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Posts posted by Houtoku

  1. Bounty Hunter, right after finishing Taris

    when you're introducing Torian to the rest of the crew


    Mako: It's not much, but it's home (talking about the ship)

    Torian: Suits me just fine.

    BH: Hey, do you remember what it looked like when we stole it?


  2. They do have the same model in-game, but not the blue/black color scheme.


    http://tor-fashion.com/2012/04/23/mercenary-elite/ - Kind of a weird aqua/copper thing.


    http://tor-fashion.com/2012/06/01/tt-15a-powertech/ - Black & Red, looks pretty nice actually.


    I'm currently using the TH-15A Corpsman Body Armor (don't know from where, bought it off the GTN).. same model, but kind of an olive drab & white, oddly enough recolors the helm to same olive green + yellow, but it doesn't look terrible.


    Edit - These are all lower end (mid-30s) sets, minus the shoulderpads. The shoulder pauldrons seem to be added for the 45+ sets with the pipe thing over the shoulder.. still needs a Blue/Black one though =(

  3. I don't know what to tell you with the queue, I've never minded simply because it means when I do get in I can actually find people to do stuff with - beats a ghost town any day.


    As for your Group Finder issue - I don't know if it's the actual cause, but I was having a similar problem on my Inquisitor at 15-16ish; says I'm in the level range for Hammer Station, but no queue option. I noticed I had the Hammer Station quest in my quest log. Dropped it & reloaded UI - and it shows up in the group finder. So.. it may have something to do with having the quest in your log.

  4. Quest on Dromund Kaas to steal the schematics for the new turret designs from Lord Grathan's estate



    P0-12: I'm programmed to understand over one hundred languages and dialects and in not one is the phrase "on fire" positive when referring to a person!


  5. "Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server. "


    I can't help but wonder what he means by 'the most motivated players' so what they have to earn it? Hmm.


    Also if they actually are allowing free transfers from Low to High...oh god that's going to make problems even worse! There will be two or three full servers with long queue times and loads of complaints...and then a handful of totally dead, empty servers.


    I really hope they don't take that route, as that's just moronic.


    I don't think they'll just blindly allow people to start transferring to whatever server they want just yet. From their description, they'll probably do it where they have several Low -> Medium, to consolidate people and possibly turn some of the Standard servers into Highs. Then afterwards they'll probably kill the Lows after they've been drained of the majority of their populations.

  6. So this has been bugging me for a while. I sorta stopped playing back in February, came back during the Rakghoul event and have since rerolled on a more populated server since my original server is virtually dead (probably a relatively common story for a lot of people around here)


    Why exactly do people keep saying "Ilum and World PvP are dead"? I'm not an avid PvPer, but I dabble from time to time and Ilum in its' original incarnation was one of the more enjoyable incarnations I've found in any game. Granted, the factional imbalance really screwed it, kinda hard to find any sort of PvP when the Empire outnumbered the Republic on Grand Master Zym by about 2.5 to 1 and all the Republic players just said "F this, I'm out." That, plus the back and forth "trading" of the capture points was kinda silly. Then they made the change to the weird armament gathering system to stop the trading, which definitely put a huge dent in people's enjoyment of Ilum.


    I guess the core of my question is *** happened in btwn Feb-now that "destroyed Ilum"? Was it just the combination of the clunky *** Armament system + the removal of the daily/weekly quests that disincentivised it?

  7. Not trying to be a pain, it'd be a good idea if implemented properly.. but. How would they justify it, lore-wise? They've said before that their design philosophy with regards to Warzones is to find a way to dress up the mechanical aspects in some form of story justification; which is easy with regards to node capture and assault/defense games. Those have an element of armies fighting for resources or one army having to rush a position while the defenders hold them off.


    It might just be because my brain is fried at the moment, but I can't for the life of me think of any sort of storyline justification. The closest I could come up with would be some sort of document capture - where the teams have to steal some sort of battleplans, blueprints, the Emperor's diary, what have you. Actually, that could work. They could also do it neutral, where they're stealing something from like.. the Hutts and it's a race to capture it - but then it just becomes Huttball.

  8. My approach has been ask every so often while I'm in the zone, or if I see someone looking for people to do them. But as everyone else has said, you won't miss out on much.


    The XP loss you'll make up, easily. Beyond Coruscant, there hasn't been a planet I hit without starting at every quest already being green, and that's without alternate sources of XP like PvP or Space missions.


    The only thing you'll really miss out on is moddable gear, most of the Heroics for a planet tend to reward matching sets of gear for you, so you come out of the planet with a cohesive look that you can upgrade. As others mentioned - you can easily just keep leveling and come back to it if you just wanna collect the gear.


    It's really kinda depressing that the solution to "group content" is usually "come back when you can solo it" - just because most servers are so dead.

  9. Wait, Satele abandoned a child?


    That should be an interesting boss.


    Theron Shan is the main character of The Lost Suns comic series, they described him as "The 9th Class" - the Republic SIS Agent. It's actually a pretty good read.

  10. In all the things that go into an MMO, having very diverse companions along with quests and such aren't very high on the to-do list. They did well.


    Considering that the whole diverse companions with compelling and interesting backstories which you will be involved in resolving was a huge selling point of the game... no, they didn't do well.


    I've only been through the Sith Warrior fully at this point, and there was a marked difference between Vette and all the others. The others were interesting to listen to, but there was no interactivity or involvement on my part. It was primarily "Yea... I'm going to go take care of that stuff we just talked about, I'll be back in an hour or so *blackscreen* Kay, I'm back. It's totally dealt with, we're good." The closest to "interactive" any of them were was Quinn's,

    where you get to talk to Moff Broysc via holo and then when he's brought aboard the ship.

    Compared to Vette's where you actually help her out and have some interaction in resolving her problem, there's a drastic difference.

  11. The radio-sounding thing may just be if your companion is wearing a full helmet with a mic/vocoder. If they're just wearing like a headband or something without that then I don't know what to tell you.


    Biggest sound issue I've found is on my Juggernaut where my footsteps kinda clash with my lightsaber hum. So my lightsaber is going nnnnnnn.. if I start running, it goes nnnnnnfootstepnnnnnnfootstepnnnnnnfootstep - it's not that my footstep sound is overpowering the lightsaber hum, it's just one or the other. I think that makes sense?

  12. The best you may be able to do is that you can trade Fleet Commendations for differing level crafting resource boxes, which give some quantity of a random crafting resource. There's at least 3 levels of them, for green/blue/purple level mats - at least that I remember from looking over the vendor last night.
  13. It was way better than most "post-3D conversions" are. It wasn't as dark and grainy as The Last Airbender (still very bright and vivid), and it didn't just look like a diorama like Clash of the Titans. I found myself reflexively ducking occasionally when blaster bolts or debris would fly out of the screen.


    Someone already mentioned the podrace, that was great. But I really felt it did an amazing job with any scene involving battle droids and I can't wait for Attack of the Clones for that reason. The grassy plains battle was great, and when all the droids were activating at the beginning was just epic. The space battle over Naboo was also really well done.

  14. A light side sith would just do what's best for the Sith Empire on the whole. He or she could still be bad, but they just wouldn't kill without a purpose.


    ^ This.


    My Jugg is Dark overall, because he has no compunctions about executing an enemy or incompetant officer - but he's got a fair number of Light side points as well because I've been going with the "Better for the Empire as a whole" route - as in, if someone can be an asset, I'll spare/capture them, rather than killing them outright.


    Light/Dark in this game pretends to be nuanced but it really is just the usual "Killing people = bad, not killing people = good", even if "not killing people" = "imprisoning & torturing for the remainder of their lives" (but *I* didn't KILL them, so it's cool). That being said, there are a lot of "Well I beat you but I'll let you live since you fought with honor" choices, those can go to hell.

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