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Posts posted by Lord_Boaz

  1. Why hasn't BioWare implemented this yet. WoW had this years ago. It's huge! Such an as-pain to remember what my dps and healing traits are everytime I switch.


    It's not that they can't... It's that they won't.

  2. Healing Commando/Mercenary is the least played class in the game because everything else is better... also Commando/Mercenary dps seems to be in less demand than Sniper/Gunslinger. So even your off, or main spec, for Commando/Mercenary doesn't necessarily make up for poor healing.
  3. I believe OP is referring to stats that are saved for your character and don't disappear after a match is over like in WZs.


    I completely agree with the OP... more people play regular PvP matches than GSF. I wish we would get the same level of support from BioWare's Dev Team. It would give me additional incentive care factor in PvP... even motivate me to focus more on it and even less on PvE because it would give me another reason to play/PvP in this game.


    Best of luck to you OP in getting this resolved.

  4. And I bet most know why after 2.6


    I'll take a swing... is it because you are a Commando/Merc and realized that your class sucks at PvP? Reroll an Op/Soundrel and own with average skill. So many complainers... this game is great for alts... live them, love them, reroll them.


    Now, let's work towards getting Commando/Mercs some camoflague or invisibility skills to help them out and make them viable (I'd say viable again, but have they ever been in PvP?)

  5. I'm going to reuse an old post to help explain why I'd recommend Vanguard over Commando. Now keep in mind, Commando is my main for PvE content... love the class and I like to think I know how to play it. But I do not play it anymore for PvP for the following reasons.


    Q.) First class most folks focus on/kill in matches?

    A.) Commandos/Mercs (heal or dps spec)

    Why? Because heavy armor doesn't mean much in this game's PvP. They lack stealth. They lack strong getaway skills (sprint, roll, jump, restealth).


    I will admit, I usually heal in PvP because I think that I have a much stronger impact on the tide of the fight and I view everyone else really as an extension of my dps (more I can keep alive, more I can dps the enemy ;). But since Commando has the issues listed above, I dropped Commando PvP cold and play my Sorc (wish I went Scoundrel/Operative, but too lazy to level a fourth toon to 55).


    Oh, and as a Tank class, you'll see that teams will focus on you usually later. Our teams focus list usually goes something like this (situation depending of course): Healer>Merc/Commando>Marauder/Sent>Sniper/GS>Others>Tanks

  6. Omg you keep boosting up the classes such as Juggernauts and Operatives for DPS.... Why don't you give some love to the Marauders and Snipers instead of other classes with the option to play different roles... We are waiting...


    Seriously??? You complain about the most power dps classes in the game for both pve and pvp? If you want your argument to have an credit, you should have included Troopers/Mercs needing a buff.

    Q.) First class most folks focus on/kill in matches?

    A.) Commandos/Mercs (heal or dps spec)

    Why? Because heavy armor doesn't mean much in this game's PvP. They lack stealth. They lack strong getaway skills (sprint, roll, jump, restealth).


    You just don't see many Commandos/Merc in high-end PvP for those reasons, which is too bad because I love the class... big gun and two fisting... what's not to like? Oh ya, not being viable for PvP. D'OH!

  7. NOT BAD??????

    Are you kidding?




    - no info on QoL

    - no info on some guild features

    - no info on crafting

    - no new ops until until 2.8?

    - no news on PvP?


    And you say NOT BAD??? O.o



    My biggest concern in being the leader of my guild, is that the new PVE content is not out quick enough and most of my hard core raiders are getting quite bored. The PVP content we try to do is also getting as stale as communion bread. Im loosing player base in this game due to content is becoming stagnant. I know I could guild merge but I like the name of the guild I created and all the time and effort I put into it.


    I've noticed the same thing in our guild... and it's making it harder to raid/Ops. I have little faith that GSF will prevent boredom or bring in players who will stay.

  8. Please, please spend more energy on PvP and less on the GSF. I know GSF is the new toy, but there's no connection to the character. Maybe if they make a stronger connection between character and GSF, like you can craft improvements through Cybertech or gain special gear or a special character buff (5% speed bonus or something), then GSF would be worth my time. I've noticed a lot of guild members tried it, liked it, but prefer standard PvP more - feels more personal.


    PvP needs some more balancing, to Commandos/Mercs especially. They could use better defensive cds... or maybe, just maybe a cloak/disappearing ability. (yea that will happen and I'll eat my own dung). Most importantly though, PvP needs better match-making through cross-server queueing and matching roles. An Arena match with 4x dps against 2x dps, 2x healers... usually results in 2x dps on the all dps team insta-dropping before the match starts. I find this hard to believe that developers who claim to actually play the game haven't fixed this yet.


    I would like to add a thanks to the BW team on being up front with their plans for this year. They seem realistic and attainable and I appreciate that. Appreciate new storylines, but please don't forget to add more class storylines as well. I like my Sith storyline to be about the Sith and my Trooper storyline to be about a soldier's life; not some watered-down in between.

  9. I'm looking for a guild to raid with around Oceanic timezone too, especially with a lot of APAC transfers coming over. Would be interested in joining or help start a guild. Only looking for a mature, team-focused guild. I'm married with four daughters; don't have time for extra drama. I know a few guys have already created alts on Harbinger to test the waters before making the move over. Water has been pretty good. Don't mind the yellow water in the corner by Jimmy.


    I've got a 55 Sorc named Krool and leveling a Powertech named Suit'up. Hit me up with a whisper if the above comments interest you.

  10. I'm an American looking for guild to raid with around Tokyo timezone. Oceanic timezone will do too, especially with a lot of APAC transfers coming over. Would be interested in joining or help start a guild. Only looking for a mature, team-focused guild. I'm married with four daughters, don't have time for extra drama. I've got a 55 Sorc named Krool and leveling a Powertech named Suit'up. Hit me up with a whisper if the above comments interest you.
  11. Looking for an Empire guild that aligns with your timezone? Fallen Ones is a friendly mature guild with mostly Aussie/Oceanic timezone players, including Americans stationed in the Pacific. Currently, running 55 FP HMs and looking for players with all classes for progression Ops and help leveling characters. We have vent and nice 2.0 update allows 5% leveling bonus to folks joining a guild. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I'll be running dailies as Krool or leveling my PT named Suit'up.
  12. I'm interested as well, have a 51 Sorc I am leveling as well as a Jug and Marauder. In game name is Krool (sorc), Enragus (Jug), Enragis (Marauder). Still trying to figure out if I like Jug or Marauder more. I'm American stationed in Japan for 2 yrs looking for an Oceanic guild to run Ops and FPs, as well as PvP. 34yr, married w/4x daughters and use SWTOR as my escape from estrogen overload. Been playing since beta and resubscribed with 2.0. Team player with voice chat.
  13. I know I'm happy that the game is out and that BioWare continues to add more content and utilities to the game. Nice to use that time to level up a toon or two.


    However... I agree with many posters. What's more important to me? Being able to move a character to a server where friends are or being able to unlock items that really don't make the game anymore enjoyable? Guess that depends on the friends... But I would be willing to pay a "small" fee (please don't make it free because folks would be moving all over all the time - it's just not practical for the devs or for a server community).


    What I would like to see first and foremost right now added to the game (and hoping one per patch would be nice):

    1.) Add Operation/FlashPoint Finder

    2.) Dual Spec option

    3.) Server Transfer

    4.) Guild Bank


    I believe 1, 3, and 4 would help the game feel more MMO than solo RPG as well, which would be a welcomed improvement. If I want real RPG, I'll play another game with better graphics and no lag.


    Also, I actually like not having dps meters because I find myself and other players working better as a team and actually using CrowdControl (cc) and not having to worry about stats and just enjoying gameplay.

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