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Posts posted by Kreegor

  1. Lots of people think that lowbie pvp is more fair than 50's pvp. Here are some reasons.


    -More diversity in toons

    -Less gear gap

    -Less burst


    I would just like to say that all of this is not true. Please stop misinforming new players. I still see more Jugs, maras, and sorcs than any of the other classes in lowbies. I have no proof except, but neither does the people who claim that lowbies is better.


    Gear gap is the same or more than recruit to war hero. I can't agree that a level 11 with 12k hp is the same as a level 49 with 17k hp. Also a level 11 has less utilities and skills they can use compared to a level 49. At 50 recruit you have around 15-16k hp and at full war hero depending on class you have 18-20k hp. But atleast at 50 everyone has the same abilities they can use, but not at lowbies. If anybody says that a level 11 jug is the same as a level 49 jug is not right in the head. :D


    Less burst at lowbies is also a lie. I see people hitting for 5k in lowbies against people with 11-12k hp. I also see people with full wh gear hitting for 6k against people in recruit gear that have 15-16k hp. At 50 you actually lose less % of HP compared to lowbies. (42%lowbies>38%50's) These are just averages not exact.


    Here is the biggest difference between the 50's bracket compared the lowbies bracket. In 50's you have to grind to get your gear, but in lowbies you can pay to win!!!! In 50's no matter what you have to grind gear and get it with coms and lowbies you can just buy all the gear, mods, augments, relics with credits. It is tough for most people to dominate at one thing then all of a sudden become the bottom of the barrel. Everybody likes it when you happen to be the big fish in a small pond but most people hate it when they become the small fish in a big pond. It is a lot harder to get good gear at 50 than lowbies. Most people are apart of this now era where they need to get what they want now and are not patient enough to wait for it.


    this is extremely true... i moved servers to the bastion and all i see is sentinels / maras its ridiculous and half of them dont know what theyre doing! however, i notice in 50 pvp that everything is based around skill gear plays a pretty big role but ive seen ppl in recruit gear STOMP on WH/EWH but im pretty those ppl were key board turners... anyways back to the point lowbie there is somewhat less burst... lvl 49 scoundrels or 49 anything will rape face if they have the right gear and are specced right.

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