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Posts posted by ArbiterLibera

  1. In WoW, it is difficult to find a tank that it attacked the new pack of strong mobs with 50% health. In SVTOR is this a common thing. In WoW, a few more can be found of the tank, which will start the fight when healer out of mana, or the doctor is not there. In SVTOR it constantly. The fact that people have to help the tank, and beat his goal, I did not even mention.

    What is this? I just had bad luck with groups? Or is it not a basic understanding of MMO game players? Or simply a cultural feature of english game worlds?

    Please do not tell me to go back to WoW. I like it a lot SWTOR despite the large number of drawbacks. I just wanted to find out why.

    Sorry for my bad English.


    Kinda late to this one, but it's mainly because game teaches players to rely on companions so they don't get the chance to really learn their role early on. I've found this problem most prevalent in first two dungeons for both sides and Hammer Station, after that players kinda understand how to play.

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