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Posts posted by Silvernos

  1. UPDATE: Overview pages have been introduced and look nice and slick.


    Secondly if you are interested in providing news for "The Ulgo Insider" from either republic or empire side, use the contact form with a sample work for deliberation.


    Lastly: More people to join! 158 characters have done so before you, many more to follow.

  2. And I'm sure that I can say for him; thoughts about the site, or ideas are welcome to be shared.



    You can indeed say such. You can leave matters here and I shall forward them to Nosferatu. Or use -CONTACT- on the website itself to send him a poke.


    Guilds, Events and other content is scheduled to be implemented. So they are inbound ;).

  3. Salutations!


    After months of planning, hard work and endless creativity Nosferatu (The Webdesigner) has created for Trask Ulgo (EU-RP) it's own RP Community Portal!



    This is a community portal to allow for IC information to be storaged and shared among the entire community. The website -ONLY- facilitates IC information and IC related content. E.g. you can upload a picture relating to an event, art or jewelry. However you are not permitted to upload a picture of your real life dog. All content is deemed to be there on an In character basis, be it a holopicture or a diary page.


    The Codex Ulgo webteam continues to implement new features as time progresses, follow the newsfeed on the website to stay informed. The Codex Ulgo webteam hopes you will find the site accomodating. Should you encounter any bugs, errors or other irregularities, do use the contact form to take up word with Nosferatu.


    The Codex Ulgo webteam hopes you shall populate the portal like humping rabits and trusts upon all to spread the word across the server to see the site hustle with life and news.


    As a last note: register with your INGAME CHARACTER NAME, used on the Log In screen. No last names etc. Name verification will take place prior to validating your account. Should you have multiple characters, in that case you can make multiple accounts.


    Enjoy the portal!


    PS: All credits for the creation go to Nosferatu! I am merely the messenger on his behalf.

  4. I think you are just very unlucky? :p


    So far I have seen indeed a group of Spanish RP'ers settling on Trask Ulgo. I havent encountered any russian players to date.


    All in all I am of the opinion there is a strong thriving RP community comming offground. And I have not experienced any symptons you are describing so far.

  5. For the sake of RP:


    -- Chatbubbles

    -- Seating in chair. Any chair for that matter, now its standing next to a chair, because for some oblivious reason your character has gotten it in his or her back so they cant sit.

    -- Perhaps ever.... in the far and distant future... instead of story zones going red, they can go transparant and allow for the rest of the world to use it :)


    Other than that, I am enjoying it thoroughly!

  6. I don't know if you played WoW. When RP-PVP was announced many people were worried there would not be enough roleplayers. So there was an effort to get them on the same server and the first alphabetical server was picked. The server was a huge succes, crowded to the brim with roleplayers and it still is a wonderful RP server. If you compare Defias Brotherhood to other RP serves like The Venture Co which was also released the same day the difference is like day and night.


    The idea behind the superserver is to get more roleplayers in one place. Why would you want to split up as roleplayers? Isn't it much nicer to have a server with 2000 roleplayers on it instead of 2 servers with 1000 roleplayers each?



    Thus is this effort from the RP community to get all roleplayers on one server, The Progenitor. It's in the interest of a roleplayer to be part of a large RP community.


    My point is that you discredit those on other severs, by basicly saying: join us, because we made ourselves the superserver. Not taking into account alot of guilds, and thus people have been placed on Trask Ulgo. If there would not be any placement, it matters little. But when a smaller group is placed on a server and calls for all to move to them, is a little unfair to the others.


    This does not mean I discredit your server choice, and I hope RP flourishes on all servers.

  7. Hi. Superserver was decided to be the first alphabetical server. This was communicated on SWTOR-RP.com, on seperate guild websites and also on the SWTOR.COM community forum last week.


    The Progenator is thus decided as the RP-PVE Superserver for Europe. You don't have to be a part of it. No need to be envious about it. Either join it or don't. I'm sure the non-super server communities will be fine.


    There just are many who prefer to take the sure bet and amass on one RP server.



    Why can there be only 1 superserver for the EU? 3.8 million people preordered the game, mostly USA and EU people. Surely there can be two good RP servers?


    Why should the choice of the people from swtor-rp.com dictate what the superserver will be? Why cant both servers get an equal promotion and equal attention? There is choice for everyone and all should get an equal starting point. Instead of saying "we on swtor-rp.com decided that this will be the superserver, so this is it, and you will abide by it because we say so", might it not be nicer to say: "Well, we picked The Progenitor to gather on, however others have picked Trask Ulgo. You are welcome to join us."

  8. I am very new to this whole MMO scene... tried a bit of anarchy online for a few days but didnt really get into it. Tried 14 days free trial of SWG way back in the day but ended up spending most of my time dancing in cantinas for money more or less...

    I also played city of heroes on a free trial, but couldnt see myself playing it long-term.


    BUT, im going to play SW:TOR since i fell in love with it when trying it for the beta weekend and im a huge fan of RP games in general and KotOR specifically...


    so, i decided id go on an RP server for a couple of reasons:

    1: i hate it when people have dum names like xXxIhaveabig####xXx and the like.

    2: i want to play with people who act like what they are playing (so no light side pure jedi consulars ninja-ing my loot and letting me do all the legwork in flashpoints)

    3: i intend to make decisions and generally act like my character would in the game.


    I dont intend to be in-character all the time tho and im not really sure about the rules of conduct on RP servers... i like to take it easy off-character without having to go through loops to do it...


    A RP Server doesnt demand players to be In Character all the time, we all need to be able to run around in a warzone kicking of some steam ;). The most important for those on a RP Server is that you support Roleplay, and when you do not RP yourself, you do not spend your time annoying other players and individuals in their game experience.


    And if you want to RP occasionally, you are definitly more then welcome on a RP Server.


    Hope it helps.

  9. Well it seems my guild, an Empire Merc rp guild called The Blackscar Mercenary , is on Trask Ulgo. I plan on making the most of it.


    Alot more of us are on Trask Ulgo :). No need to worry, we will make it awesome together.

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