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Posts posted by SickTag

  1. WTH?! 2600 cc for Xaxaan's Armor set on the Cartel Market!! Most sets are 1440 cc. 2600 is more then 20 dollars...for a set of armor in a video game!! Are things THIS bad for the game that they have to jack up prices so they can pay their electric bills???? What a rip! :(
  2. I have attempted many tactical FPs now and have only completed 2 out of the 10 that I have tried. Things seem to be just over the top difficult. Grouped with some lower gear people bolstered up and it's not like the space yard GF missions, but stuff that is really hard. Example, Manaan mission, the 2nd to the last boss. Dealing a ton of dmg, way too much for a group without a healer and just the little stations. Everyone is trying to kill the adds, who do a lot more dmg then the 3 click heals can save you from plus the lighting attack (Flow) which knocks you to half way.


    Everyone is lower level then 65, obviously and just about everyone is dps. The heal items heal way to little and have a long wait time.

  3. Holy smokes tacts are hard with the bolster up to 65!!! I have only been able to get one group out of 6 to beat one. Manaan's 2nd to last boss is impossible!! Also Yavin, the boss shoots through walls and stuff on the ground, also his one ability hits everyone not just one person now as well. This is nothing like the spaceyards, but pretty hard for ppl who are not geared 65.
  4. This usually happens with expac's. The gear will appear later down the road I am sure as a Cartel pack. But i think they didn't add the gear because of cost to make new gear. The fact is they make money on customization items in the game, and little else. Want to look like Revan, that will cost ya! Want to look like a space ******? That will cost ya!


    Seems to point more to having to spend money on the Cartel packs or items other people bought from packs to keep this game a float. The fatherland, er disney is watching, and now have their LucasFilm ltd stamped on this game I have noticed.


    $$$ is all that matters really.

  5. i love playing through the stories and sink tons of money into alts. When I finally hit level 60 on my last toon of my 22 toons, I don't see much of a future in this game for me. I am not big into the end game, especially to repeat it exactly over and over with alts. (Like the revan story is boooring now to me.)


    I hope that there is an increase because soon I will run out of things to do in the game. Aka toons to level. :(((


    Good Point.


    To the point of they should just tell us no and be done with it.

    Its there loss if they do because once someone gets bored with not being able to make new chars they will leave.

  6. I was just wondering what I can do when I hit level 60 with character #22 for my server? I enjoy leveling characters, but you cannot have more then 22. I also find it dull doing raids in endgame, especially when you have a lot of toons to do it with. Gets old. I have been playing since Beta, but I am seeing a possible end of my playing. It would also take more then new gear from the Cartel Market every month to keep me playing.


    I wish the devs would add more slots for people to buy. :(

  7. Not getting my coins anymore, it's been two weeks late, and also no reply to my ticket I put in, however they just charge away on my credit card... One of the reasons I stay subscribed is for coins, which I don't get anymore, or the space missions, which are kind of a waste of time now as well. :mad:
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