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Posts posted by Rahl_Windsong

  1. I just hope after this 1.2 patch that Bioware concentrates on things that are in game already but need to be fixed.


    1) Random audio conversations still suck, there has been some improvement however they still completely suck. You enter an area and a random conversation is triggered. The conversation starts with the first sentence, then it stops and then after I jump on a speeder and I am speeding away to my next destination I begin to hear the remainder of that conversation as though I am standing beside the NPC's listening to them.


    2) When changing mods why does my character window and inventory window constantly close when ever I add a new mod? Then I have to reopen that window and the inventory, do another mod, rinse and repeat for every single change I need to make...why cant windows stay open unless I close them?


    3) Why can't I pan the camera around so that I can see the face of my character? The only way I can take a screen shot of my characters face is during a cut scene..why?


    4) The quest to end chapter one, Defender of the Empire, for the Sith Inquisitor has been bugged with targeting issues on the boss since before beta ended and it is still like that...why?


    5) The area of maps that is explorable should be easier to see then it currently is and the maps in general are a real pain to use because of the 3D world with 2D maps. Can the maps be fixed at all?

  2. The thing is if you had a level 50 toon you wanted to transfer they would be around legacy level 15 or so probably higher. So if you wiped their legacy and started them at zero they would be way behind in a ton of important perks....


    Server transfers are going to be a nightmare..pretty much garanteed.

  3. About the only way I would like to see free to play for me would be if suddenly I got a call from Bioware and they wanted to employ me to play the game for them and make reports or something like that...so seeing as that is about as likely to happen as me winning the next lottery then you can see how I feel about free to play...
  4. At this early stage in SWTOR's development for the developers to change requirements on an item that is purely a non essential item, this is a bit of a concern. Why? Because if this is the way they treat every new item they bring to the game, ie give it a 3 month window before it becomes vendor trash, then why grind for anything new? Just wait until its vendor trash because the wait will only be about 2 or 3 months......boring! :rolleyes::mad:
  5. There are a lot of problems like this in the game. Like my Sorcerer's companion Khem Val, when he has his sword on his back it clips through his shoulder blade making it appear as though he "sheathed it" into his back.


    The Smuggler companion the wookie Bowdaar has a similar problem and I am sure there are more.


    However they are working on things like this because when the game first launched when these companions had their weapons sheathed they were not even visible and when they were pulled from the sheath position they just suddenly appeared in their hands.


    Same thing for the Operatives knives and the Scoundrels shotgun, you don't see them until they are pulled for combat.


    So hopefully they are working on things like this because nothing ruins immersion more then seeing obvious programing mistakes that just smack you right in the face every time you see them.

  6. When fighting in PvE as an Operative I have had a problem where if Kaliyo and I are in melee with a target I am constantly pulling agro from her. This post totally explained to me why that was happening. It is because as an operative you are almost constantly on the move so very often when I hit I am probably standing closer to the target then Kaliyo is and that makes it easier for me to pull agro.


    Thanks for this post, very helpful indeed.

  7. I really do wish Bioware had taken the time to develop the game engine for this game, however they did not. So now all we can hope for, if you like playing the game, is that the game engine gets better either through the developer of Hero or Bioware themselves.


    And it is quite possible that Bioware is working on developing the Hero engine further for use with SWTOR, I would not rule that out at all unless they actually said they are not doing that.

  8. The part that bothers me about the bonus on some missions is that it is not really set up to take into account the player who stealths all the way into the boss, using sneak to get by the tight spots, and then kill the boss and the bonus mission disappears.


    Usually if you try that it is pretty rare that you go all the way in without at least one kill, in fact I like to kill the first group I see so I can find out if there is any kill bonus quest. So your kill count has started and just cause you killed the boss you don't get to complete it...kind of anti stealth quest design if you ask me...

  9. 1 The way my female toons butt vibrates durring quest conversations with her Scoundrel jacket on.


    2 The black screen on revive, almost every time I am nearly frantic wanting to know what the hell is going on!


    3 The way everything pauses every time I open any window, inventory, map, anything...


    4 The thing I hate the most, well two things, no day/night cycle, and no swimming. To me all this does is completely ruin any immersion I had to begin with.


    5 random conversations that continue even though I am no longer in that area.

  10. You do realize that if they are grey you may as well abandon them right? Not only that but if you have a few quests left from the previous planet, on your way out the door just untrack everything from that planet, delete the ones you don't want anymore and make room for new ones...


    What always happens to me is I run out of quests before I reach the level that the planet says its good for...especially the closer I get to 50.

  11. Seriously though when I see one sitting there out of reach it starts to bug the hell out of me. I really do wish they would have done them with a storied questline that the player takes on at level 50, that would have fit the game so much better then this "sort of" super mario effort they came up with....and the reason I said "sort of" is because at least in Super Mario you had a decent jump mechanic built into the game.
  12. That level requirement was a quite late change actually. It got implemented to prevent an exploit.


    Before, people abused the shuttles to visit the fleet first thing they did. There they could learn their crew skills at lv1, earning xp by discovering the skills for instant lv4 and ofc using their skills earlier than intended.


    Thing is though there are no gathering nodes on starter planets that I can recall, so the only thing you could gather would be when you kill silver or better animal mobs and do a bioanalysis scan on them, so yes I could see how that would be very unfair to anyone who did not choose the Biochem skills....

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