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Posts posted by Foune

  1. I tried it and it worked great, was pretty boring though. Only time I played it in retail was when they all those specific classes, this seemed like a vanilla patch and there wern't that many players online.
  2. Don't just mindlessly charge people if you know that they will knockback you, if my target hasn't targetted me then I simply walk up to the guy and start bashing, and when that target uses his/her knockback then I use my charge, if I'm being targetted and cannot charge then I simply use camoflauge and walk up to my target to bash some more.
  3. Also, know your positioning and the healers, don't expect heals if you go out of line of sight. Many do this when they want to chase someone with low HP and it is very frustrating, when I heal I go with the attitude ''If you don't stick close to me then suit yourself.''
  4. They will fix it, but they will problably never announce that they'll fix it cause the company would admit that they have a big mistake which would suck for their PR. I bet it won't even come out in patch notes.
  5. I'm level 41 with my Marauder and I am enjoying it like hell tbh, I admit that I've had a diffucult time leveling it, sometimes I had to use a medpac on almost every pack of mobs or saberward and cloak of pain, It was most problematic at 28-35 for me then I respecced Annihalation and always used Quinn at my back and I'm having no problems in questing, I have solo'd all my quests except for heroic ones without a problem and I notice that I do a fair bit of damage in PvP, I can at least make healers or other ranged panic when I charge them, the only problem would be that I'd like a bit more survivability, but I can do fine right now.



    It requires a bit of patience to become successful while playing a marauder and some skill and understanding of melee classes, if you've got that and like playing warrior classes then by all means, go ahead. Those who complain about the class are many people who are not used to playing warrior classes.

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