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Posts posted by AndroidDark

  1. Most people who complain about the game not running good DO need to upgrade their PC or certain components. BUT, i built my PC 7 years ago and it consist of: Thermaltake LCS, nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX, Gigabyte S-Type 32-bit Motherboard, and an Intel Core2Duo Processor and 4gb RAM.


    This setup like i said is 7 years old and i run Max graphics all the time and recieve Minimal lag, the ONLY upgrade ive done in the last years is install Windows 7 Home Premium because XP was so outdated now.

  2. once another big patch hits...you will be satisfied again...then something bad will happen then not like them again...then it will just go on and on :p


    True, but they shouldnt have put in a patch that the client hasnt even downloaded. iv NEVER had an issue with anything besides disconnects at Launch and today. Just mindboggles me as to how the "Important patch" wasnt helpful one bit -.-

  3. Because they wanted more than it delivered and they think it will always be broke. Like bioware just made this game and that's it they're done and nothing will be fixed or added to the game.


    Thats the mentality of those that dislike the game.


    True ^^^^^


    Im not unhappy with the game, in fact i love he game compared to WoW mainly cuz ima die hard SW fan, BUT, after the patch this morning im no longer satisfied with BW/EA. Not the game but the ppl who decided to implement the patch this morning causing me to Disconnect continuosly when i attack somebody. 9k ping on msg send wth.


    besides this today ive been nothing but satisfied. For those whom think the game is done, seriously get a grip, WoW and SWG have had how many expansions? over how many years? and how many patches? WoW has been tweeked for so many years that yeah its gonna be exactly what you expect because theyve had the time to implement everything before you play the dang game. WoW has 1 1/2 days worth of patches not including the time it takes to download the main game assets if you dont have a set of discs.

  4. Honestly, THIS is the FIRST problem ive had with the game since release. Now the patch they implemented today has caused me to have serious latency and kicks me off when attacking NPCs. even typing up a txt sucks i get 9kMS hitting send *** is up with that??


    im assuming alot are having this as well?

  5. im just sayin man, you all think it wasnt good and nobody liked it, if that were the case then why would the Population of people on Tatooine and Corellia be substantially high, ive played on WoW the main areas on there rly dont hold a candle to the ones in that game :\ simple statements and you wanna bash them sir, why is that? was your dislike for SWG so bad?
  6. hey guys...yall do know the point of SWG was to have your OWN story.....right?....its not supposed to go with the movies....for every 1 person to say SWG was trash theres prolly at least 5 of us Pre-NGE players whod disagree. if you didnt have fun in that game you had no imagination and didnt truly LOVE star-wars. armor was awesome, vehicles were, awesome, the power effects were awesome, and there were SOOOOO many players Pre-CU/NGE then Cu came and some left, NGE came and most left, this game came and SOE knew this would officially kill their subs when TOR came out.



    At the time SWG was great, when i got wind of this game i was like, there goes SWG. Sony Screwed themselves by not listening to the player base that knew what we all wanted. houses smushed together and what not sucked, they prolly didnt even think about an apt i mean seriously u gonna build a sand apt? i dont think so. now in THIS game they may implement apts. i see it possible in this game cuz theres coruscant and more Tech rather than farmland type places. RIP SWG.

  7. This is usually done through outside programs, not any in game mechanics( unless a game has it that I don;t know about ). You could always mail them one at a time.


    uhm where do u get its usually done from outside programs from?...WoW...SWG...COH...COV....all have in-game option to mail all guild members at once... and would you rly wanna mail up to 100 members or more one at a time?? with NO copy/paste? most MMO's have the Guild Mail/Option to send to Individual Ranks.


    I noticed this immediately and frowned :-\ i realise they will be improving everything but the option to mail the whole guild at once instead of posting short messages on the MOTD for everyone would be one of the Most important...

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