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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Perran

  1. Is it possible to queue an Ops group of 6 or 8 for Warzone play? Yeah, I could answer this question myself my making such a group and trying to queue, but rather than corralling 8 people in-game for the experiment, I thought I'd ask here.


    I suspect it's not, but hope otherwise. Team strategy, of course, is key to winning in the Warzones (and PVP in general). Because TOR launched without in-game voice communication, coordinating with randomly selected Warzone teammates in any kind of continuing tactical sense is pretty much impossible. The best bet for executing strategy is taking in a group of friends or guildmates who share a strategy and can effectively communicate on the fly.


    A full team of guildmates, with a voice server, would be a lot of fun in Warzones. It would be great to play Huttball and be certain that a teammate isn't going to catch the ball, then stay put and fight to the death while holding the ball, or run alone to an artillery position held by three enemies.


    But if the maximum queued group size is 4, team strategy can only be half as satisfying, give or take. So did Bioware consider this when they decided to forgo in-game voice, and allow us to queue Ops groups, or will Warzone play forever be a random chance to draw teammates who just don't know how/refuse to play as a member of a team?

  2. True, waiting for the second companion is another way to go. Though I do think that delaying your start of crafting until level 16 is a bit, well, not preferred. And level 16 may be a bit early, from my experience. Getting to the fleet, doing a few PvP missions, then doing all the missions on the homeworld as they come up - I've always been past 16 when i got my ship.


    I'd also like to note that I made an incorrect assumption, apparently. I assumed that the 400 possible crafting points displayed on my panel was for the first tier. But crafting with level 1 mats stopped adding points at 60 - so now it seems that 400 is the total possible crafting points. So in fact there are only 12 5-minute intervals for me to max tier 1. This is much less of a burden to get done.


    By the time you can get more crafting points, you need level 2 mats, so you'll have a second companion, unless you get all your mats from an alt or the GTN.


    I am surprised how few mats it takes to max tier 1, and, by extension, max completely. I have enough scavenged mats, apparently to get not only my Cybertech through tier 1, but an Armstech and Armormech too, with mats left over. That's the cheapest crafting advancement I've seen in an MMO.


    In light of this, I think what the developers have said about crafting being less of a grind is demonstrably true (the 12 5-minute increments with 1 companion notwithstanding). So I guess the focus with crafting is getting good schematics, which is a lot more engaging than gathering mats, whether on a crew mission, or while adventuring.

  3. Yeah, I understand what you're saying, which is why I pointed out in my post above that I have only one companion. Now, mine is not a unique situation. There are enough mats on your home planet that, with just a bit of effort, you can finish the first crafting tier. And you will, like me, have just one companion.


    So your method, which requires multiple companions, is simply unavailable in this all too common situation. Instead, you must choose to go without a companion, or babysit your companion for hours.

  4. The developers made this crafting system (with your companions doing the crafting) so you don't have to stand around crafting. Let's see how that works out ....


    I had an alt do my material gathering, and I now have enough mats to finish my first crafting tier. That's 200 items, at 1 minute apiece: 3 hours, 20 minutes of crafting.


    BUT I can only queue up 5 minutes of crafting at a time. So I have to assign 5 items, wait 5 minutes, 40 times.


    So, yeah, this is the worst crafting experience I can imagine in an MMO. Now, if I was crafting as I gathered components, I could spread those 5 minute increments out as I adventured. Which would leave me companionless most of the time, because I have just one companion at this early juncture.


    So I can, say, read a book in 5 minute chunks while I craft, or I can adventure at a severe disadvantage, if I do my own gathering. Both are lousy choices.


    This needs a serious rethink. Please allow us to queue more than 5 items at a time. I don't mind the total crafting time -- it adds some welcome verisimilitude to MMO crafting. But babysitting my companion for 3 and a half hours is absurd.

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