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Posts posted by Draig

  1. Hahahah this has to be the best troll thread I have seen in years. :D


    I mean, really, it is a troll thread right?


    No one can be that stupid for real...can they? Just the amount of contradictions in one of his rants made me giggle :eek:


    Dying to see your screenshots OP :D

  2. Pro tip : Never book a day off to play a game on day of patch or day or two after.


    Happens all the time, in all MMO's so get over it.


    Take your girl out tonight as a surprise and I'm sure she will let you be a kid again for a day on Sat or Sunday.


    Life sucks, deal.


    I just got home from work looking forward to playing. It looks like it won't be up until midnight or so in my timezone.


    So I'm posting this then having a shower and going to the pub and will play tomorrow or whenever I'm sober enough to do so.


    Not that hard is it.

  3. I just hate how BW doesn't care about it's subscribers outside US and steals 1 day of play from us every week. It was manageable when it was only 4 hours, but 8 hours is too much especially since there is no patch or any reason at all for it to be that long.


    And ofc USA will troll this topic, for them the maintenance is during sleeptime so they don't care if it takes 1 hour or 10.


    I object. I'm from the UK not the US. I don't care if it takes them 24 hours to do what they need to do, I just go to the pub, or...during the time they update I'm actually in work.

  4. No we don't.


    why is this so hard for you to understand?


    Well, I do understand. Seems you don't? If your whining about having less time to play a game then surely that allows you more time to prepare for the end of the world than everyone else playing?


    So embrace these times and spend the extra hours digging out your very own end of world bunker and stock it up with lots of tin food.


    Because the end of the world is nigh, and don't you doubt a word of it.


    Matter of fact I'm jealous that your bunker will be quite some hours ahead of mine, and your probably going to find some better armaments in your extra time than me. Or read a book. Or something different than playing this game. You could even get laid. Or drunk. Or play with yourself more than I currently can without the wife walking in. That in itself is worth an evening play right there!

  5. If your playing 6-8 hours a day it doesn't make you any better than a casual necessarily, it just means you get stuff faster. There are some very fine casual players out there, very good skills.


    You probably are better than most casual players, if nothing else just because of the amount you play, but if they make things easier to get it just means you get them all the more faster.


    Such is the way these games have gone over the last X years. The vast majority of players are casuals. Keep them happy and you got a profit. Power gamer/Hardcore players just have to deal with that reality or find a different game.


    Yes this game is way too easy, in my opinion, but so will every other MMO out there be similar, because that yields the most profit.


    If you want a harder game go play a harder MMO, such as Darkfall or similar that does not cater so easily to casuals, but has a very small (comparative) player base as a result, or EvE, something like that.


    Play your way and take your choices, move on or suck it up because that is the way every MMO and game is going to be since WOW got it's foot in the door.


    PvP in this game and WOW always has been and always will be a bit of a joke by the way, it is not real PvP or even close to it, but it will do for the majority.


    But you already knew this and just wanted to vent about it....right?

  6. I have 2 level 50, and other than doing the very first Flashpoint on the first 50 a handful of times with other randoms, I have never done any PvE raid type stuff. A couple of normal heroics on certain planets as I go along, if I fancy it, but that is about it.


    I only do planet and story missions.


    I PvP the rest. Solo.




    1. I can't be arsed with rude, loot grabbing monkeys who need on everything then argue about it. PvE in general bores me, but when this happens I just don't understand how anyone can be that greedy, or the "couldn't care less" attitude about others your actually grouping with. So I rarely bother.


    2. I played MMO's so many years now, seen it all before, every possible drama you can think of, in and out of guilds, and I can't be arsed with any of the drama again, in a game, where I'm here to enjoy my spare time instead of pandering to ego and hormone driven teenagers who think the game is their life.


    3. There is no need to group with anyone, other than PvP and even that is in a PUG, to achieve everything I personally wish to in this game. This is a sad state of affairs compared to the glory days of early DAoC for example, but such is the way MMO's have gone to pander to today's gamer. While it suits my lifestyle, and I take advantage of it, I think it is a terrible direction to go in for MMO's.


    4. I have not looked for a guild, if I join one it will be the right one for me. Casual, but PvP orientated (as I'm on a PvP server). Almost every guild advert I have seen in chat has been full of spelling errors and clearly run by an egocentric child, which simply doesn't appeal to me. When I join one (if) I will only group with them.


    5. I'm a grumpy old b***ard at the best of times, and all I wish to do after a day in work is come online and PvP for a bit without having to commit about 6 hours of my spare time to killing some boss in a raid for a small chance to get gear, when I can instead solo my way to get similar gear from PvP and have more fun doing so.


    6. This game is so easy to hit level 50 in, I don't need any help from anyone to get there. So I don't. This is a bad thing in MMO's in my opinion, but if they didn't allow me to hit top level solo, I probably wouldn't play due to my life commitments.

  7. Nerfs/Buffs come and go across most (if not all) classes at some point through the life of any MMO.


    The only thing you can do to avoid it is have one of every class and switch what you play as things are at the time, or find a class you love to play and stay with it regardless of buffs/nerfs.


    Especially with Mythic behind PvP. Get used to it. They love doing it, they done it for the 5 years I played DAoC and the 12 months or so I lasted in Warhammer. A lot of the time through incredibly poor "reasoning".

  8. It is incredibly annoying after a while, and utterly pointless.


    Especially when you get a mission to go speak to a guy on a different planet, you eventually get to the spaceport of where your currently at after travelling all over it, and THEN have to go through unpopulated, useless, pointless, "spacedock" screens.


    You then EVENTUALLY arrive, speak to the guy, get some xp, and have to go through the whole damned thing in reverse to get back to the original planet you were on.


    Hell that damned thing on a 30 minute timer should let me port straight into my ship, or have it come pick me up or something instead.


    Very annoying.

  9. Welcome to the forums. Any forums, for any game.


    People whine about a million things and quite often when they are given those things they still complain about it.


    This is because, the people whining for the lvl 50 brackets will generally now shut up about it, and those that have remained silent about it previously are now the ones whining about it, as their easy dominion in pvp is at an end and they have to actually fight others of equal level/gear now, it really comes down to class/skill now.


    So, in traditional forum whiner mode, they will now whine about being given what was asked for, or whine even harder about class imbalances etc etc etc


    This is why it is often such a TERRIBLE idea for devs to read and listen to the tiny minority of vocal forum whiners, by doing so they will often wreck the game more than by sticking to their own vision of what they want.


    That is NOT to say they should ignore valid logical feedback, but they should probably ignore 99% of the troll bait on here.


    Including this.

  10. it gives the player the choice about how much they want to do or not. I like it.


    Sometimes I will complete an entire planet of all I can find. Sometimes I can't be arsed with all the running around so go do space missions or PvP and just do a minimum amount of planet quests.


    I hit 40 yesterday and my storyline quest is for 41.


    If you want to do them all and such, that's cool, but don't take away my choices to change the game play depending on my mood and force me instead to grind for 10 levels to get to 50 on crappy mobs towards the end which is one of the worst things about most MMO's.


    I still have nightmares occasionally about grinding trees for hours and hours on end to get to 50 in DAoC when it launched.


    One of the best things about this game is this system and plenty of content right from the launch.

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