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Posts posted by JAOMSYH

  1. I have canceled my sub after being a sub since 2012, believe I have 23 days left. I play a merc healer and for me swtor downward spiral started with SoR. Not because of story but because of how bioware ignores us when it comes to issues that effect game play. I was in a strickly raiding guild and when SoR went live the ability lag and ravager exploit and how long it took to address it single handedly killed off the guild I was in. The time it took for bioware to address the issue gave me reason to start looking elsewhere. Bioware finally fixes it and I come back but it was not the same. The disciplines changes was nice and exciting then kotfe was announced. I was lucky enough to get into beta for it but was dissapointed when the numerous bugs myself and others reported were still there when it went live. Kotfe made the game fun again for someone like me at least for a little while. Then came the fiasco, the companion Nerf. Granted I didn't care much since I had stopped pve pretty much all together and started pvp all the time. The cartel market changes were a huge let down. Then I had an epiphany one night while sitting on the toilet and reading the forums, bioware doesn't care about me or my experience with their product they only care about getting my money. So i chose to speak in terms bioware can understand, sub canceled. Good bye swtor and all the people of the game. May you still find the game fun and hopefully support the game for many years to come. I had fun while I was here and may return one day but for now it is good bye.
  2. Sorry I flushed all my feedback this morning before work.


    They don't need or want our feedback, remember they have "METRICS".


    This is just a ploy to say they tried to get a response from the community.


    You guys at bioware can go ahead and re-insert your heads back up your a.nu.ses because that's obviously where they belong.

  3. Am I witnessing the great player exodus of 2015? I missed the 2012 one I started after that one. Its exciting, good thing popcorn isn't that bad for you. I enjoy watching these *****hats try to backtrack and fix what they did reminds me of the idiots I work with.
  4. I personally find it ironic that you guys are just now asking for feedback now that the player base who is the most mad about the changes have left and moved on. No matter what feedback you get it will be biased in some form. Good job guys, my hat is off to you.


    Behind closed doors at a bioware meeting - let's roll out a totally new story and make our game more enjoyable for the casual market share. Then after they all sub again and we get the influx of cash we need to hit our bonuses let's take it most of it away and make it back in to a tedious grind. Who cares that you zzz gear to complete stuff that only awards xxx gear. Once the casual market share get mad and leave we will then ask for feedback. Why would we do that? So that the feedback we receive will show that we did the right thing. Sounds like profit and winning to me. What do you all say? *room full of people cheer*

  5. Hey folks,


    Following the Companion changes we made Tuesday in 4.0.2, we want to gather your feedback on your gameplay experiences.


    Really? You guys can't just read the forums and see the rage and complaints this last patch has caused. Over the years of playing this game I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter what type of feedback we give, you guys will do what you want and give us some half baked reason why it was done and why it is going to stay the way it is. I might not be contributing to get it fixed but why should I when I look at the results from the past. I'd have better luck trying to get my dog to cook me dinner.

  6. Well just like the last big update they did around the holidays, broke more stuff and have vacated the building. Its easier to just ignore us and go about their vacations. We shouldnt expect a response anytime soon. Don't expect a patch anytime soon to address the companion nerf either. Their "metrics" don't lie and I guess tell them what the players want.. I for one am a firm believer that those who were crying that comps were op got what they asked for. Now if you take the time to search the people crying the loudest were also the ones who were originally crying for the nerf. Anyways bioware employees enjoy your vacation.
  7. If I need 216 gear to do a HEROIC that drops, at max, 208 gear, then companions are still screwed. From what I'm reading once again Bioware has faceplanted and players who they JUST got back are going to unsub in droves again.


    I'm still stuck at 24% after 8 hours of their 56k download speeds. Frakkin' ridiculous.


    Watch out you will get a pm with warning that you will be banned from forums for talking such nonsense.

  8. Ofc, comps are not intended to be more powerful than our chars but they should be at least doing as good as us. Thing is they dropped their effectiveness like way too much.


    Spot on. We know they were op before but instead of actually testing changes and evaluating "metrics" to bring them in line they busted them to the ground so now the people who didn't care are raging and the people who were calling for the changes are raging. You can't ask for a pony for Christmas then get a pony and complain because you don't like its color.

  9. Don't get me wrong I noticed comps were a little too good. When I wanted a challenge I'd pull out another comp I didn't have high affection with. If I wanted to steamroll through stuff because I was short on time I'd pull out maxed comp. I wasn't complaining I figured out what worked for me and i wasnt throwing a temper tantrum. Not all of us have time to sit down for hours hoping we get a competent team put together. Sometimes its easier to just go it alone and avoid many of the people in this game.
  10. Stop. Blaming. The. Complainers.


    Eric specifically said the nerf was done because their metrics showed companions were more powerful than they intended. While he did say that he listened to both sides of the arguments, the final decision came down to pure numbers.


    Please if they really looked at numbers I'd be surprised. The QQ in this game is ridiculous. Those complaining got exactly want they were asking for.

  11. My coffee is good. You missed the point I was making. I guess I have to explain it. People cried comps too op. Bioware does what they do. Now if you take the time to search the forums many of the people that are complaining the nerf was too extreme are same ones who were calling for it to begin with. To be honest I couldn't care less I'm on my way out of this game anyways. I've turned into a casual who only pvps.
  12. Just wanted to say congrats to all the people who cried and threw a fit about companion being too powerful. As expected bioware came with the extreme nerf making using companions a total joke and making more people rage. We warned you this was going to happen but you all didn't care. Now the rage coming from those who wanted companions nerfed is laughable. All I can say is good job guys and gals. You got what you wanted.
  13. The lack of good competent dps is what is ruining the game. If I was a mindless button mashing dps I would be complaining about healers also. A majority of the dps out there think they are something special when in reality they are nothing more than one of these pvers who are trying to get a companion. Now if the dps actually know what they are doing then it makes for a crappy match for a healer like myself. So no healers are not ruining PvP, its the mindless ******s out there that think they are something special when they are really just someone running around with their heads so far up their **** they can hear their intestines producing poooooooop.
  14. There is nothing wrong with pvers having to PvP for a companion. I myself was strictly a pver who did the PvP matches for the companion. Yeah I got steamrolled a lot but I figured it out and started getting PvP gear. Now I can say that I am no longer a pver. Since doing the 20 wz for pierce all I do now is PvP. All the pvers who are pissing and moaning need to get over it and make the adjustments needed to be relevant in PvP. Its not like it takes that long to get PvP gear and in the process of getting the gear use that time as practice so you know what to do once you have your PvP gear. Now trying to pve is just painful and boring. If you give it a chance and educate yourself on the differences you might just end up liking PvP.
  15. Not every healer out there has this ego that you speak of. I always pug no premades for me since my guild has died off. In random wz I am almost always able to find competent 1 or 2 people that I tag along with for the match that understand we need each other to be our most effective. When I can't find that well that leads to a crappy match for me. Remember now I am only speaking from the perspective of a merc healer who is not op. Again I think it all comes down to who is attacking and how good my support (DPs/tanks) are.
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