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Posts posted by Dismayven

  1. So many exploiters, not to mention the 3rd party hacking! Makes this game **** for PVP! Nothing like protecting the integrity of their game! It's why the game is **** and will always be **** until they take cheating seriously! I am only on to hang out with my gaming clan. If it wasn't for those friends i'd be long gone!


    first of all i dont ever see anybody cheating. second this game doesnt have clans. go rage to yo momma

  2. On the topic of telos i think it would fit in with what they just did with the czerka update because in the Kotor sith lords, czerka was rebuilding telos so yeah i agree it would be cool to see how far they have got since we left in kotor. and i think Kashyyyk would be a great addition to the swtor universe.


    i second this, need to kill wookies by the thousands!

  3. loved space combat in swg. space combat here? its a joke. been playing since early access and have maybe an hour into the joke called space combat. i dont expect the SSSP will be worth more than 30-60 minutes of gameplay before most people never touch it again lol
  4. the main reason i dont farm the ugly garbage pvp gear is for the following reasons.


    1) its ugly (i know i can take the mods out and put in other gear) still ugly as hell.


    2) i farmed full battlemaster gear for several max lvl chars, then boom removed from game and made completely worthless.


    3) i farmed several sets of full elite war hero gear, then boom removed from game and made completely worthless.


    4) if i farmed several sets of full conq gear guess what will happen with the supposed pvp patch!??!?! boom removed from game and made completely worthless.


    5) what do you think will happen with conq and partisan gear with the new pvp update?! boom removed from game and made completely worthless. then u gotta start all over again.


    6) refer to #4 and #5!!!


    7) why would i wear conq gear in a WZ when bolster raises my expertise high enough? ok so u might say "ur expertise isnt capped." ok well thats fine my damage reduction from other players is lower than yours and my dmg boost to other players is lower than yours, but guess what kids? if i am in full 69's/72's/75's that small % higher that your dmg dealt and damage reduction are than mine. my armor, dmg stats and health are a bigger % than the small % higher u are from ur capped expertise. so guess what kids?!?! my stats are still higher and i am still stronger rofl.


    8) pvp gear is only worth grinding for if you intend to spend a lot of time driving around in open world lookin for people to kill, and lets face it open world pvp in this game.....ROFLMFAO


    so keep throwing a fit cuz u keep wasting ur time grinding gear just to have it removed from the game and pve people are stronger in a WZ than you.....or go grind some 72's put them in ur gear, play WZs and laugh at people who waste time farming pvp gear like the majority of people do lol...

  5. dont want them, dont need them, i can do every single part of the game with my 2 hands, my mouse and keyboard without any sort of problem of any kind and i have been doing so since early access. Also i have been playing MMO's since the start of UO and i have NEVER used an add-on. people who do must be horribads.


    if u think add-ons are so necessary learn to play bra!

  6. 1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family? I am an insane bounty hunter. I wish to be a part of Czerka for the paycheck.


    2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.) Biggest accomplishments: 1) i drink 8 gallons of soda daily. 2) i finally learned to tie my shoes. 3) I started to lift bro.


    3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? I went about accomplishing these achievements by using magic. Harry Potter was my teacher. Yes i had to "do whatever it took" several times, he made me promise not to tell.


    4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? I have no morals, in fact i believe my compass is missing. I believe this to be an asset in my line of work, i will do anything for a credit!


    5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation? Kill everything in the compound, report to my boss they all turned into Rakghouls and it was not avoidable.

  7. Saying the Light is more powerful than the Dark or vice versa is the same thing as saying the Force is more powerful than the Force.


    Here are the main differences:


    Dark Side pros: Quicker power, more aggressive and far more applicable against others.

    Light Side pros: Self-control, emotional control, ability to achieve oneness with the force, true immortality.

    Dark Side cons: Lack of self-control, emotionally unbalanced, inability to become truly immortal.

    Light Side cons: Growth in ability and power takes a lot longer.


    wrong, dark side force users can become blue glowy ghosts also....

  8. Well, It's quite obvious a lot of work went into this! To which I say: Well done! :p


    Usually I would very strongly side with Vitiate, but this post is a very good one, a great read, and helped me to better appreciate Palpatine. So again, well done!


    However, all of this info alone does not put the entire argument to rest. This is a great compilation of Palpatine feats and achievements, but it does not "prove" that Palpatine is "better" than Vitiate.


    Personally I believe that as time goes on, generally the Sith Lords get more and more powerful. This is because the entire Sith Philosophy is about survival of the fittest, even going so far as to have the apprentice kill their own masters to show that they are stronger. So, if we're talking a one-on-one duel between these two, I would agree that yes, Palpatine would be the probable victor.


    However, 1v1 duels are not how I determine who is the "better" Sith. I determine this mainly by how much they achieved within their own time, and I don't think the OP completely debunks and destroys the argument that Vitiate is equal or greater than Palpatine to the point where people will "stop comparing Vitiate to Palpatine."


    For example, Napoleon and his Empire and armies would completely destroy the Empire and armies of Alexander the Great, but does that make him a "better" general? Does that mean that we should stop comparing the two?


    I could create a huge list of Vitiate's feats and accomplishments and battle prowess, but that does not do anything to progress the argument unless I then compare the two.

    So in the end, I don't think your post will or even should cause people to stop comparing the two, as well written as it was! ;)


    palpatine was more successful at creating a galaxy spanning empire, did more damage to the jedi order and more completely controlled the galaxy. vitiate did not accomplish. you said by how much they accomplished in their own time. palpatine accomplished more... by your own argument palpatine > vitiate....

  9. i have teamspeak, mumble, vent and even skype(cuz some weirdos use it for mmo's lol) because i find every group of people prefer sumthing different. i have 4 55's all in diff guilds and i do use mumble, vent and teamspeak for guild groups.


    i do agree with other people and wish this game had an in-game VOIP for groups and such. many other games even some that are a couple years older than this game have in-game VOIP. i was disappointed when this game was released and had no VOIP. many other disappointments too tho and in-game VOIP was the least of my worries at release rofl.

  10. everybody gets a modeable main hand weapon through ur missions usually around lvl 10 before u leave ur starting planet. when u choose ur advanced class if it is a dual wielding class u get a box with an offhand modeable weapon. pvp vendor sells modeable main hand weps. u can buy on the gtn usually very cheap if u dont care what it looks like. plus there are a ton of missions of all lvls that give modeable weapons. look it up on dulfy.net for a list of missions and the rewards they offer.


    i hope this helps

  11. LF a pve guild that does group content in the mornings and during the day because that is when i play. i am usually busy with family in the evenings and at night.


    i have a 55 sin dps -30k hp full 66's and augmented. gonna get a second set of gear for tanking soon.


    55 mara full 66's will be augmented soon. 28k hp


    55 sniper full 66's will be augmented soon. 27k hp


    55 merc healer only wearing the lvl 50 purples from the makeb commendation vendor, just hit 50. will be getting 66's and augments soon. 24k hp.


    if anybody is interested plz tell me about your guild. thank you for your time!


    edit: i am usually awake and in game about 4-6 A.M PST and i am available most of the day

  12. I have a bunch of art I made from old Guild RP stories, & a loading screen that I customized featuring some characters of mine & of friends.


    The first is my custom loading screen, featuring Qûor-ïq'Lepton the Aberrant, my Darth, & Tenaden Viperfang, who was Mandalore throughout the first story called "The Traitorous Savior," which involved both my Republic & Empire Guild! It also features my 2 favorite Companions, Lord Scourge & Broonmark, who I super geared to over 30k HP & awesome stats x) & in the middle is my friend Tara's character, Shaae. She's been RPing with me for a long time :D






    This next one is the poster for Clan Viperfang, Ten's original family Clan, with Lepton faded to the side.








    Here is a separate poster for Lepton.








    Finally is the official poster for the entire story, featuring many major characters which belonged to the Guildies.







    very nice, i like this a lot!

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