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Posts posted by Sparviero

  1. They don't want people dropping out of the match to join a fp. I support their decision to do this, queue for one or the other.


    Sure if you can pop an fp as quickly as a wz. As it is I can go through 5+ wzs without group finder finding an fp group and that is with 4 of those WZs being full timed Huttball matches. More people rage quit from WZs because no one is organizing. Better to get ingame vox than force people to sit with the game minimized waiting for an hour plus in the hopes the group finder sound fires to announce they can finally play an op.


    As I stated originally before creating a negative find a positive. Don't remove ability to remain queued for an FP unless you add something positive to replace this feature.

  2. So basically stuff I was supposed to get in the Collector's Edition shop that was never updated I can now purchase in the Cartel Shop for more $$$?


    I realize bw/ea wants to go after the whales that will spend big money but yeesh at least throw me a little love with the CE shop that was implied to have a good bit of content and has not done such until as of a week ago at least.




    Don't get me wrong I've gotten my money's worth out of this game it's just that the CE shoppe was advertised as more than it has been.

  3. I'm on a server where the GTN is emptier than a Weight Watcher's Convetion on Nal Hutta. If there was the functionality to create a bid for an item you wanted I really think it would help the market. I'm rather confused this functionality did not ship with the game.


    I'm leveling some alts and would like to have a steady flow of blue updates for my gear without having half a dozen characters to craft everything I need or feeling I'm nagging others to craft things constantly. This way I play my lvl 50 for the dailies to generate money and get to level grind faster and concentrate on the story which is why I'm playing the alts in the first place.


    With much love and a couple of bottles of Alderaanian brandy being handed to you under the table. :D

  4. I'm enjoying the game. I did like most and played waaaaay too much the first couple of months. Saw the time I still needed to get my lvl 50 Shadow into battlemaster gear and decided to take a break at valor lvl 56. I come back to find out there are already more tiers of gear to get, holy nerfherder. :eek::D


    So I'm just going back and learning about the story of the trooper, smuggler and knight. Now that planet loads are light I can actually quest without congo lines and instead of the rare times I see security chests watching someone ninja them while I clear out the mobs I get to open them up! :D

  5. There is still 10 years of gameplay I wouldn't panic on who is winning right now or not in the story line there will naturally be ebb and flow. And with Corellia we are talking about a full star system to develop and that there is tons of story for BW to tell here eventually.


    However my smuggler wants to eventually have a high rise apartment in Coronet City of course the system should remain Republic controlled. :D

  6. I'll take the all you can eat monthly subscription.


    It's not free to play it is À la carte and will cost most more in the end. What's more important is breaking the traditional mmo grind wheel. I'd prefer to see Bioware try to bring an eve style dynamic economy to blend into what we have.

  7. If no high hp person is guarding the healer put guard on them. You will have 2k/5k/10k as long as you don't die within a minute. If you aren't going to be near a healer or smuggler switch back to shadow. If guarding a door or node and you are having a hard time peeling off the cappers switch to combat for aoe dot.


    My best from what I can remember. My gear is a mix of cent/champ and I tend to try to cause distractions from time to time so I'm not always looking for the max dps therefor I've not reached the 300k award yet.




    1. 2k

    2. 5k

    3. 10k(aoe taunt in the middle of 16 person scrum or guard a healer easy)



    4. 2.5k

    5. 10 kills

    6. 25 kills(depends on how match plays out. AoE Fb or just mass carnage easy)

    7. Solo kill(varies sometimes get cheap one on one, sometimes poorly geared person makes it easy)

    8. Killing blow

    9. 75k damage



    10. 1k

    11. 3k

  8. I want the Corellia Green Jedi robes.


    Honestly I don't know why a diplomat or light shock infantry would go around looking like he just came out of the wilds of Dantooine after 30 years of isolation. Sages should have some demure robes and shadows should get some minimalist shirt/pants option for ease of movement. My pve gear while I wait to add high end stuff is modded fleet uniform.

  9. I'm using the republic trouser & pants atm. Although since I suck at wz I think this only makes me stand out more and a priority target to squishify.


    I realize we are samurai/ninja or whatever for the looks inspiration. However as somone who is supposed to sneak around and strike from the shadows I would think a clean, unencumbered look would be an option. Leave the sages to wearing the robes. I sort of doubt a spinning kick in floor length robes would be advisable.

  10. Will I be able to turn my gunslinger into a drall? He'd look pretty epic with a stetson and a duster. :cool: I could play some Smashing Pumpkin in the background. STILL JUST A RAT IN A CAAAAAGGGGEEEE!!!! :eek:


    Seriously any word on these legacy items being retroactive to alternate characters already made? Sorry my forum search skills are quite lame. Thank you.

  11. As everyone else I hit level 50 on my main and yes I realize this means I am a no life n00b who is supposed to be ahead of the player advancement curve. :o


    I have alts of the other 3 class archtypes on the Republic side and I'd really rather play them at the moment instead of gearing up to end level equipment as I'm just not in the mindset for this grind. However I keep hearing talk of this great legacy system and all the things it will provide alternate characters. So if someone would please direct me to a thread or news about whether I should hold off leveling additional characters or if these will retroactively receive abilities once the legacy system is in place I'd greatly appreciate it.


    Thank you for your time.

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