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Posts posted by PocketRockets

  1. It seems to me that most of the people posting in this thread in opposition to the OP have not reached level 50 or experienced any endgame yet. I also very much enjoyed most of the levelling of the game...the questing system, the story, and voice acting really are pretty nicely done.


    Unfortunately it seems like this was the only thing Bioware really focused on polishing up. A big issue for me atm is that I am completely unable to finish my class quest or do any quests on Ilum. Any BH who chooses dark side or neutral option for the last class story conversation will experience the same bug. That in itself is game breaking for a high number of the player base.


    Endgame is very broken atm. The economy is awful...crafting is next- to worthless, as it's just as easy to get mods and gear from commendations. All of the HM FP's are in some way bugged, and in some cases not completable.


    My guild ran EV on Monday and experienced many more bugs....including chests not being lootable, a boss not spawning, and the ML being completely unable to assign gear to players.


    Went into EV to do HM yesterday after the patch that was supposed to fix a lot of these issues, and we were forced to stop at the 3rd boss because the console bugged out on us on 2 separate occasions (after hard reset/reclear of trash) and we gave up on it.


    Look, I know that many of these issues are known and will most likely be fixed in the near future. (If they're not there will likely be a big Sub loss at the end of the free month) But I have a hard time refuting any of the OP's complaints. It just kinda sucks for those of us who have already reached level 50. He makes valid points...and there really isn't much to do for level 50's atm, but steam roll low levels in Warzones, as Bioware still hasn't set up any form of queue brackets. (Please at least make 50 a separate bracket so that it's somewhat balanced.)

  2. This loot system is just stupid. Went in there today and the 3 bosses we could actually loot (the 2 bosses with chest loot bugged out and didn't let anyone grab the gear they were "assigned") had their gear assigned terribly. Our tank got 2 pieces of alacrity gear that he had to re-mod, while our inquisitor healer, who could actually use the pieces as is, was SOL.


    For the love of God, focus a bit on patching endgame in the near future. It's buggy as hell and overall seems to be working quite poorly atm.

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