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Posts posted by Dezsa

  1. The point of double exp is to level. For me to benefit from double exp I should have a char I want to level and not to play my new republic char. (I've got 8 level 50 imps) Now I could play all the grey quest like all suggested but that would mean solo it all because I outlevelled also group content such as FP's before I could say "Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch Switch. Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss Swatch watch Switch?". Hey perhaps you guys like to play solo but I did not join a MMO to be an overlevelled char solo-ing stuff.


    I don't want all my characters to level in the blink of an eye. So why are some people making such a big deal if I (and some others) want it optional for some characters. I prefer to level at a normal pace, explore all content (and yes I have 7 lvl 50 empire chars and made some fresh republic chars that really did not need the double exp).



    Great that loads of people want double exp but it seems you and others prefer to force double exp for all while my suggestion would benefit everyone. Face it, not everyone likes double exp. I want everyone to enjoy their game the way they like to play it and not like you want them to play it and now have people attacking me and pretty much say I should not play at all.


    So yes let there be more double exp and let it be optional so those who like to not join won't join in. It's pretty much the same suggestion as the rakghoul event where loads of people wanted an option for opt-out so they would not be forced to get infected. Not everyone wants to join everything EA throws at our way. Don't like people who don't want double exp, deal with it and don't tell them to quit the game or force double exp on them. The same way I deal with it and won't mind you having your double exp power levelling mode.


    There are people here having serious issues with my suggestion since they are harassing me trough several media (not talking about this thread) on my optional suggestion. Grow up.




    Wow that people here on this forum seek a person out in different places harrasing and being abusive, when this persons opinion is equally as valid as anyone elses is just sick, shows what kind of people are active on this forum, they THINK they are anonymous and can say and do things they wouldnt dare if they werent hiding behind their computer.

    This entire topic is about players that want to play the game their own way, and i think everyone should have the CHOICE to do so!, if that means double xp 24/7 or if that means NOT wanting double xp at all that is fine to!.

  2. The Consular story takes a long time to get going, I'll admit. And there are a couple of gaping flaws. But here's where the moment of Fridge Brilliance hit.


    Almost every class in this game was designed as an expy of an iconic character in Star Wars. Want to play Obi-Wan Kenobi? Play a Knight. Want to be Han Solo? Play a Smuggler. Want a return trip to Republic Commando? Play a Trooper!


    The Consular's expy? Leia Organa. Ignore the Force Powers. They're just a means to an end. What are you doing? Through Act 1, you are going planet to planet stopping some crazy Jedi who are using existing local conditions and political tensions as weaponry. You're defusing the situation with words and/or lightsaber diplomacy and keeping the situations from going nuclear.


    Since you proved your worth in the first act by defusing four political near-disasters, the Supreme Chancellor sends you the job (again, the Jedi are just there to act as the messengers) of impressing a handful of neutral (but VERY strategic) worlds. One of these is Manaan; anyone remember how important these guys were in the first game? There's also a planet that got screwed over by both the Imperials and the Republic (Balmorra) with massive weapon and droid factories where you coordiate with the Resistance (Zenith) to pull off a coup and install Republic-friendly leadership. There's Quesh with their medical supplies and stim factories. You rescue the monarchs of the Sarkhai from ambush (yeah, they're joining the Republic after this, and lending you some troops for that armada) You score major brownie points with the Rift on Hoth by defeating a White Maw pirate who was preying on their fleet and pick up a decorated Republic officer (Felix Iresso) as a kind of liason between the Rift, the Order, and the Republic military (relations between the Order and Republic military haven't often been smooth - remember how much Bastila and Carth could bicker). Belsalvis? It's crawling with a species the Rakata didn't even want to screw with...and you recruit a karking army of them! Off to Voss where you make yourself a Big Damn Hero by being a potential Mystic's honor guard. In the end, you have a Mystic (remember, the Voss consider those guys to be nearly godlike and they are considered too valuable to leave the planet) and his entourage added to your fleet. You can also fulfil a prophesy that may put an end to the centuries of Voss/Gormak warfare. By the time you reach Corellia, you have a ragtag flotilla in tow...and said ragtag flotilla is made of some of the scariest stuff in the galaxy. Mind you, none of these guys are loyal to the Republic. They're loyal to you. You just happen to be loyal to the Republic.


    The Children are like the plague-addled Masters...many of them twisted and altered by a dark force working in the shadows to sow unrest and destabilize political situations so that the Republic is fighting dozens of enemies and cannot trust their friends. You're the guy making sure that the other three classes have the support of local government and puttiong and end to Darth Cuthulu's attempt to destabilize the Republic and the Order through a network of Manchurian Agents. You give the other three classes the support they need to finish the job.


    Wow! best post ever :), im a returning player and this makes me want to play the class from the beginning again, im inspired!

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