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Posts posted by xanix

  1. take expertise out of pvp gear and put it in pvp valor level . the more valor ( pvp level ) you have the more expertise , no more problems of pve gear dominating pvp .


    or make it a pve stat . pvp and pve sets equal but t1 pve ,t2 pve etc progress not in stats but in expertise .


    that way a pvp and a pve set are equal in stats but the pve people get a incentive to get other pve tiers because they give more expertise ( that would only work against NPC's ) and make those pve sets look better for the show-off's .

  2. take it from the pvp sets , put it on the pve sets and make it give the bonus against npc's .


    this way pvp is based on skill not on equipment and pve sets have a edge over pvp sets for pve , and they are equal ( pvp sets and pve sets ) when it comes to pvp .


    simple easy solution and much appreciated

  3. OP you are right , problem is most people never heard of off tanking . there are many strategies to overcome the killing of a group of mobs . tank them all and hit the floor\stress the healers , control the max of them and then kill 1 by 1 , main tank get some and hold them off tank peals some and group burns the off tank mobs down first .


    you dont need to have all the mobs of you to be a " good tank " , you just need to find the right strategic to the given problem taking in consideration the group ( the tools ) you have .


    specially in this game where the same class can preform diferent roles .

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