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Posts posted by CoryButler

  1. Howdy, folks. Cory Butler here to follow-up on some of your concerns that have been surfacing in the forums and on social media sites around Game Update 2.1: Customization. First, it's important to know that 2.1 will not affect the cadence of our game update schedule. 2.1 was the second half of our Cartel Market implementation plan. So, do not expect to see this type of Market-driven update on a regular basis. This release was comprised almost entirely of cosmetic options that have no impact on combat balance or gameplay. Vanity modifications are the kinds of things, in general, that we’ve always planned to offer in the Cartel Market for purchase by all players and in some cases, like with Appearance Designer changes, discounted for subscribers -- having said that, we’ve heard some frustration from subscribers that, even with these kinds of offerings, we ought to do more to recognize subscriber status. We hear you loud and clear. Please stay tuned.


    To continue on the point of content cadence, I know in a separate post Eric discussed a bit about our cadence and that our plan is for all of you to see content within an 8-week window from Rise of the Hutt Cartel’s launch, I would recommend reading his post for more details, here. What I do want to do is assure you that we have many more things in the works here at BioWare that aren’t Cartel Market features, and are the exact types of content you folks have been asking about. I cannot go into specifics yet but we are definitely working on things like new Flashpoints, Operations, daily hubs, events, PvP, and even the super-secret space project! Game Update 2.1 is just one of the many Updates you will get from us this year and I am really excited about what is still to come and I think you will be too.


    Until next time -- see you in-game!

  2. Hi,


    What new unique and exclusive items have you placed for the Collectors Edition vendor in conjunction with this new pack being released?


    You remember the CE vendor right? It's the one you lied to us about when you advertised it as you did for the purpose of a sale and did not hold up your end of the agreement. If you can update the CM as you do, you can update the CE vendor just the same. I don't give a crap about your revenue gains. I want you as a company to hold up your end of the agreement. Period.


    Don't worry, you are not forgotten. There are new items coming to the CE Vendor with Game Update 2.1! We will have more information on what they are closer to its release.

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