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Posts posted by goxwerd

  1. Illum obviously needs a ton of work, but the three Warzones are way more fun than any other MMO's PVP areas, lets call them BG's, that I've played.


    wow what? I assume you guys are Imps and win 90% of your warzones so its more fun.


    huttball isn't even pvp, its a side mini game.. Where there is more time spent not having control of your char than there is. And more time being frustrated by awful mechanics compared to the fun when you can actually move the ball.


    Civil War is ok but its too small and too easy to defend.


    VS is probably one of the worst warzones ever in an mmo. Its so rng so very unimaginative. Zzz bomb spam hope the door doesn't open in time, zzz open bridge more bomb spam, same thing until i get to the end.


    AB > CW

    WSG > Anything in this game


    BG and Codex in rift were better zones than anything in Tor and i hated rift pvp.




    Sadly none of the TOR warzones are even much of pvp. Its more about interrupting and knocking people around than anything.



    I agree with the OP i want to like this game soo bad.. i am trying so hard to enjoy end game geared pvp.. BUt its the exact same things as the gear grind..

  2. i am not even sure being geared is a fix...


    The problem i see past the horrible mechanics and class matchup is for the most part the warzones in this game are not pvp..



    Even being geared@50 the quality of 10-49 pvp was better.


    I can only speak for my server but the quality of play and pvp in these "warzones" is pretty awful. The only way this stuff is tolerable is if you run in a BM premade.



    Not trying to complain but i am just curious what the fanbois think is so great about warzones in tor? I could play the other instanced pvp in past games for hours and enjoy it. I dread trying to do my dailies in tor :(

  3. i didn't think this was a bug i just thought it was bad pvp design like everything else in the game.



    Its annoying as crap but the way the zerg daily grinding works there is no way around having it open Kting or this..


    Buggy and inconsistent. Love getting capped right before a big battle happens.



    All the more reason the kill dailies need to go away!

  4. now that i think of it. It would be kinda cool if the weekly quest was basically instead of winning 9 warzones just over the course of the week getting 6-7 warzone objectives.


    It would mix it up but i guess it would be annoying if all you needed was a certain one and you just couldn't get it. Maybe have a list of 10 objectives and you need to do 5 of them to complete weekly.

  5. Better solution is DUMP the RNG, make a universal currency gotten from doing all types of pvp, balance it around the desired time you wish the player to spend playing for each set of gear( @25% right now is about 2 BM pieces a week for a casual). Take out the kill and win dailies those make pvp crap. Can even replace them with more objective based dailies( go trade turrets with the enemy or something)



    Boom no more qq i want to plant the bomb, or qq im not going to cc this imp/rep coming because i want the turret cap. No more aoe classes/specs getting weapons first. No more people setting up scenarios in huttball to get a piece of gear.



    Only half the team will medal farm instead of everyone.


    Its not that complicated if the object of TOR is the gear carrot on a stick then just let us grind towards it doing w/e type of pvp we want.

  6. im not trolling i just dont agree with you.



    Its a bad idea sorry if you think its a good one.


    Forget the numbers but having such easily exploitable system at the same time leaving people out of all to get certain pieces of gear.


    All i can say is whenever an achievement ='d gear people would do w/e they could to recreate it the fastest. And it will be the same here.




    This is just an overcomplicated solution to a problem that can be solved much easier.

  7. I am not even sure why we are arguing this because BW would never do something like this anyways. Since this would require an entire new system implemented.



    i just do not think that having achievements being this gear currency is a good idea. If the dailies have taught us anything is that you can't have a single goal to get gear.


    The better pvp systems just let you work towards your gear regardless of what you do. Just look at how dailies have ruined Ilum, Leavers in WZ, just the overall fun of playing since you are just trying to get your daily/weekly done and by the time you finally get it done you do not want to keeping playing since all the community wants to do is do the dailies.



    So ilum is nothing but daily grinders, Warzones are just people leaving until they get wins.

  8. How is it any different now? And 200 medals is like 10-15 games. Non issue.




    Agree, but zone specific achievements will need to be in place.




    There is no way that will happen. It would effect the results from other achievements and make them longer. And if they do trade, it's 1 piece of gear.




    All the achievements have a DIRECT effect on the outcome. I don't think it's such a bad idea.





    Rofl do you even play @ 50?


    Who averages 20 medals a warzone? Because its only 10 games to get 200 medals...





    What happens when all you need is your gloves? You have to try to find a way to let the other team score 2x twice then come back and win?



    What about the bombs? Everyone will be trying to set the bomb because that is all that matters.




    We just need to come to terms that this idea isn't going to work.

  9. How is it too much work? PvE players spend 3+ hours raiding 3-4 times a week for 2-3 months in a row to all obtain their max level gear. That's on average 144 game hours for 3 months. All but 2 of the achievements listed are obtainable in 140ish game hours minus the chest and weapon which would be items that let the dedicated players stand out.




    rofl not in this game they do not...



    The pve is easy as crap in this game too.



    Anyways your idea will not work in the real world.





    Ok so last night i played from 5pm to 12am with queue time and games i played 16ish matches, since my server is special we won 2 all night. So 16 matches in 6 hours i had some afk time. Even lets assume i won 50percent of them. So that is one win every 1.3 hours of time in game.


    So even if i win half which many many sides do not that is over 300 hours of time in game.


    So about 13 DAYS of time /played to get a chest piece assuming 50/50 win. Not even touching on all the people hogging and playing selfishly to get their objectives.



    That is obsurd even if the gear was another tier above BM. Not a 1percent upgrade.



    This entire thread is flawed.

  10. could you imagine how teams will be QQing and all the selfishness of people trying to get their "achievements" for gear??



    You can't have things like this because when the carrot on the stick is gear people will do w/e it takes to exploit it the fastest(and usually the fastest way is bypassing the intended design like what we see in games already). Warzones will just be a bunch of ballhogs, bomb hogs, medal farming, aoe spamming to get their gear..


    You get a toot for trying to fix the issue but that isn't the solution. Imo in order to get gear you CANNOT have a very narrow way to get it like TOR has done. It turns into a giant cluster as we see with dailies, they are just people farming @ 2fps or leaving until they get a win then stopping.



    Besides the fact that having dailies being your sole place for BM drops shows BW doesn't want us to pvp they just want to keep us on the hook until the next tier of gear, Doing those dailies isn't pvp its just people doing w/e it takes to get the quest done..


    BW failed in there not being a true "pvp" currency. The com system should be reworked into a gamewide pvp currency so where ever you gain valor you gain pvp currency(can make it so you get bonus for doing objectives), Break up the currency so if you are in an OP you do not get as much as you are solo or in a 4 man. This should help break up the zerg vs zerg. Also dump the dailies in Ilum. If anything make the dailies not player killing related. Ilum needs to be a place to go pvp not to just zerg down a daily/weekly.




    k this turned into a rant.

  11. And so you want these people forced into playing on a team with you and you think it's going to be to your benefit? :jawa_confused:




    Sorry buddy but its a random queueing system. You are not entitled to anything more than the guy who got into the same game as you. You keep trying to make it sound like people are "forced" to play this game..


    PVP is totally optional and in order to have a competitive environment there needs to be rules. One of those rules is you need to stay the entire game. If leaving the game was so important then you can afford to do something else for 15 min until you join another game.


    If you dont like it queue with 4 people and if you are as good as you think you are, you should be able to win regardless.



    Spoiled MMO kids these days.

  12. There was a very long time between when the first one happened and when the second one happened.


    And yes, the first one made Warzones in WoW much much better.




    FUnny too in rift same thing first 3 weeks of the game had no deserter. It was annoying as heck, boom you get a debuff and lookie there less people leave and since people dont want to look like they suck they try to play well.



    But also Rift had it so if the other team was SOOO much better you could just sit in your spawn and wait for them to win fast. Which made losses less painful.


    I think that is part of the problem with Tor now that i think of it, Even if you are on an awful team with no chance you are forced to go die over and over. When in other games you could just sit at your graveyard and wait it out. Everyone won in a way. The premade got a fast win, the losers didn't have to sit there and be killed for 15 min and got out of the game fast.


    I know that sounds bad but i think that makes the warzone grind much less painful is if you are being destroyed you aren't forced to go be farmed like you are in TOR.

  13. I still do not understand how people seem to think that you can leave a game and basically screw over up to 7 people and just be able to requeue...



    Game hopping should be discouraged. It is not in the spirit of the game and it creates poor quality of play all around.



    Its an accepted statistic that if you make it not free to bail on a warzone people tend to stay and play. Maybe a handful of people will be babies and give up but for the most part( me included, currently i bail on games if it just looks bad) i wont be doing that when i can't for free. I play for personal pride mostly so yes i dont like to be in awful matches anymore than anyone but if i have to stay ill stay and play my best.


    A nice 15 min deserter will be fine so someone has to think twice if the game is really that bad to have to wait 15 min to queue up again.



    The fact of the matter is you are not anymore of an asset to your team than the bads you are crying about. And by having open free leaving you basically start a chain reaction in some games that are even close..


    Im sure some people will afk more too but there are mechanics that can be put in place that combat that ( BW will probably be super slow to implement but oh well)

  14. even if voidstar has no bugs and works at intended it is a terribly designed map.


    Just a bad map and rng on defense.


    If your door is timed right you can interrupt non stop if it is not you get screwed.


    The entire map is just awful and no fun to play.



    I love the idea of a attacker/defender map but then make it right..


    having two doors next to eachother and just blowing through doors is silly. There is almost no strategy involved at all just try to wipe them with the longest door timer possible then get far enough in front of them so they can't catch up.




    Would be better if each door had a different way to get through it. First door is just dmg(enough to make it so people have to make choices of killing the door or people attacking you) Then 2nd door is the classic bomb. Then final door has something to do with that room AND then taking the information is like a 5 second cast, So basically you have to defend the hallways from the other team while they try to cap the data.




    That way you can actually progress through the level and not spend 5+ min on the first door if the other team is healer heavy.

  15. the problem is RNG sucks but BM bags are working..


    The thing is the people who come to the forums exaggerate and come here crying or you just get the outliers posting.


    Most people get them a decent amount and just dont cry here. Then you get the people who say 3 weeks no bags. But did he do all the dailies and weeklies? I doubt it so maybe it has been 3 weeks but maybe he is only not getting max bags.



    Also the people who come here saying 60+ bags no comms are just full of it. I assume they are like 10bags in no comms and just come here crying and exaggerate to make it seem broken.


    Just my take. on the QQ but i do think that having an RNG like this for end game gear is stupid. The problem is there is no post VR60 grind mechanic in place to utilize to work towards BM gear. Sounds like they are just making BM bags work like champ bags ( you can buy them with comms) which is pretty lame.

  16. they are too fast imo.


    in non coordinated civil war 2people can basically hold it non stop vs 4-5.



    The thing i noticed is the only way to take a lightly defended side turret is to zerg it with 7 people and hope no one takes the single one you have because they get back.



    If you try to take a turret being defended by 3 people with 4 and you keep wiping them they usually can defend it non stop with fast speeder rides.

  17. i agree the 30% must go and to be replaced with 40% atleast




    will be 50percent by the time rated wzs have a full patch rotation.



    Seriously OP has no idea that yes the debuff hurts a single healer probably more than it should but if that debuff wasn't there healer stacking would be even more broke than it is( and right now if you run 50percent of your team as healers you are unkillable)

  18. must be nice to be IMP.



    On my server at least now we have enough repubs 25vs50+ So everytime we get wiped i get 6ish kills towards my daily/weekly.



    As for warfronts it takes around 2 days of playing 6pm-11pm (qq 8-5) to get the daily done. And about all week to get the weekly.



    But that is all almost fine imo.


    My biggest issue is how unfun trying to do these dailies is. Warfronts even with good gear are soo old by the time you get the gear. And then basically once you get BM you are basically doing the exact same thing you have been doing to grind BM and even before 50..

  19. I still do not understand how people dont get that a penalty wont stop all leavers but it will stop many people who hop games..




    The real question is why should we reward people who hop games constantly just to find free wins by screwing over people who are trying to play every game.



    The fact is you wreck the quality of pvp and the game/system if you selfishly hop games.


    And lol at people who are game hoppers and leavers think its their "teams" fault and their inability has nothing to do with it.


    news flash if you have to hop games to find a win your team would win without you.

  20. yeah it will get pretty bad once its rated.


    4 healers + all the shields and guards is pretty gg.


    Will see how the good rated premades figure this out but i am pretty sure 3-4 healers will be desirable since Civil War and Huttball reward you for stalemate style of play.

  21. I will be the first to admit it's not a very intuitive system and have lost the ball many times trying to pass the ball "up" to another platform. It's a very frustrating experience at times.


    I wish you you could select a friendly from your raid list and then click the pass button for ease.


    sounds like you need to l2p sadly.


    It would be huttball breaking ifyou could hotkey a throw.. People would throw the ball perfectly non stop.


    Its fine as it is its a little quirky and being stunned makes it even more clunky since it keeps canceling your target.


    Right now throws require skill and timing. Which is good.

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