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Posts posted by Darkshadz

  1. I see that no one replied to your thread yet. Here's what I'm using for PVP that I stole from Andrew_Past. He uses this template for solo rank but it works for regs too.


    Guardian version: http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAAFGAwABGgECAwwLEBQT

    Juggernaut version: http://dulfy.net/2014/10/13/swtor-disciplines-calculator-swtor_miner/?link=dGEBAABGAwABGgECAwsMEBQT


    This setup works pretty well for me. Feel free to switch Whiplash for another utility but I like it for regs. Having 2 root breakers on a short cooldown is golden!

  2. I have never been more intimidated by Vader before. That was literally insane. Now we see why he was feared....


    I litteraly got the chills when Vader appeared in that last scene.


    I just came back from watching the movie and in my book, this is easily the best Star Wars movie. The bar is set really high for Episode VIII.

  3. Oh i agree and i know how the mechanic works since Biowares combat system is basically the same as from old Warhammer: Age of Reckoning.

    Same combat system with guard and taunts.


    So i get the whole point in focusing the one doing the guarding IF that person happens to be a dps.

    But, overall, does this allowance to skanktank so to speak, cause huge effects on PvP thats not really visually available to the vast majority?

    It kinda feels like it does and to the average joe playing the game all he can see is how people simply wont die, thus something is broken and the whambulance needs to work overtime.


    People complaining about skanktanking in 5.0 LUL


    Seriously, I hardly see people complaining about skanktanking. Can't say the same about mercs :p

  4. Wow, not a year ago the argument was the exact opposite. "The merc is a high skill class, L2P and you will be fine in arenas against every other class. The problem is not the class, it is you".


    And now you claim it to be the exact opposite, cute very very cute.


    Those people were most likely talking about group ranked, not solo ranked.

  5. The Solution:


    If someone loads into a PvP match with PvE gear equipped in a slot. The item rating for that piece should be reduced to 200 rating and they should be granted full expertise for that equipment slot. This would ensure that when you load into PvP that you have full expertise and can actually be a asset for your team. Bioware has already proven that they can do this with level sync on all the low level planets. They just need to implement it for PvP.


    This is how it works in that other game with 5 million players. Only Bioware knows how to make the bolster more difficult than it should be.

  6. Also:

    The only reason blizz has implemented this is to fix populations issues caused by the fact that currently alliance racials are even more broke than they where a few years back and thus PVP has become a point of... "be alliance for the racials or bust." But of course everyone needs to warp information to whatever they see fit to try and prove a point or cause a form of internet opinion coercion to try and force an issue. This was also implemented to fix issues that could not be fixed with the cross realm instancing design they introduced since it does not work in PVP enviroments.


    Not sure about this


    Our goal with Mercenary Mode is to allow players who want to participate in Ashran or unrated Battlegrounds the ability to do so without having to wait through long queues, while still maintaining the spirit of the core Alliance vs Horde fantasy. We’ll be testing this feature soon on the Public Test Realm, and look forward to hearing your feedback!


    In the current patch, players are forced to do Ashran in order to get pvp gear, which explains why queues are very long for alliance players. Racials are not worse than before, it's just that the Alliance is the fotm in this expac. I agree that they should work on balancing racials though.

  7. I don't think it makes a difference if my team wins or loses. if i have bad gear and im not very good then im gonna get a bad score...but the other 3 team mates may have good gear and are amazing players so even if we lose, they will get a higher rating. it's called solo ranked for a reason.




    I think we're getting trolled.

  8. Arenas in WoW have been joke since like forever. You can almost 1shot people, do 1 min cc chains, get silenced, stunned and what not. Its an easy game. SWTOR has better mechanics to it - resolve system, guards. Doing coordinated burts dmg windows was something that took skill - hardswitches in SWTOR e.g., forcing guards/breakers in sw/wow. Now both games are more or less derp. So yeah, arenas in WoW are joke.


    hmmm nope. WoW arenas are far from perfect but Blizzard supports their pvp community. There are also tournaments and you don't face the same teams over and over since there is cross-server pvp. You don't even have to be on the same server if you wanna team up with other people. Did you watch Blizzcon this year? Good players don't get 1 shotted or CCed for 1 minute. So nope, WoW arenas are not a joke despite being imperfect.


    edit: I could also mention that they didn't remove RBGs because reasons, like SWTOR did. But yea, PVP in WoW is not a joke in general.

  9. Ranked should not be balanced and ran around casuals. Its all %s. WoW has mostly casuals, SWTOR has mostly casuals. But competitive/skilled/exceptional players make the PvP what it is.


    Arenas in WoW are not a joke, though. Blizzard do care about their PVPers. BW doesn't even know what PVPers eat for dinner. Don't expect anything serious about PVP in this game for now. Sad but true. You are right to say that group ranked is what is supposed to be the competitive type of PVP but BW doesn't seem to care much about it.

  10. Why are you still talking? Unless you play 4s at top level you don't know what the **** you are talking about, you have no place to even speak about balancing in 4s.


    You are stupid to think it'ss easier to burst down a sniper than sorcs. Snipers have an ability that makes them immune from stuns every 45secs and it provides them with 60% aoe reduction when they are in it. Snipers cannot be interrupted whereas sorcs could. As for your argument about how AP pt -> sniper you are retarded you do realize you can easily avoid the majority of an AP pt's burst by rolling when he places thermal det on you right...? You do realize if you are half decent at this game in 4s you should be able to keep your distance for a short period of time (enough for you to freecast) from any melee class right? The only correct statement in your post is the fact that it is still easier to burst down a sniper than a sin and jugg. But just because it's squishy doesn't mean no one will play it, you are a complete ******* and you clearly do not see how valuable a sniper is in 4s. Please don't even talk until you have played 4s yourself.


    Where did I say that snipers are completly useless in 4s? I said that they have survivability issues. Good snipers will still do group ranked but they are doing worse than in 3.0 because of the nerfs (and buffs to other classes that didn't need that). It doesn't matter if you roll before the powertech's bombs detonate, he will still eat through shield probe right after the roll lol! AOE damage is not what is causing trouble for snipers, it's the freaking dots! As for sorcs, I'm not sure you're aware of what good sorcs can do and why they're superior to most (if not all) DPS classes in the game.


    But honestly, why do you think you're the **** in group ranked? You play against the same teams over and over. It's a joke and until BW implement cross-server and/or cross-faction, your rating means nothing. Too easy to artificially inflate it. Anyway, why am I still talking to you? You only listen to yourself.

  11. You do realize how dumb you sound right now right...? If you think snipers need survivability buffs when they have a HEALER and a GUARD I don't even know how to speak to you because clearly you don't use your brain much.


    Yes you are right, engi got nerfed because they no longer have double roll and they can no longer cleanse dots, and I've already stated this before snipers are **** in soloQ/regs. I am not disagreeing with that point of fact. But what I am saying is if you think just because they blow in SoloQ or regs bw needs to rework the class or even buff it, you are a complete retard.


    They don't need any "LOVE" when you have a healer and a tank, you have an aoe diversion which decreases the accuracy of your enemies and you have a knockback and aoe dmg reduction. You have no clue what you are speaking of, just stop.


    "OH noes the sniper uses diversion, I'll just stay in the aoe! I'll even forget that a sniper exists after the debuff wears off" - said no one ever (except in regs)


    "Shield probe? What is that? " - AP powertech, while bursting through your shield (and breaking it after 2 GCD or less).


    yada yada yes you have a healer and a tank but that doesn't mean snipers have no survability issues. It will still be easier to burst down a sniper than a sorc, a sin or a juggernaut in 3.0. Snipers are more of a liablity to a tank and a healer than before. It's like saying that concealment ops were fine in group ranked pre 3.0 because you have a healer and a tank.

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