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Posts posted by xerintha

  1. I did see in the patch notes about a fix for specific companions not talking and am wondering if there is any impact to all of them?


    I keep getting the "I want to talk to you" icon but when I get to the ship or a cantina none of my companions will actually talk. I thought it might be class quest related but I am 50 and have completed the chapter for sith inquisitor. I still need to do the flashpoint for the false emperor.


    Does this need to be completed or something else done before my companions will talk to me again?



  2. I've been messing around with re-engineering to obtain new schematics and have so far found the following to be true for synthweaving.


    green item produces three blues --> Overkill, Critical, Redoubt


    Overkill produces multiple purples --> Expert, Commander's, Vehemance

    Critical produces multiple purples --> Supermacy, Tempest

    Redoubt produces multiple purples --> Veracity, Exactitude, General's, Anti-Armor


    I suspect that each blue, in the end, will produce 4 purples but I am not sure on that yet.


    Can anyone confirm this and, if so, what are the missing three from that list?


    Also, can the purples be re-engineered into something else?


    I'm working with light armor at the moment while I figure this out.


    I'd also like to know what the trained blue schematics break down to.

  3. I love RP myself and wouldn't pick any other kind of server. That said, those of us that do RP really don't mind those of you who don't but we do ask one thing. Respect people that are roleplaying and don't troll or grief them. That's really the only thing I can think of that will irritate people and end up causing trouble for yourself.


    And if you do decide you want to RP, go for it! I'm willing to help out and answer questions a new RPer might have.


    That said, I will offer this HUGE piece of advice to anyone who wants to try and a reminder to those that do.


    IC is IC and OOC is OOC. The two should never mix. Always keep in mind that the player is NOT the character and just because a character might do or say something that might be offensive it doesn't mean the player is horrible person. One of the greatest and nicest and funniest people I know can play the best, meanest, most horrid bad guys I've ever met in RP. Player does NOT equal character!

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