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Posts posted by Thaladar_SWTOR

  1. I'm giving up on my Sniper. A blast to play before 55, Sniper has been nothing but suck at 55. Full Oberon now and still only puts out mediocre damage with almost no survivability. I've tried Lethality, but have always favored MM. Not sure exactly what is wrong. I suppose it could be me that somehow broke at 55, since my Sniper dominated before 55, but it sure feels like the class is broken. Regardless, Sniper is now just frustrating to play, and doesn't come close to comparing with any of my other 55s in PVP.


    My Guardian and Vanguard tanks in only half Conqueror gear do about the same if not more damage, with obviously more survivability, and can also guard/taunt to help the team. My two 55 DPS - Arsenal Merc and Shadow - do far more damage than my Sniper with worse gear.


    Sad to say, but I've been trying to find ways to make Sniper competitive at 55 and just haven't found it. So, finally giving up and retiring. Maybe one day, I'll come out of retirement and try the endgame PVE to see if that is any better. Good luck to all you other Snipers.

  2. OK, looking for some advice on what I'm doing wrong. Right now, I absolutely HATE playing my Sniper. It was such a fun class to play leveling up, but at 55, the PVP completely sucks. I'm literally last in medals almost every single warzone. I've read the guides; I've got the rotations/skills down and have full Conqueror with 4 Oberon pieces with some pieces augmented but yet I somehow still suck at everything. Is it me? Or do Snipers just suck right now?


    I felt like I dominated on my Sniper in the lowbie Warzones while leveling, but 55 is light night and day. No other class plays like this for me at 55. I can play my Arsenal Merc, also 55, also rDPS with only 3 pieces of Conquerer and get better warzone results.


    I've played MM all the way to 55 and thought maybe that was the problem at 55. But I tried Lethality and got similar results - slightly higher damage totals, but still last in the warzone.


    So, as it is, I actually dread logging in on my Sniper and would rather go play any other character. But I loved my Sniper so much, I hate to completely abandon it. Any suggestions? Other than stop playing PVP?

  3. So, you can't Reverse Engineer the level 54 Crafted Orange Armor. Is this by design? Or a programming oversight? I remember there being an issue a long time ago on crafted orange gear not able to be RE'd, but I thought they fixed that. So, just wondering if I should keep all these orange items hoping they will fix this one day, or should I just vendor them?
  4. Update: I did get a response from in-game Customer Service. They investigated, and evidently for Level 54 gear, critical success gives a *random* Augment slot - MK7, MK8 or MK9. That seems crazy, but would explain why I got MK-7s on the only two critical successes I've had, while other folks have gotten MK-9s. This seems like a terrible system with only a percentage chance to get a critical, then only a percentage chance to get a MK-9. Assuming there was an even chance for MK-7, MK-8 and MK-9, that drops the probability of getting a MK-9 augment to something like 7% (20% Critical * 33% MK-9).


    AND, given that you still can't RE the orange crafted stuff, I think I'll just pass on trying to make augmented Level 54 gear. It's just not worth it - easier, faster and cheaper to just make Level 54 green gear, RE it for augment parts and make the MK-9 augment kits myself.

  5. Sorry for the confusion. I was crafting the level 54 Armormech armor pieces - Orange Chest, Gloves, etc. Given that these are the highest level armor pieces that I was aware that I could make, I was expecting critical success to give MK-9 augment slots on the Orange armor. But they are MK-7 augment slots. This seems rather lame, but I suppose I can see the reasoning given Arkanian and Underworld. Although, who in their right mind would RE one of these pieces for an orange shell schematic?
  6. Its not the highest level of craftable gear, is why.


    Crits on Arcanian and Underworld crafted items, which are lvl 55 required items (rather then 54), put a Mk-9 slot into the gear.


    I wasn't aware that you could craft L55 Arcanian and Underworld chest, legs, etc. I'll have to do more research and figure out how this is possible.

  7. So, getting a critical success on Level 54 gear [update: Orange Synth/Armormech Armor shells], only gives a MK-7 augment slot? Is this by design, that a critical success on crafting the highest level gear only augments it with one 2 tiers below the max? Why even crit this gear? You will have to replace it with a MK-8 or MK-9 augment kit anyway. This seems to be a terrible design decision.
  8. Apologies for necro'ing this thread, but I ran into this issue and this was the only thread I could find.


    Is this a bug? Or by design? The Level 54 orange crafted items are greyed out and I get the error, "That item cannot be Reverse Engineered". If this is by design, what is the logic behind this when we can reverse engineer other crafted items?

  9. I know it went on the PTS in mid-August and I thought I had read somewhere it would go live in October. Is this still the plan? The reason I ask is that I've been holding off on buying any more PVP gear and holding onto comms. Since Partisan is being retired and Conquerer will be the new entry gear with a new set above that, t seems silly to waste comms on the current gear. But that also depends on when we are getting 2.4...
  10. I like to see the PVP Queue tool changed to something more like the LFG tool. You can check/uncheck specific maps, but you would only get credit towards completing the PVP Daily and Weekly quests if you had all WZ maps checked. But when you queued for a random warzone, you have the option to select (or deselect) specific warzones and still queue up for those.
  11. You sell a lot to lazy biochemists that do not RE for reusables.


    Yep! I think I've bought every reusable medpack off the GTN instead of making it myself. When I get to the next level, I buy the next one and put the old back up on the GTN. Rarely do I have to put my old one up a second time before it sells. System works great for me and I can focus on implants and stims instead of REing medpacks.

  12. Gotta say, I was pretty excited about 2.0. I guess I made the mistake of trying PVP on my 31 Powertech first. What a freaking disaster. So disgusted, I just had to quit. Can't even bring myself to check out any other characters or content at this point. Unfortunately my sub just renewed and I already bought the expansion. I'm going to give it a day or two before I cancel my sub...for the second time due to PVP. But at this point, don't see much hope in continuing to play.
  13. Hey, ParagonAX, would it be possible to get the final few (or even just THE final) duel scheduled ahead of time and posted in this thread (date/time)? I think it would be fun for anyone who wanted to gather to watch and honor the final competitors as they duel it out in Outlaw's Den. Just a thought...
  14. While, I'm not good enough to enter a tournament like this, I would love to be a spectator. I'm sure others, even those in the tournament, would love to watch as well. If times for each of the duels could be posted somewhere, we can plan ahead, get over there and gather to watch the duels. Gathering around the rim of the pit in Outlaw's Den to watch the scheduled 1v1 duels would be quite awesome.
  15. Now that the adaptave armor sets are out and only require level 1 to use, what is the lowest level of armoring, mods and enhancements that we can put in them? It looks like level 9, because my schematics start at "xx Armoring 2". Are there "xx Armoring 1" for level 7? If so, how do you get these schematics? I didn't get them by default and they aren't available at the trainer.


    I can see before where you didn't start to get moddable gear until 11th level or so from BT/Esseles (except your starter weapon around 7th-9th), but if I want my lowbie on the starter planet in adaptive gear, we should be able to make that happen!

  16. I might be missing something, but can someone more experienced explain how Vanguards can Harpoon me before I can Leg Shot them? The range of Harpoon is listed as 30m and Leg Shot is 35m. We are closing the gap and I am hitting Leg Shot waiting for him to come in range. Then bam, he Harpoons me and I'm in his face. This happened twice in two different warzones with two different Vanguards. Do they have something that extends the range of Harpoon to 35m and it's just a timing issue?
  17. Agree. Stuff like content and unlocks should not even show up in the Cartel Store if already have it (either because I've previously bought it or because I'm a subscriber). This won't apply to consumables, cosmetics, etc - just unlocks and content.
  18. Wow. Lots of attitude in this thread. Touchy subject evidently. Probably because people feel strongly one way or the other. I happen to be in the "50 PVP isn't fun" camp myself and I have two 50s. Every argument, reason and justification under the sun has already been thrown out in this thread. I can't prove or disprove any of them. All I know is that for me, the 10-49 PVP is fun and the 50 PVP just isn't.


    I've tried to put some thought into why and for me it comes down to two reasons: gear gaps and competitiveness. I had hoped that Ranked Warzones would help with the top-geared, super competitive, "pro" players all moving to those and leaving the Unranked Warzones for the rest of us, but that's clearly not the case. I think that if Unranked Warzones used a version of Bolster to somehow level the playing field, ignore expertise, cap stats, something, I might actually enjoy it. It would be for more casual, less competitive players. But I could see how even fully augmented WH types might like to see how they'd play against others when gear is taken out of the equation once in a while.


    But Fun is a relative term for each person. And the 50 PVP is clearly NOT fun for many people or there wouldn't be so many people complaining about it. And you're probably right - we either aren't good enough to compete with you, don't have the time/desire to grind for the top gear or any number of other excuses. But somehow we felt good enough to enjoy and compete in the 10-49 bracket. I'd like to somehow still enjoy a part of the game that I really enjoyed from 10-49, even after I hit 50. I just don't see why there can't be both types of PVP at 50. A more casual, "leveled" 50 PVP bracket likely wouldn't be fun for the super-competitive types that didn't enjoy 10-49 PVP. And the current 50 PVP system isn't fun for many other people. Give both groups an outlet for PVP at 50 - Make it so that Ranked WZs use Expertise and Unranked WZs ignore expertise and possibly even caps stats so you don't have the 22K health pool problem; or even create a new 50 bracket if you have to that sets everyone to a baseline and ignores gear completely.

  19. - ILUM Flashpoint - THE FALSE EMPEROR -


    - FLASHPOINT LASTING TIME: too much, and not just for this one. Flashpoints are repeatable so they really shouldn't last more then 30 mins I believe. On this run we ended the thing at 13:20 that means almost 2 hours after starting it and (this will make you laugh, I'm sure of it) we didn't either completed it because 2 members of the group had to log off for RL matters.

    Suggestions: REBALANCE DURATION OR/AND ADD TIME NOTIFICATIONS ON LONG FLASHPOINTS (may be something like: "THE FALSE EMPEROR (90+min)" so people can handle things better).


    ThankYou for Your attention in reading this and keep up the awesome work.


    I tried this for the first time the other day also, and we didn't even GET to Malgus. We couldn't get past HK-47 and after 3 wipes, folks had to log off for other reasons. I doubt I will even try this FP again. It reminded me why I don't do most of the FPs - the boss battles are usually ridiculous and you need to know some trick or gimmick to win.

  20. Now that we have AC icons (including base class/no AC icons), I'd like to see those next to the names in the Warzone Scoreboard instead of the current icons. It's a simple change really and it might take some getting used to them if you aren't familiar with the new icons. But I'd like to know the AC of the folks when comparing results, and we already have the icons...why not use them?
  21. I queued up for Red Reaper twice last night and both times got in under 5 minutes. I queued the first time as Tank/DPS (selected as Tank) and the second as DPS (since I can tank, but prefer DPS). Both times, it started a little rough, but were able to work out some teamwork and it went rather smoothly. Overall, I'm very happy; I feel like it would have taken much longer using the old General Chat method.


    A side note, the first group was an all-Jedi group which was actually kinda cool from a RP perspective!


    Rather annoying. I play a Jedi Consular and just about every time I cue I'm stuck with 2 other consulars. So it basically ends up 3 Jedi Consulars and 1 Trooper. I had hoped they would use a smart system in order to balance out the group rather than tossing multiple people of the same class at me.


    With all 3 of us rolling on the exact same thing it doesn't make things very fun two consulars I can handle but three can be avoided and I'm not surprised BioWare didn't take this into consideration.


    Consulars can be Healers, Tanks or DPS (as can Troopers). So, 4 of the same class (but different ACs) is quite possible and effective.

  22. I understand the need for money sinks in the game, but the prices to unslot mods are entirely too expensive, even at 30% less than what they are today. That means it would still be about 70K to unslot the three mods from each piece of say BM gear...and you STILL wouldn't get the set bonus transferred. So, 350K (or more) total to transfer the mods to a better looking set of armor and give up your set bonus. Who is going to do that except for the very small percentage of folks that have millions of credits burning a hole in their pocket AND don't care about keeping the set bonus?


    While the system has good intentions, they will fail in their goal to get people wearing the armor of their choice.

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