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Posts posted by iReaper

  1. Personally like this better for pvp assault.




    Skip using IR pretty much all the time unless it's a 1 v 1 or a tank that just won't go down. Replace IR with gut most other times. It costs less, ticks faster, and does roughly the same overall damage but more front loaded.


    Personal preference between shorter stealth scan or parallactic combat stims.... personally like the stims in pvp since there is so many stuns and knockdowns that I like the extra ammo in an extremely ammo intensive spec. However, if doing a lot of node guarding the stealth scan would be nice.


    Drop soldiers endurance and pick up hyper assault cell and always have sweltering heat in pvp, 2% more hitpoints aren't going to do anything for squishy assault in pvp but the aoe snare is pretty nice with reduced cost ES and the DoT is ok but mostly a way to pad useless numbers.... snare is what it's useful for.


    Burnout I go back and forth on for pvp. The 30% damage buff isn't all that great in pvp as others will be using execute styles at that point that will insta gib people.... what I'd give for an execute skill now that we have zero burst. And you won't use IR all that much, plasma cell damage is half what it used to be, and gut doesn't use elemental damage. This is mostly for the 3% crit. So I'm 50/50 on going that or dropping it for another point in over charged cell capacitor and frontline defense.... 6 second interupt is pretty sweet in pvp.



    which cell are you using for this build?

    but as for new pvp gear would you still focus on combat tech set, or a mix of elim and tech?

    edit; NVm its obvious.

  2. I speak from a PVP perspective only as I haven't done any PVE content on my vanguard since my old guild fell apart after migrating to POT5. In pvp, I would much rather have a harder hitting ion pulse, stock strike and HiBolt than AP because face it, we are all (or rather WERE) all about burst in pvp. With direct damage nerf to AP, I don't see it being worth the ammo cost and the dot is rather pitiful.


    By the time your AP goes off on me, I would have fired 1-2 pules plus a stock strike and/or the bolt, which would do far more damage to you than me.


    Right now my AP does roughly less damage upon crit at level 53 than it did at 50 before 2.0. So even with more aim/power, I still do less burst damage overall with it. That begs the question, why bother keeping it? If it didn't get its range nerfed, I would have considered it to be a nice substitute for the stick grenade. Not anymore.


    I'm PVP oriented as well, could you link your spec tree and what are you using to replace AP?

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