people who wouldn't regularly stray into open world pvp will give it a try. So instead of focusing on the potential boost to open world pvp, you whine about....what? That people aren't having to "prepare themselves"?

  4. lol l2p? nice try bud. its crits all too often, i can kill off any sorc before they get up from spike. not spammable? legslash and spike make it cost almost nothing, alot with auto attks having a chance for the same thing. i can burst my *** off all wz and never go below 50 force, maybe you need to l2p


    See, most Sorc/Sage players can't kite and don't know their skills well enough to be anywhere near competitive in pvp. A mid-tree Sorc/Sage will have Backlash/Kinetic Collapse. That nullifies a spike + maul fest right there, giving them time to get distance. If they forget to bubble up, there's the lvl 51 ability to break CC and give breathing room, or the standard CC break. Effectively there are three options for a Sorc to escape the initial burst fest and get distance. Then it's simply a showdown of who plays their class better. Mid-tree Sins/Shadows hit hard, but so long as my cool downs are available, I know I'm in with a good chance to beat them on my Sage and Sorc.

  5. dude, are you stupid? think about this for a while please. you know they are not gonna let you have 'FREE' customization. dont be silly.


    Straw man. Way to completely ignore his valid points with an irrelevant assumption.

  6. I don't care about the gear issue but to say that skill becomes the determing factor is a load of bull. The only thing that matters in this game is what classes you have on your team. End up with two sages and commandos and you might aswell save yourself the trouble and quit in the spawn because statistically it won't be as crappy on the other team.


    A well-played Sage or Mando is every bit as valuable to a team with the new changes. Most people just can't play them properly.

  7. So, you don't see a problem going into a wz as a 35, in crap gear, and being able to 2-shot someone that has spent months tweaking and min/maxing their gear, due to a broken bolster system that gives you better stats than that person who put the time in?


    I'm yet to hear of anyone in WH gear being two-shotted by a lvl 35. You lose any credibility when stuck in drama-queen mode.


    Hate to tell all you guys that think this is a good thing, but that guy that spent months on his gear IS better than you...unfortunately this crappy @$# bolster system has made it so bads can come in with NO skill and 2-shot people....that takes NO skill.


    Hate to tell you this, but spending months grinding gear DOESN'T necessarily make you a better player. Some people are bad no matter how much time they invest. It wasn't unusual for me to bring down WH and EWH geared players on my recruit-geared Sorc a few months back. Bolster may need some tweaking, but in no way is it broken. If you're a 50+ regularly being destroyed by the likes of a lvl 35, you only have yourself to blame. Stop hiding behind the gear-based glory days and learn to adapt.


    This broken bolster system wil NOT make YOU any better at pvp


    Neither did the former system - hiding behind EWH gear and farming greenhorns. Besides, anyone who is enjoying a slight advantage will have to face the music when they reach 55.

  8. Can you please tell this to those who have repeatedly posted the same thing (some posters are just now copying and pasting their posts to bump the thread) in this thread and spawning new threads/necroing old threads, making wild claims about how unplayable the game is for all and how impossible it will be for "high end" PVP and Ops?


    While I don't agree with some of the things my fellow APAC migrants have said, I can at least see the reasoning behind it. There are still perfectly valid issues to be addressed, and the outrage is somewhat justified.


    You nor they are no more entitled to have a monopoly on this thread than the guy you are criticizing.


    Here's the big difference: if something of this nature had been thrust upon the European servers, you wouldn't find these enraged APAC posters on the European threads rubbing their faces in it - or denying them the right to voice their collective outrage. Soon this thread will go the way of the Dodo. The likes of IceHawk and co. should be smart enough to know this and just leave well alone. His relentless posting achieves nothing.


    And I'm yet to come anywhere close to 'monopolising' this thread.

  9. Actually, the same sense of entitlement the APAC community has...that of a paying subscriber with free access to the forums.


    That isn't what he asked. Nice straw man, though. He asked what your agenda is. Have you made over 50 posts in relation to this issue simply as an exercise in free speech? You're just regurgitating the same drivel you have from the very beginning; in other words, a complete waste of time.


    Disagreement is not grounds for censure; feel free to be argumentative all you want, but until Bioware institutes an official "APAC Rant Thread" I will continue to feel free to point out that irrational emotional reactions are, in fact, irrational emotional reactions that ignore some basic realities.


    I'm glad you gave us all the green light to be as "argumentative as we want". On a mission to cure the SWTOR forums of "irrational emotional reactions"...What are you? A friggin Vulcan? It's the internet. If you want an uphill (and worthwhile) battle, go find a cure for cancer.


    Venting is fine.


    Phew. Thanks for that.


    Quite frankly I have lobbed my fair share of criticism at Bioware and EA over the last year, but a number of you are taking it too far.


    It's only "too far" when a moderator deems it as such. All you're serving to do is further inflame emotions. In effect, your presence here with your incessant and self-righteous posts are doing nothing to encourage level-headed thinking.


    I am merely pointing out that yes, there is likely a clear, predictable, and realistic financial basis to this decision that unfortunately means APAC does not fit into EA's overall design plans for this title in anything but an ancillary market.


    And how many times do you need to do this? Do you start to twitch if your posts aren't featured on every page of this thread? You've made your point, now kindly bugger off.


    If the game means so much to you that multiple days worth of "venting" on the forums is an emotional necessity, find a way to adapt to the latency issues and play on the NA servers.


    No, because there are still perfectly valid concerns here. One of which is the option to transfer to the servers of our choice...not mass dumping onto NA counterpart servers. That's just EA apathy all over.

  10. I couldn't be more disappoint with this announcement, but I'm going to give it until the end of my sub to see how this plays out. One thing that does strike me is the sheer indifference Bioware has shown in mass dumping the APAC servers on their NA counterparts. How about giving us the choice of where we want to go? There are quite a few of us here with toons on both Dalborra and MD (or GD), and I think it's safe to say that most of us hoped BW would allow us to combine them on one server. As it is I have four mid-level toons on The Bastion, and with this merger I'll end up having to delete a character. By giving us the choice of which server to roll on, it also allows the APAC community to try and consolidate a bit - not flinging us out in three different directions.


    So how about it, Bioware? Throw us a friggin' bone already and at least let us select the servers of our choice.

  11. I really don't see the issue, here. You aren't using it. Someone else may like the look. And lightsabers aren't real. Star Wars is at its worst when it attempts to inject its fantasy elements with pseodo-realistic concepts (midichlorians, anyone?).


    Midichlorians....*shudders with such violence that he ruptures at sub-atomic levels*

  12. I love all of the new gear in the cartel packs, except for this one.


    The whole reason a Shadow is my main is because of the double saber. I love the combat style. But I really don't see how those hand guards will work. Part of the combat style of the double saber technique is to constantly change grips which I would see those hand guards just constantly getting in the way. It's not like a sword fight where your grip is constant, it requires fluid motion.


    Yes it's nit picking and yes I can chose not to use it but I'm hoping this sort of thing won't become the norm :(


    Meh. I love playing my Assassin even despite my loathing for the DBLS. It's an impractical design to begin with, so the addition of hand guards won't bother me any.

  13. I hate the saberstaff with a passion, so I'd love to be able to equip my Assassin with single or dual saber options. But like others have indicated, the game is designed so that people are able to identify their enemies at first glance according to the weapons they wield. There'd be far too much resistance to this idea for the devs to seriously consider implementing it.
  14. As a parent, I'd say leave it to the parents to handle this, and worry less about other people's children. The game is not only rated teen (so likely enough to be exposed to this sort of stuff already), it's also mentioned that the rating isn't effected by what people may say in game.


    This is a distracting straw man. The issue here isn't just about "the children", it's about maintaining some sense of standards and enforcing the rules as set by EA/Bioware.


    I find it amazing we get such posts as let players play, we shouldn't stop other players from having the worst names ever, but the second they put some stupid name like I'm guessing the one you mentioned is, then people are all for taking away another players fun and enjoyment.


    Seriously. Either we're okay with taking away other people's choices/enjoyment of the game, or we're not, let's not go half way on this, especially considering some may not even consider the name offensive to begin with.


    And if we're going with the former option, can we start by getting rid of names such as Agents named Mulder or Skully? Chiss named after smurfs? Names that have titles in them?


    Another straw man. You're convoluting what is a straight-forward issue. EA has rules surrounding naming and it's irrelevant whether you think it's fair or infringing on free speech. This is a dictatorship. If a person's "fun and enjoyment" involves racial slurs, jokes about child *********** or extreme sexual fetishes (all of which I've seen reflected in names), then to put it bluntly, said individual can ****. That form of "fun and enjoyment" infringes on the enjoyment of other people. Just so you understand - this isn't about "stupid" names, it's to do with blatantly offensive names.

  15. I think so too. Which probably negates paelo's "think of the children" argument :p


    Sorry, but this isn't just confined to a few pre-pubescent gits. I'm seeing it more and more lately, and occasionally from 'mature age' adults that have been with the game since launch. I've also found it's sometimes done in such a way that allows said offenders to slip under the radar a bit - a few with highly 'questionable' legacy names that are toggled on/off according to the population numbers.


    And putting someone on ignore doesn't mean much when they're jumping about next to you at the GTN, obviously proud of their Mensa-approved name. It's been at least three weeks since I reported a couple people (both of which were unashamedly racist names), and as of yet nothing has been done about it. On a side note, I also reported a certain Assassin I saw fly over me (in stealth) in two separate warzones and he's still playing. Keep up the good work, Bioware.

  16. I wouldnt trust this information. Mara has mediocre "survivability cooldowns", and the one that most people complain about is not nearly as good as a snipers, or Assassin, or Operative, or Sorc. Their 4 second stealth breaks on damage, dots included (unless speced into) and their 4 second shield takes half of their health to use.


    Id look into the 2.0 patch notes before making a decision.


    No, one shouldn't trust YOUR information. You clearly have no idea.

  17. Ya, crazy sorcs and their lack of moving at all times, it's almost like 90% of their abilities require you to stand still in order to use them.


    But, you'd know that if you'd ever actually played a sorc.


    And you know what I play...how? Oh....you're making an ASSumption. I play both Sage and Sorc. If you play full Balance like I do most of the time, "90%" of abilities don't require you to stand still. At any rate, kiting to get distance (while using the CC available) makes all the difference when activating channelled abilities - something I rarely see Sage/Sorc players doing.

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