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Posts posted by rykker

  1. QQ more......if you dont know how to play your class dont take it to the forums.Theres an OP build for most classes.....spec yourself correctly and you'll have np.Never met a sorce i couldnt beat or have a really good fight with.Any type of nerf would make them too weak.



    Can you tell me another class who has ;


    -Stun (4 sec)


    -Never ending slow

    - Good DPS + nice burst dmg too

    -Buble (It can be on the player all the time)

    -Speed buff


    -Do you need anything else ? (like a button to keel all the players in the warzone)


    Topic owner tried to explain why sorc/sages have more advantage than the other classes and you are obviously playin sorc or sage cause defending blindly. In my server, sorc/sage population is more than %60-70, I can easily see 6-7 sorcerers in wz.So This overpopulated class doesn't need a nerf ? Are u still defending this class ?

  2. Afk botters in warzones you need to fix asap Bimaochang and Sanyaya have been reported by the entire server over and over with no change or even an answered ticket! 2 straight days of these people and not even a response? I can only imagine how many tickets are from just this! Wtg Bioware you guys are doing a horrible job so far.
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