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Posts posted by Zadama

  1. LOL I wonder if we are playing the same game... Emperor's Casino Token do not drop on a regular basis, you have to kill at least a minimum of 100 NPC's to get 1 Emperors Token and if your in a group you have to roll for it. To receive 1 Emperors it took 200 rolls on the Kingpin Slots. When was the last time you used the Emperors Slot machine??? Not every roll drops a prize, at best its maybe 32% drop rate. Check it out!! I'm pretty sure it is not working as intended.


    It is working as intended. I've had two Kingpin Predator mounts drop in the past week, and that's with going to Nar Shaddaa very infrequently. RNG is RNG, unfortunately. I've had plenty of Emperors Tokens drop in the wild - try Rakghouls on Taris, they seem to drop for me there quite often.

  2. Amen brother. They have more excuses than someone on parole caught with contraband. And frankly? I'm sick of it...it's dishonest, unethical business, and morally bankrupt. I hope that they take a lesson from this (but I know they won't EA Corporate are the most greedy people on the planet). The customer service will continue to be sub-par and this trend of not solving problems quickly and efficiently will continue. This game will continue to be manned by a skeleton crew that produces the bare minimum to keep the game afloat (as the EA overlords demand). :rak_01:


    Exactly. When the money has been taken from my account and the product has not been delivered, I feel like I have a right to be annoyed about why there has been no further updates regarding the situation! We're not asking for a lot - just some information as to why the error occurred and when we can expect to receive our coins.

  3. I'm not being funny but this is ridiculous now. We haven't been given any idea of when this issue is going to be fixed, or a further post on the forums regarding the problem. The EA forums have little information either. I want to buy cartel coins, but not at the cost of a three day wait - if I can get an Amazon delivery quicker than a supposedly immediately delivered online currency, there is a serious problem. We have been left completely in the lurch here and it's appalling.
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