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Posts posted by konaxkona

  1. For your endgame dps spec, hybrids that just go 16 into Balance for Presence of Mind and then put the rest into Telekinesis are most likely going to do much better, and again with the Psychic Absorption. Ugh.


    I realize that Psychic Absorption is not optimal for endgame DPS, to be honest i should have put it elsewhere, but these are clearly my own opinions, while yours are very great ones, i only recommended something that might help people out, as i stated at the start of the post.

    I personally like the feel of the Psychic Abortion talent while i was leveling, but of course I would not use it endgame.

  2. It's weird, the forum tree doesn't always show up if you just click on the breadcrumb. Navigate to it using the main forum page, then go to classes, jedi consular, and you'll see "sage" and "shadow" at the top.


    It's part of everything that needs to be overhauled on the site.


    moved to the right thread :p

  3. So I decided to make a guide to some talent specs and rotations that might help you if you are a bit lost or don't quite understand whats going on.


    So with this guide I hope you understand these are all opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt, and is only here for suggestions on helping.






    For leveling I recommend this tree:






    This tree gives you the sustain you need with a balance of damage reduction as well as good damage output. This is not the only spec you can go, in fact if you see you're taking a lot of damage i would recommend the few points in the 'Mind Ward' talent for safe keeping.


    In this spec especially for leveling i take the critical strike talent 'Penetrating Light' over the 'Concentration' talent because while leveling your gear will have more POWER on it then CRITICAL STRIKE so the talent should help your 'Focused Insight' Talent proc a lot more then if you didnt have the talent.



    For end game DPS:




    This build focuses around pretty much the same thing as the leveling tree except it should be a bit more force efficient as well as more range. It out DPS's any other builds I have tried.





    The Rotation:


    The rotation generally for this spec is open up with 'Project' then throw 'Weaken Mind' on the target, then use 'Telekinetic Throw' until you get a proc of the 'Presence of Mind' Talent from there on either use that proc for Mind Crush > Disturbance.



    So the priority of spells will generally be:


    - Project (opener on weak/standard targets)

    - Weaken Mind

    - Presence of Mind (Talent Proc)

    - Telekinetic Throw




    This is the main rotation for the spec I have given above. I know there are more skills/spells that are usable and might be better if given the statistics, but this guide is to help show a path that makes things a bit easier to a start.








    Stats and gearing!


    Now while leveling it might be a bit different than endgame gearing but almost the same.

    For leveling You are going to want generally more POWER and CRIT on your gear.


    Leveling: Wisdom > Power > Crit > Alacrity


    Now while Wisdom and POWER should be your top stats on gear and what you should be hunting for as a 'DPS' class. CRIT will be your most prefered stat after them. CRIT will help you do more damage as well as keep you sustained with your 'Focused Insight' Talent. Alacrity is a very good stat, so don't get me wrong here, but the amount you would need to actually have it make an impact especially while leveling would be very hard to reach, so if its on your gear thats fine, but CRIT would be better in terms of damage and survivability.





    I will be updating this guide as much and as often as possible, feel free to correct me if needed and I will try my best to answer the questions that are asked.


    Thank you

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