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Posts posted by Casaad

  1. The PVP argument is silly. A red nameplate says it all. What class? You can tell after the first few attacks.


    And to gripe more about the poor customization system, at end game we have to give up the look we want to have decent PVP gear. If you don't, no expertise for you. Go get your butt kicked. Same goes for the PVE gear with built-in armoring mods. Use the gear with built-in mods or lose your stats.


    The whole crafting and outfit/item customization system needs to be re-imagined. It's way too cumbersome. And who decided that we should pay to move mods around? Really? I can't experiment with this or that without dropping 250K credits to swap a bunch of purple mods around? Really? I'm absolutely amazed by this decision.


    It's a good game though. Plenty to enjoy. But, some decisions they've made just boggle the mind.

  2. I'd prefer there NOT to be PVE and PVP gear. If all gear was the same (non-expertise), you'd be able to raid and still hold your own if you pvp once in a while, and vice versa if you pvp a lot and want to raid once in a while.


    Its'a ridiculous grind to have to get PVE and PVP gear. Not to mention having a DPS and TANKING set of both. That's 4 sets of gear. Crazy. Especially considering the turn around of gear becoming obsolete for the next best thing. Less gear driven and more novelty driven content is the way to go. Let skill decide who succeeds at PVP and PVE, not gear.


    My 2 cents.

  3. Immortal Juggernaut should be able to win a 1v1. We should have a chance if we play it right. Our defenses are supposed to make up for our lack of damage so things even out in the end. Fighting a Sorcerer/Sage or Merc/Commando 1v1 is just embarrassing. Even if you overgear them.
  4. I normally run as an Immortal Jug for pve and pvp. Tanking is fun. Soloing is fun. Pvp is fun. I wanted to try the veng and rage trees just for the experience. I was told several times by groups doing hard mode flashpoints that:


    "We want DPS with a 60 sec CC, sorry."


    No 60 second cc, so I'm not welcome as a dps. Wonderful.


    Back to immortal spec...

  5. The problem is that if Quinn is too far away, he mostly just attacks and doesn't heal. Try switching him to passive after a fight (or during to move him closer to you), then have him attack once he's close to you. He heals like crazy when he's close, dropping green goo and everything else. I got into the habit of just hitting passive when he's too far, then attack again. Works everytime.
  6. I have this same question. Did a pug world boss and the raid leader just had us pick a number from 1-50 that he came up with. 2 problems with this:


    How does the raid leader get to roll for loot?


    How can you trust raid leader not to give loot to their buddies?

  7. I love my Juggernaut tank. Only level 29 atm, though. I enjoy both PVP and PVE, tanking and DPS with him. I've been running with guildies as much as I can. I've noticed a few things about holding agro on groups:


    ONE: Our Sith Assassin kept pulling agro and he didnt know why. We finally realized it was because he was DPSing with his tanking stance on. Once turned off, he almost never pulled agro.


    TWO: Our BH Merc kept pulling agro at the start of a fight. He would do Death From Above (DFA) after I charged in and AOEd. But, he was activating DFA before I actually did the AOE. He figured that because DFA takes a few seconds to actually hit the target, that he was timing it after my AOE. However, we noticed that the mobs would turn and agro the moment he activated DFA, instead of after he flew up into the air and the actual rockets hit the ground. Kind of a silly mechanic to have the mobs agro before the attack actual hits the mobs, but that's what happens, so we learn to deal with it. Now he waits for me to hit my AOE before activating his DFA. Have had no problems ever since.


    In pugs, you can see how both of these things can cause issues. Wrong stance and AOE attacks too early. I just mention these both at the start of a pug and have had much less issues pugging as well.


    I'm looking forward to learning more about my Juggy as I continue to level. I love it!

  8. I thought there was one already in the camera submenu?


    There is an option called, "Enable Camera Pivot", however, the tooltip says, "Detach camera from the character when it hits the terrain."


    I've tried this option ON and OFF, and can't really tell the difference. But, it DOES NOT turn off AUTO-PIVOT. Try auto-running, left click to look around, then release. The character WHIPS back to the front.


    I feel like I'm driving a car that wants to keep pulling me to the right, but I have to fight to keep it straight. Only in this case, I have to fight to NOT keep it straight.


    PLEASE let us drive our character the way we want. Constantly fighting the auto-pivot to drive my character is really annoying.



  9. Great game. Great launch. There are things that need working on still (ie. auction house, vendor sorting, pvp balance, bugged resource nodes, the list goes on), but I'm finding that the single most annoying thing for me is the camera auto-pivot. It makes PVP less fun. It makes PVE less fun. It's annoying that the game is whipping me around all the time when I don't want to be. We should have control of our toon. I'd love to see auto-pivot disabled completely, or at least be given an option to disable it. Cheers.
  10. There is a warning. The problem is not reading the information about crafting before you do it. I mean, you even have to talk with the crafting trainer to learn the skill. No offense, but if you jump in head first into something you don't read the information about, nothing can really be blamed but yourself.


    Pointless post, but thanks for caring.

  11. And a warning would have been nice. Sure, a check box to turn it off, so you dont have to see it everytime. But hell, a lot of people are trying this game for the first time. We don't know how it works. Until it bites us in the ***. Yes, I learned. But no, it's not my fault. You must experiment with the unknown before you can learn about it. Especially when there's not enough explanation ahead of time. Some people...
  12. Sorry I'm posting this again. The previous thread was deleted because it was labeled as a "petition". So, this IS NOT a petition. It's a discussion of what you all think about having FFA-PVP servers, and if so, how would you like to see them implemented.


    Here's my definition of a FFA-PVP server:


    Anyone can attack anyone, anytime, almost anywhere, even if they are members of your faction, group, or guild. However, rules to protect grouped/guilded members are an option. There could be a few safe zones where both sides can intermingle without fear of being attacked, just to allow some smack talk, and socializing, for fun.


    Why have FFA-PVP servers:


    Some of the best times I've ever had in an MMO were when the entire world was FFA-PVP. I don't know how complicated this would be for Bioware, but they could try it on a few servers to start with (1, 2, or 3 servers). Only those who want FFA-PVP would go there. Those who don't like it, won't. I think you'll find these FFA-PVP servers very popular, and if so, BW could always open more.


    One of the best perks about FFA-PVP servers is that, respect gets EARNED, and quickly. People who act immature, or outright rude, will often find themselves calling the med-probe to be revived. And those who like to just grief other members of their faction, instead of working with them to fight the opposite faction, quickly build up a reputation that makes them KOS (Kill On Sight) by members of their own faction. KOS is a VERY popular term in MMOs with FFA-PVP. For many, FFA-PVP creates one of the most dynamic gaming experiencing because of this "reputation" dynamic. I'd love to see it. If there are others of you out there who feel the same, please let us know what you think.


    For those of you who wouldn't want to play on a FFA-PVP server, that's fine. You don't have to. But there are many of us who would love this as an option.


    And, this is hardly an unreasonable idea, especially given the fact that Bioware is allowing FFA-PVP in the game already:


    "Outlaw’s Den is an open world, non-instanced, free-for-all PvP area found on Tatooine."


    Read more about it HERE.


    This is just food for thought, Bioware. If you decide against FFA-PVP servers, I'm sure we'll find plenty of enjoyment on the regular PVP servers. Either way, thanks for making a great game!

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