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Posts posted by DarthHeir

  1. To break it down, I just finished getting full columni on my main (assassin tank ftw) and am working on pvp gear right now, and I'd really like to start focusing on a healer alt.


    Honestly, I just don't really know whether to run a Mercenary or Operative alt (I would be willing to run a Sorc healer if I find it is far superior to the other two, but I'd prefer not to play Ghost Busters: Star Wars again to bring him to 50). I'd just like some objective opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of each healer.

  2. Republic absolutely dominates on our server (Krayiss Obelisk). yesterday was the first WZ I had won in about 4 days, and it's not because I'm horrible. (By no means, would I say I am a pro at PvP, but I usually post a respectable 5-8 medals a match and I actually go after the objective unlike some!).
  3. Personally I think it's the perfect way to make crafting matter while not totally ******** on the importance of raiding for the best gear.


    From what I understand, crafted gear essentially gets another augment/mod/whatever. And in 1.2, all the stats form raid gear can be pulled off and put onto crafted gear, and the 4th mod/augment/whatever can then be added to the crafted gear making it better than the raid gear. Essentially, it makes both raiding and crafting important in order to get the best gear.

  4. Cross server Queing. Waiting hours for a match during off-times is a pain in the ***.


    I also really wish they would tone down Expertise (not completely remove it unless they make BM gear trade-able for equivalent PvE gear and reward PVP in some other format, after all, people do deserve to have their hard work rewarded). I have guild mates who have gotten bored with PvP because they dominate due to their BM gear.

  5. Sometimes I find that retaliatory god-moding is not enough. I like to get in a preemptive god-mode if I feel I might lose.


    When both sides know that the other player believes in a first-strike-total-annihilation-god-mode it creates a balance of power and we can resolve issues through proxy wars in developing countries.


    I feel like almost all of our issues could be solved in this manner.

  6. My very first encounter with rp was classic God-modding and kept me well away from rp for a long time due to my bad first impression with it.


    It was like "Frost Ogami" and some "Sesshomaru" guy were jsut trying to one up each other in some sort of demon-wolf based roleplay in rp combat. It was in a Final Fantasy game but I forget which one...it was so bad. It was basically the entirety of all of Dragon Ball Z's power creep throughout it's seasons in the course of about an hour and a half and then it went beyond that.

  7. I agree.


    My name is Karl Marx, and I am actually German and from the planet Earth, but I realized that the close-minded bourgeois humans of that planet would shut my Glorious Revolution out. So I took it to a wider scale... Now I am the public enemy of both the Republic and the Empire, and with my radical, revolutionary new ideas, I shall spread equality and justice to the galaxy! I will destroy the aristocrat-dominated Republic and the Oligarchic Empire, and the Commune of the Galaxy will bring TRUE EQUALITY!


    I laughed so hard my gut hurts now.

  8. I actually had a conversation about this with a guild mate and he had an excellent idea to implement this. Create additional "defected" sub classes where you can actually defect to the republic and gain different abilities from someone who doesn't defect. Of course, this would be very hard from a technical standpoint to pull off but if BW's programmers' could do it there is some SERIOUS potential story wise.
  9. Sith Inquisitor: 6/10, Absolutely fantastic Act I, but unfortunately, Act II was a miserable failure. Ashara in particular I thought was an absolute terrible companion that annoyed the hell out of me and brought nothing to the story and it made little sense why she choose to follow you. The saving grace for this story was the excellent voice actor for the inquisitor. Most disappointing though, is the fact my actions seem not to affect the storyline at all.

    about sums up the entire second Act of the inquisitor's story, sadly. It's really a shame because I LOVE the combat style of the Assassin, but i simply coudln't take ghost busting any longer and have taken a break from this.


    Sith Warrior: 10/10: WOW. Darth baras is one of those characters you just love to hate and his voice acting is absolutely superb. The Sith Warrior story was everything the Sith Inquisitor story should have been. When I play it, I feel like a young Palpatine trying to find every political angle and each action I do I feel makes a big impact. Not only do your actions actually matter and the story line itself extremely interesting, but if you play your cards right, you even end up in a very interesting love triangle. I can't wait to finish this story.

  10. <snip>

    Wall of text *will* crit you for over 9000, but I like talking about RP, bro.



    This made my day.


    Even without the humor I thought it was an excellent post.

  11. People have already pretty much said what I'm about to but I wanted to put my 2 cents in.


    First off, there's the obvious fact that it takes some time to learn to RP well. I learned roleplaying through play-by-post which is much easier than in-game IC and i think it took me about a week or two to get a hang of just doing that much and probably took me at least 4 or 5 months just to create one good multi-dimensional character. In a forum setting, it's much easier to give someone gentle guidance to make someone a better roleplayer than it is in a live setting where it is much more likely to come off as condescending. Honeslty, if I had tried to learn in-game IC I'd probably still suck today.


    Second, there's taking into account the mood a person was in. I know even with my best character, in probably the biggest character defining roleplay he was in he went way off the deep-end for awhile when I myself was going through a hard time. Now granted, he had a lot of context and reason to be going off the deep-end (Infected iwth a virus that was killing him and contributing to his insanity among other reasons but I wont' go into depth), but the point I'm making is that seperating your personal feelings at the time AND being immersed is a very difficult balancing act.


    Third, to me personally, it would be impossible to play a character that isn't like me at all AND be immersed. However, in just the three characters I made for the play-by-post roleplays on this server pre-launch, they all had aspects of myself in them while still being multi-dimensional and completely different people (A plotting palpatine-esque Sith Lord, an egomanical ex-Sith bounty hunter and a by the book Jedi). I think the thing is making a balance more than anything.

  12. Holy hell...119 pages of pure unadulterated nerd rage.


    I understand that the people who did this are completely different people from the ones who made the medals, but this may be the most Epic Fail in communication between Dev's and Players I've ever seen...sorry guys.


    It makes me sad seeing so many people Unsub because I really want this game to do well because I'm enjoying it despite its flaws.

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