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Posts posted by JFTremb

  1. I've found the colouring is based on skin tone, the lighter the tone, the darker the armour.


    Ya i think you're right, cuz I've seen the black one only on humans, and on my Mirialan it shows light blue.


    Quite Jealous of the black looking ones. :mad:

  2. I don't know about the other reported bugs from OP but my guild has been having the Lightning spear in the shield issue constantly. We have taken it down to 20% before on our very first night in the raid, but recently since the most recent patch last week, he just wont stop throwing the lightning spears on our DPS who are inside the shield, our tank who's supposed to be kiting them around made sure he was the last to get off the it when defensive measure was being cast and he continues to taunt it during that phase.


    For about 2hrs its been doing the same thing now, we've tried changing personal, using different classes on Storm-w/e, it just seems to not working properly since the most recent patch.


    ::Edit:: All the attempts on HM 8 man

  3. I know both types are mitigated by Defense and Shield. But i was wondering if there was differences between the 2, because I'd like to use a Vibroblade orange skins instead of a Lightsaber orange skin but i obviously dont want to penalize myself for it.


    Any1 can think of a bad reason to swap your lightsaber mods into a vibroblade?

  4. My guild is having some difficulties with Toth & Zorn HM, we know that our tanks need to swap when "the leap" occurs and we know that they dump agro when it happens. However it seems that our Vanguard tank is having difficulty pulling Zorn off after the leap which leaves both Toth & Zorn beating on our Guardian tank.


    We're also aware that AoE Taunts overwrite the single targets (or something like that, im posting for them) so both of our tanks are using their single target taunt on the targets they need to peal off.


    I hate to jump to conclusion and think "zomg its bugged" but its seem rather odd that the same thing happens everytime to our Vanguard tank.


    I would gladly appreciate if any1 could have any info about this at all, is it a known bug or a mechanic that we're missing or w/e else.




    Side Note: I've suggested our Vanguard tank to delete his ****** toon, seems every mechanic in the world bugs on him for every single fight ever. I've yet to hear from him however... :p


    I tried PVP, its actuly not to bad, but I cant help but notice the cheaters and hackers have taken it over. Not much point in the honest folks even joining in on it.

    I read somewhere that this will be addressed in next big patch.

    A day late and a dollar short.


    May want to add an incentive to keep the honest folks around, as in ( you dont cheat, you get better armor than the cheaters could have obtained by cheating? ) Reward honesty.

    Might even clean up the act of some of the cheaters that way.

    In the mean time, have a GM attend a few PVP events put the cheaters in a dunce cap and give them a title of "Iam a cheater" ( that they can not remove )


    I cant wait to hear the flames from the cheaters on this lol


    What cheats and hacks are you talking about? I ask because a lot of times i see people quickly jump to the conclusion of people hacking or cheating when really they are not. I was once accused of cheating cuz i crit a guy for 5k with project on my shadow, which is not even that great of damage and I've seen higher lol. I'm not saying that there is no hacks out there, I'm sure there is, but I'm also sure its a small minority that do hack.


    And reward honest players? How about punishing the hackers, if proven to be hackers, with banning them, no reason to give rewards for doing what you're supposed to do.

  5. Not to sound like a medal farmer, but I've had times playing on my Combat Medic where I've wished for an in-game scoreboard after ending the match with 2 medals, 68,000 damage, and 74,000 healing (lowbie, PuG games where nobody has much more than 150,000 total damage+healing). If I'd been able to see the scoreboard I could have weighted my efforts one way or the other to guarantee at least a 3rd medal. Even ignoring the medals, it's nice to be able to get in-game feedback about your overall performance relative to the rest of your team.


    Agreed, If the warzone is going to end fast, either a quick win or lost in huttball, sometimes you've been busy scoring the ball the whole game and then you realize that you only have 1 medal in the Warzone. Winning a WZ with 1 medal gives like 1.5k valor as opposed to the 3k you would get from winning with 4 medals. Medals do have some importance and knowing your progression into them would be helpful.

  6. I would just like to see a Buff to Infiltration tree instead of a nerf on the tanking one. At this current state you use the tank tree for pvp and the dot tree or tank for pve, Zzz IMO


    ::Edit:: By ZZz i mean my personal test, I just prefer the playstyle of Infiltration vs Balance, and i hate tanking. Not a statement about how easy/hard they are to play.

  7. More encounters with the opposite factions out in the open world while leveling, questing or doing end game dailies. Open world PVP is at its based when its a spur of the moment encounter that escalates. And valor gain everywhere, as long as the level difference is minimal, to avoid 50 camping lowbies.
  8. Just asking for a bit of clarification.. Will the gear that drops from Raids in 1.2 also have augment slots? Because if it does not, it means that Orange gear with augment slot will be best in slot for PVE.


    Now i personally dont have a problem with this, but i can see people complain that the raid gear is only for the mods and is not PVE best in slot.


    If both orange gear and raid gear have augment slot, then it becomes a simple cosmetic difference and both options are of equal usefulness.

  9. Thats not OWPVP though is it, thats arena or touneys or whatever other name you want to give in that just happens to be taking place in the open world.


    The examples are not OWPVP, but its still an empty canvas where anything could happen.


    For example, lets say your server is doing some 3v3 tourney this weekend... and while the tourney is going on you decide to take your whole guild there and disrupt everything and kill everyone. It will cause chaos (im sure a lot of crying and whining) and will lead to a massive free for all.


    Not ideal OWPVP for some people, but it could be very entertaining and fun.

  10. ...and GW2 is not going to be a miracle pill for PvP.


    The issue here is the "pro-open world PvPers" want their PvP to force changes on the open world environment through land ownership mechanics. Can't say that I blame them, honestly. Sounds fun.


    The other side of the coin is that land ownership implies that someone else will not "own the land". This means that while the Republic owns "this" area of land, the Empire players will not be able to access it for questing, resources, or what have you. This tends to upset players when a portion of the game is barred from them.


    A potential solution is to create an area for people to fight over that would not affect the other dudes that want to quest, farm, etc. The sounds eerily like what the intent of Ilum was except since this prevents the "pro-open world PvPers" from enforcing their will on people outside of the sanctioned PvP area, they deem it a failure.


    This might be inflammatory but it really just comes down to open-world PvPs "success" and "failure" depends greatly on how much "grieving" the developers are willing to allow the open world PvP mechanics to inflict on the world environments. This is not even taking into account that ideally, world PvP requires a balance faction population on the server.


    I agree with you completely, people are always complaining about open world pvp but they need a carrot on the stick to go out and do it. Smuggler's Den and now Illum are pretty much empty canvas where the players can set up w/e they want, a lot of servers now are doing tournaments in Den (3v3, Guild v Guild, etc) which i believe is the intent for that zone.


    People always cry about "we need incentive for OPVP" "specific rewards for controlling bases or a planet", let's not forget what happened in 1.1 when Ilum had the tiniest of objective and the Imps farmed the hell out of the Reps due to faction imbalance across all servers. We can't have rewards for Open world PVP, look at Aion for example with the forts in the abyss, most server were dominated by 1 faction for about 6 to 8 months untill most people quit the game and they merged all the servers together to make a total of 3 servers. Open world PVP with rewards in a 2 faction MMO does not work, you will always have imbalance, you will always have 1 side dominating the other and most people on the losing side will leave.


    What needs to change in Swtor for OPVP to at least happen more frequently is more areas where both faction meet up while leveling. I've leveled 3 characters to 50 by now, I've ran into Imps while leveling on Tatooine mostly. Alderaan, Voss, Belsavis and Corellia are too big, rarely ran into Imps there.


    Quick fix, Corellia Dailys in 1.2, either the same quests or objective on both sides or very close to each other so that Reps and Imps encounter each other constantly. Same goes for that new planet they adding for 1.2, w/e we do there make sure we run into the opposing faction.

  11. The majority of the servers are Imps heavy. I'm on a server that actually is not so bad, but look at these forums, how many ppl are crying about Imps controlling everything 24/7, and you want to add a system that favors the winning faction even more?


    Ridiculous. be realistic for a minute here. They wont scrap and entire part of their game and create a whole new thing, the only thing they can do is small to medium changes, like caps on how many people in the zone can be at one time or giving the losing factions some buffs.


    Btw would you like to know why your Aion server went from 90/10 to 50/50? Cuz the majority of Aion's player quit and they merge the 20 something servers they had at launch into 4 and added server transfers. Which balanced half the servers and left the other 2 with a ghostown like abyss.

  12. Using Aion as an example is ridiculous, lets use the PVP system of a game that failed because of Faction imbalanced in this heavily imbalance faction wise MMO. GREAT IDEA!


    Here's what would happen...


    Imps attack the base for the first time, with 80 ppl, the Reps try to defend with 20 for about 10mins, they get discouraged and stop going. Imps cap the base and holds it forever while the Reps are on the forums crying about server imbalance.


    Forts raid on Aion were great when the servers you were in was balanced, but that ended not being the case on pretty much every server. And when you're server was dominated by the other faction it sucked horribly. You cant use a system like that in TOR.

  13. I dont understand how people actually believe that allowing us to change faction will solve any problem at all. You honestly think people in majority will leave the Empire side to go get farmed on Republic side? C'mon thats being naive, if they allow faction change it will get even more imbalance, may as well make the game 1 faction at that point.


    Players should simply not be allowed in the other factions base, put a shield or 50,000 turrets if necessary (non-killable ones).

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