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Posts posted by Master_Kyp_Sazen

  1. If this isn't fixed, I am done with ToR as an MMO. I'm sure I'll play the game as a single player game in playing the class quests, but I wont touch grouping as a tank anymore.


    I just did a HM Directive 7 run with some fairly green players. This usually doesn't bother me. I have no problem instructing and teaching mechanics. 4 deaths later we finally beat the FP. Usually 4 deaths wouldn't bother me that much. However after a 53,000 credit repair bill, I'm pretty incensed to say the least.


    I guess I could abandon using the group finder and doing PuGs, but that kind of defeats the whole point of the group finder now doesn't it.


    Hopefully Bioware will see reason, and will address this....positively, not with further insults.

  2. I'm Commander Shepard, and I agree with this message.....


    Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not Shepard in this game.


    I don't post very often, but I think the OP is totally on point. All EA/Bioware is doing (for me anyway) is turning me away to go play other games and spend my money elsewhere.


    There are so many F2P options and MMO options in general to pick and choose from, Bioware isn't doing a whole lot to make their game stand out from the crowd. The only thing they really have going for them is the fact that its a licensed Star Wars game with a built in fan base.


    However, the tighter they grip their information, the more subs will slip through their fingers.....

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