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Posts posted by RuffDaRuffest

  1. Soo, are you gonna do anything about it Bioware? Are you aware how broken PvP is now? There are lots of utter noobs running around with 60 valor rank and battlemaster gear they got in 1 day.


    Not only it's unfair toward people who actually farmed Valor in Warzones, but also makes life for rest of PvP'ers unbelivably hard.


    Shouldn't be a problem to get rid of that Valor/Gear. You ****ed up, you fix it. Just an advice.

  2. I'm having a different experience


    Ilum ridiculousness

    UI/CD issues

    Random loading screens while not loading anything

    Worse FPS


    1. You people cried for open PvP. You got it! You cried for something that requires balanced servers, without balanced servers. Now you cry about BW listening to your whining.


    2. UI/CD issues, some abilities are not shadowed when on CD. But it's nothing...


    3. It makes your planets load much, much faster, and never happened to me during actual combat.


    4. FPS is WAAAY better, check your graphical settings, also game looks way nicer, loads faster and is smoother. They really did commendable job with optimization.

  3. a scoundrel/rogue is not a profession (except in video games). All i saw you say about amidala was she was inexperienced (awesome description) and a ***** (guessing on the asterisks) Again, some really great description.


    Even a one word, he's a scoundrel/rogue gives people more of an idea what Solo is like that saying Amidala is inexperienced and a *****. See the point?


    And the question specifically states not to mention their profession/appearance.


    EDIT: on a separate note, i absolutely hate the man doing the reviews (Mr. Plinnkett or w/e) the way he talks in the video makes me want to shoot myself. Almost every point he raises is valid though.


    The problem is so many people take how the review is presented at face value (it is supposed to be heavy on sarcasm and being a joke, but making actually points) instead of moving aside the voice and extra crap and looking at the points he mentions.



    Still better than what people in video gave, don't u think? By "*****" attitude I meant something I simply can't describe in one word, she's that righteouss girl who simply annoys me.


    I think both words give you same insight, Amidala is annoying, wanting to be good and strong, courageus etc. better?


    Qui-gon cares for people around him and even if they are lower in hierarchy he treats them equally, also he seems experienced (life-wise) and as said before distanced and open minded. Now you have it in simple words.


    Of course he has some valid points, but they are often stretched (like comparing beginnings of 2 different movies, he wants action from the start? Take ep 3...) and incompetent (if you compare 1 movie to whole trilogy, it's incompetent).


    Edit: Also he compares character like Obi-Wan was in ep 4 (Qui-Gon) to someone like Obi-Wan was in prequel (Solo). Another character he takes is Amidala which is in fact very shallow character. What could u say about Obi-Wan after watching just ep 4? 'Cos for me he was someone to start bigger events, just like Qui-Gon in ep 1.

  4. You mentioned Amidalas profession, and also described almost nothing about her actualy character except something about attitude i cant guess from context.


    You also mentioned Qui-Gons profession (student implies hes a teacher, Force implies hes a jedi, ergo, profession) And for the dice, pretty sure thats a move Obi-wan and other Jedi would do in a similar situation (granted obiwan being his apprentice and what not).


    So, you basically said nothing about either of their characters int he 2 paragraphs you wrote.


    Calling Han a scoundrel/rogue also implies his profession. You don't call a Jedi or Trooper this way.


    I think I said enough about their personalities, unless you don't understand what you read (no offence meant).


    And I'm pretty sure Yoda or Windu would simply let go not being sure if he really is the chosen one, not to mention that they'd probably say something like 'if he's the foretold child Force will guide him to us eventually', as would most of masters.


    Edit: and the reason why I mentioned their professions is that you should explain/argument your views/opinions. At least that's what they taught me in high school literature classes.

  5. Out of sheer curiosity, HOW would you describe Qui-Gon and Amidala (without mentioning their appearence or occupation etc, as in the video)?


    It's not an "aggressive" question or anything. Just that the video got me thinking and I personally couldn't find any exact words to describe these 2 :p


    Amidala? Little inexperienced, wants to be strong queen and is not afraid of anything if it's supposed to help her people (and later, Republic). Also got that kind of "*****" attitude.


    As for Qui-Gon? Well he surely believes in his student and is like an older brother to him (which kinda goes to Obi-Wan as well, he even states Anakin was like brother to him), also he's not afraid to use Force for his agenda, what he did in dice scene to get Anakin would be considered path to darkness/corruption by many Jedi, which shows his distance and open mind toward rules of Order.


    I could prolly say more if I rewatched movies, which I didn't do for a while.

  6. A rewrite and refilm of the prequel movies, directed by someone other than Lucas. Maybe Peter Jackson or JJ Abrams.



    Though if it were Abrams, all the lightsabers would have lens flares.


    Yes, let Jackson direct SW, and screw it up as he screwed up LotR.


    All I'd like to see is remastered original trilogy, hate me, but I'd like to see it with better visual effects:)


    Maybe something to explain us what happened between **** Revenge and New Hope, or what came after Jedi's Return and all books.

  7. I kinda liked ep 1, tho' ep 3 was seriously bad. Overall idea was good, so was story in general, but then lots of **** things were made (like Yoda simply running from Palpatine, despite advantage, or too much of Anakin x Padme love story, while too little of Anakin relations with Chancellor). As for ep 2, it was ok, had some bad moments, but generally was ok.


    As for acting I liked Dooku, Yoda, Obi-wan and Palp, tho' Padme and Anakin were... more awful than awful.


    As for review itself, it was ******, not only guy's voice was freakin' annoying, but he also compares things obviously different. Why didn't he compare C3PO with Jar Jar? And why the heck compare Solo with Qui-Gon, who only appeared in 1 movie and surely was not main char or even close. Not to mention people who described characters were 100% original trilogy hardcore fans, I could say more about both Amidala and Qui-Gon (even if I don't like Padme).


    Why didn't he compare beginning of Empire Strikes back with Phantom Manace? They were kinda similar, weren't they?


    As we're in the topic of prequel trilogy, did you notice that every piece of republic equipment has Imperial marks? Maybe something has changed since ToR/KotOR, but it looks like a mistake.

  8. As Sharpshooter, I'd go for Acc->Crit->Surge. Your Trickshot and Speed Shot already have increased Crit Damage and these seem to be your main damage source. Now add to it decreased Aimed Shot cast time for Charged Burst/Speed Shot crits and we're home.


    Of course Power ain't useless, but I think Cunning can do for it. If you are Sabo/DF, using granades or dots, then use Power. Also we should not forget, that as Sharpshooters we can decrease our Aimed Shot cast time veeery effectively with just 30% crit and Speed Shot (it's nearly certain it crits during channel with 27%).

  9. Let my Twi'lek female Gunslinger romance with Risha! ;D Really I always take female chars in MMOs (somehow I don't like lookin' at man face/butt when playing, be it fatty or muscle wall), and it would feel weird to flirt with Corso or OMG Guss...


    Also some people may feel offended for being "missed":P Not everyone's hetero after all.

  10. Anyone that says they do not want any type of dps meters in the game is either very bad or very confused.


    Dps/Heal meters - Seperate the bad players from the good.


    It shows you...

    who is active the most during a fight

    who is taking the most damage and from what

    who is healing the most

    the abilities people are using and how often



    Looking at the results of a dps meter will show you many things about a player and whether they know what they are doing or not. So if you do not want this in the game then clearly you are not a endgame player or have any idea what endgame is about.


    If players are bad and dont understand their class well they shouldn't hold back a guild from clearing content and should be exposed.


    As far as everything else, you can live without most of it and just adapt. Good players will


    No it won't... It's not even near showing how much/well someone heals. It's not comrehensive in terms of activity. It's good for many other reasons tho'. Like checking your own DPS, which helps with proper theorycrafting. Other than that, allows you to see if you are not falling behind with damage dealt (tho' it requires some brain).




    On other note, I'm big fan of macros, they let you save lotsa space on bars (like Dirty Kick + Headshot/Cheap Shot?) and honestly make life so much lighter;)




    UI Mods ain't bad, tho' we should get options to rearrange default UI like WAR had. Also I'd like to have better buffs/debuffs display.




    DBM - NO! It makes game brainless with everything popping around.




    Healbot/Grid, well as long as these are only raid frames it's good. I prefered to see how long my hots last as druid in WoW (try keeping up if u HoT 10 people:P).

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