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Posts posted by Levity

  1. I disagree... I think all the cool looking sets are green armor that you cant remod =(


    The second they put manadalorian armor on the market... im going gung ho.


    I see these quotes all the time on here and it's pretty sad that everything anyone wants comes with the line "when it's on the cartel market." Obviously the old way of MMOs is dying and with it dying it's bringing in the wave of instant gratification. That's all it is. People too impatient to sit and play the game and get what they want so they leave. And obviously a company that runs a game needs players so they have to fold to the majority. But is is sad isn't it?


    I remember being so excited to get the trench coat in one of the packs because it was awesome! Then I got it and thought meh, how boring. Now what? There used to be meaning in the items you'd obtain, but this game spits on that idea a good amount.


    I do like a few of the Kell Dragon sets which are only obtainable through NiM OPs, woah you gotta play the game!!! I was happy about that and hopefully they keep adding sets in that are actually worth putting the time investment in. Instant gratification only sells so much. They need to focus on making a good core game. Better end game, better optimization, and story. That's what they need, not fluff garbage on the CM for the instant gratification cry babies.

  2. The Market and F2P saved this game from possible oblivion.


    Necessary evil or godsend...however you look at it, one thing is pretty clear to any reasonable person IMO...this game has much more to offer to the general casual playerbase than it had when it launched, and a wider appeal has to be healthy for the game.


    One can complain about what has happened to the market, the whole F2P/Market mechanism and it's popularity in the market today, the idea that games have progressively became easier in recent years to appeal to a more casual audience....but the simple fact is this is the here and now, good or bad we all have to take a bite.


    Or, if you have such an issues with it as he obviously does, could just stop playing. Because if you really cared about your cause that much, you wouldn't support something that is agonizing to you now would ya? But as you keep staying subscribed, everything you say is said with a grain of salt. :p (Not you Artemis) :)

  3. Link to your last claim?


    Otherwise, I will admit, NiM TFB is difficult as hell, tried it the other night and we just couldn't beat the 1st boss...in time, we will. It's learning the mechanics, not "skill". When I beat the 1st two bosses, I'll ask you to retract your statement about my "skill" please.


    First of all, it is skill. I've seen guys who can recite every mechanic to a fight then do everything wrong because they are bad players who are unaware, have slow reflexes or any other number of issues. I've seen RWZs get carried by 1-2 good players. 1-2 good players doesn't carry an OP. Note I said RWZ because imo ranked can be just as tough as NiM progression, but I will say this, my ranked pvp team in multiple games did mainly progression pve and we stomped the **** out of straight pvp guild groups just on how well we worked together. You don't realize it, but I healed progression pvp in a few games, ranked pvp made me yawn to heal it. There was hardly any oh **** moments. Healing in nightmare/hell/inferno/ whatever it is had me sweating something serious everytime. As DPS I was always pushing to get that better dps after 10 wipes to beat enrage. As tank I had to develop what I call my look from the sky senses (tanking you have a lot of time to watch where everyone is and give direction). PvP is a pretty big yawn fest compared to the heart racing moments I've had in progression pve :p

  4. You're joking right?


    There is most definitely an in-game economy. In every video game.


    Hence why EVE online hired actual economists to handle a credit-removal, making sure it didn't have a massively negative impact on the game.


    And why many economics students have been given projects that involve studying in-game economies.


    To the last part, sounds like a terrible professor to give a project like that since an ingame economy works NOTHING like real world economy :p

  5. Well... we've kinda seen that what is listed on the features page isn't set in stone.


    "Full Access to Character Creation Choices" got an addition of "(Excluding species options availalbe for purchase in the Cartel Market)"


    With that precedent in mind, "Unlimited access to Flashpoints and Rewards" could have gotten an additional "(Excluding flashpoints available for purchase in the Cartel Market)"



    Ever since the Cathar and new customization options, the worry is that the listed features won't apply to newly released aspects of that feature. We have seen additional costs tacked on where the features page said there wouldn't be an additional cost. The solution was to change the features page. It has been done once, it could just as easily be done again.


    We can no longer just accept that the listed features will apply to future releases. So we ask.


    Hey man, there's a lot of people here who just shut up and take it and choose not to use the simplest form of human right we have. Which is to speak, usually in question form.

  6. Just for the record qq originated from warcraft 1-2. alt + q + q was how to quickly quit the game, so if you were losing and had no way to win someone would probably type to you qq, as in **** you are wasting my time. In SC1 it took a different connotation, where it became the crying eyes people refer to because of the chat font used in Starcraft 1. So say you were scouting someone and lost your scout and you put a :( face, someone might use qq to show that they know the feels bro.


    Using QQ is what is deemed as being bad manner in those games very often. Bad manner was shortened to BM. When you had good manner, you GGed and didn't talk ****. So while people use QQ to portray what you are doing, they are simply just being bad mannered, rude ******es. So it's good to just ignore them and keep on with the good manner game yeah?

  7. You do realize if they charge for those FPs, there's going to be a **** storm unlike any other to grace these forums. In a big way too. I mean I've seen so many guys who defend SWTOR on the little things they charge for which really aren't a big deal say that if they did charge for something like that they would even have an issue. So I would love to see it so we can see if just the f2pers are buying enough of the CM for it to survive ^^


    Edit: Disregard. :D Thanks Eric.

  8. No in PvP you have to go tier by tier because you have to turn in old gear to get the upgrade. You can get better crafted gear than top tier PvP gear.crafted is 66 while PvP is 65. You can obtain alternative gear to compete for top tier PvE gear or comms to buy it.


    I did take into account that OPs take a lot of time and that you get locked out once you complete it for the week. You are not the FPs and there are more daily and weeklies to complete for the PvE gear.


    And no I'm not surprised (see sarcasm) I just felt it important to point out the lack of support to PvP play and players for progression like what PvE has.



    LOL. Are you really comparing it to garbage Basic and classic gear? You realize that's pretty much all those dailies get you right? It takes a hell of a lot longer to get Arkanian/ UW gear then your little PvP gear, sorry. :p Oh also, YOU CAN'T GET THE TOP END GEAR UNLESS YOU ARE WITH A GROUP THAT CLEARS THE CONTENT. And you know what what? There's a lot of people who hardly have scratched HM SnV and HM TFB let a lone NiM.


    It all takes time. Stop trying to sound like pvpers are a victim.

  9. What in the world would make you think F2P players are buying the CM items? It's clearly SUB people who buy the bulk of the CM stuff...you don't need an official Dev reply to confirm that either (although they did at another bar stop), it should be obvious to anyone playing the game. The subscribers drop the lions share of $...to think it's F2P is just silly Levity. They're (Bioware) milking the people who have already proven they'll pay...not those who have no desire to.


    That's the point. They don't care about subscriptions. It's obvious. They want to do a full f2p market, and that is also obvious. But they are tied to what they said before. So they are just seeing how far they can nudge it.

  10. This is the way I've viewed the lion's share of new game offerings since F2P hit. The future will yield more of the same type of boundary-pushing CM stuff - that is until they push it to critical mass and people start dropping subs in great numbers. I don't think we are "there" yet but this is yet another strike against them.


    Subs soon won't matter as long as the F2P crowd is really strong. The more F2P spending in the CM, the less of a need is for subs. If sub numbers stay at 500,000 but the F2P crowd grows and grow to above 1 million, then 2 million. 2 million people worth of CM transactions > 500,000 subs. BW seems to want to do things as a full f2p game since they are making so much money off of it, but they are bound by words they have said before.

  11. I've said it before, the CM is BW's gateway to laziness. They don't have to tie anything to the core game, they make it a side bar and hope people buy it. Instead of actually making a creative way of giving people this little side content like a new NPC and/or sidequest that unlocks the cutscenes, they just throw it on the CM. It's easier, and they make money! It's a win/win for them. :p I find developer laziness and lack of customer awareness two pretty big issues here.
  12. I love how people defend this games cruddy *** engine by saying it's peoples computers lol. Like they are morons. I run:


    32 gigs of ram,

    500 gig SSD

    500 gig raptor drive for extra space

    AMD XFS 6 Core OCed to 4.3ghz

    ATI FirePro V7900 OCed as well,

    Liquid cooled,

    Humungous case with awesome airflow


    I rape every game in existence. Like other s have said, I will go from 6-100 FPS randomly because the engine.... IS GARBAGE. No use trying to defend it. I also see the same results on low settings, medium settings, high, it doesn't matter.


    It is an issue they need to look at seeing as how their engine seems to be compatible with 10% of their player base where 90% of their playerbase suffers poor FPS spikes on more then optimal machines.

  13. I appreciate what you are trying to do here and I understand that you ought to get what you "pay" for, whether you actually buy it or find it. But the whole idea begs the question for me.


    Why on Earth would you want an XP boost? It's unearned, artificial. You did not actually experience anything extra. It was purchased. It allows you to level faster so you finish sooner. Why is that a good thing? Look at it this way. You'll be complaining about lack of new content 25% sooner.


    To me this is like seeking accelerated aging. You want to get older faster. Why? Well, because older people tend to have more stuff, including dollars, and you're tired of being poor, so you figure an aging boost will get you to age 55 sooner, in which case you are closer to death (end of game for character) sooner as well. It's like you want to get on Medicare so bad you are willing to get to age 65 sooner to do so.


    That... is a terrible comparison lol...

  14. This MMO clearly does not meet your personal requirements. Find and play one that does IMO. You stating your personal requirements and disaffections and demanding they do things your way is not going to make the game better for you personally. Why? Because the game is designed for broad player base, not for you personally.


    It's OK if SWTOR is not for you. No MMO is right for everyone, not even WoW. Play what is fun for you.


    He's not demanding. He was pointing out what other games did well, and stated it might be good for SWTOR as well. Not everyone "demands" things when they post. You just seem to be stuck on that mindset ^^.

  15. Levity,


    he used that as an example for an ongoing discussion, he is actually not for AC change and most definitely not for a base change.... He was using this as an example to see how I or others would reply, the ones in support of the AC change... read a few back. :)


    Ahhh I see. Well I wouldn't mind AC change that is very limited like you suggested, and we seemed to have been on the same page with implementation lol. But if anyone really replied like that then there's a good answer for them to read. I've only read half way through, and there was no quote in his post, so I assumed haha. ;) You know what assuming does ^^. Anyway, no hard feelings Kilora.

  16. My question here, though -- what about someone like me? I got a jugg to 51, and hate it. I've played a Mara up to 30 -- and absolutely hate it.


    So, why can't I transfer it to another base class to correct past mistakes? What about the time and money and effort I spent?


    That's your fault. Advanced class shouldn't be able to change outside of your specific class. So Marauder can go to Jug. But you can't go to Inq. etc. I honestly don't see how they could implement it to be able to change between differing classes because you are so integrated into your story. And I don't like the idea of completely slipping out of your class into a completely different class. I wouldn't mind the option of going from Sent to Guardian, or Shadow to Sage, but going from Sage to Sent. shouldn't exist. Think of the implications, Smuggler to Sent. Completely different ships, companions, story, everything. Way too hard. So in your example, you are pretty much stuck with marauder or jugg either way, unless they can find a way to implement it smoothly.


    Edit: You also seem like you are feeling "entitled" to this type of option. Remember, you aren't entitled to anything in this game, regardless of the amount of money or time you spent. It's like any # of those entitled posts everyone scoffs at.

  17. I just don't see the issue with "I don't like this class, I'll lvl another." The only people that will really utilize this feature are those people who are dead set on just having one character. Most people don't mind lvling an alt, and lvling alts is something BW still wants to happen. That guarantees people in game time. You know someone will lvl a character then say well this one wasn't for me, then lvl another and before they started that character they were f2p and then they realized "I love this advanced class." Then sub.


    I find that's a better system then "hoping" that making said system a CM item people will buy it. Because that's all it is. Will they make the money to justify subs leaving? Because subs will leave over it. The people who really want this are either 1) Not vocal, or 2) In the minority. It always seems to me that people love the class stories of SWTOR. Massive amount of people play just to roll alts and experience the story. So would they actually make money appeasing the small % of players wanting this? OR will they lose money from the amount of subs guaranteed to leave?

  18. Well to each their own. Some players care about having a fair and equal environment others care more for appearance which is fine but its Biowares job to make things equal. PvP players complaining about things being op is one thing which can have a true negative effect for the PvE crowd but...eh whats the point.


    I do both. And have for the length I've played MMOs and I always seem to notice PvP changes affecting PvE in a negative way. For instance, when they changed Juggs/Guardians, it made it harder to generate threat on a tank class that has a hard enough time contending with threat generation compared to shadows and vanguards. I was getting burned out on tanking with him before the change, but after that I just stopped playing him altogether and rolled a shadow. :p


    I think if they should have PvP and PvE they should separate skill trees entirely. You can't use a PvE skill tree in PvP and vice versa. Then they can balance the **** out of whatever they want in the respective field with no harm to either side.

  19. Graphics make a difference in the sense that they are BAd or they are GOOD. What is bad about the graphics in Wildstar? And I mean bad graphics in terms of pixelation and no detail. Not cartoony. Because guess what? You can have amazing graphics that are cartoony. And that's your opinion. I've seen grown adults play a lot more cartoony games then what that's suggesting. As I said, if Wildstar revolutionized this genre, no ones going to care about the graphics as long as they aren't garbage, and guess what? They aren't :p A lot of people don't like WoW graphics, lets be honest, they are crap, but WoW revolutionized the genre in 2004, and look at it. And yes MMOers will leave other MMOs across the board if it does what I suggested, which is to be completely amazing beyond words :p


    In case you didn't notice, this is an if type of scenerio, if it is another meh game, then no people won't leave for the sole purpose of the graphics. It will probably hinder the game actually. But if it is that genre changing force, then no the graphics mean little.


    Edit: Also, the environment's of Wildstar have a very realistic edge to them. The characters being played are what is cartoony.

  20. I seriously doubt that many adult players (16+) will leave any of the games you mentioned to play WildStar. Despite what you say, graphics do make a big difference. Even if a few people do leave those games, do think they will tell their friends they left for a kids game? More likely they will say something like they just got bored with X game or they don't have the time to play anymore due to their job.


    Graphics make a difference in the sense that they are BAd or they are GOOD. What is bad about the graphics in Wildstar? And I mean bad graphics in terms of pixelation and no detail. Not cartoony. Because guess what? You can have amazing graphics that are cartoony. And that's your opinion. I've seen grown adults play a lot more cartoony games then what that's suggesting. As I said, if Wildstar revolutionized this genre, no ones going to care about the graphics as long as they aren't garbage, and guess what? They aren't :p A lot of people don't like WoW graphics, lets be honest, they are crap, but WoW revolutionized the genre in 2004, and look at it. And yes MMOers will leave other MMOs across the board if it does what I suggested, which is to be completely amazing beyond words :p


    In case you didn't notice, this is an if type of scenerio, if it is another meh game, then no people won't leave for the sole purpose of the graphics. It will probably hinder the game actually. But if it is that genre changing force, then no the graphics mean little.

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