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Posts posted by PaulyTheHut

  1. I don't want a bunch of WoW monkeys dictating when content in SWTOR is released. If they want to play WoW, let them enjoy their crappy graphics and friendly community. I'll deal with the game I enjoy here.


    SWTOR doesn't have a "friendly community?"

  2. I have been very impressed with the content cadence Bioware has maintained throughout the life of SWTOR. However, I have to wonder if this is a really bad time to release what looks like a beefy and strong Xpac.


    With all the attention in the world being directed toward Warlords of Draenor (apparently its going to push WoW's numbers up to those of the glory days again) I would really hate to see such an important Xpac for SWTOR fall by the wayside.

    I would gladly wait longer for its release if it would help publicize this grossly under appreciated MMO once the "shiny" wears off of WoD.



  3. "One last point too: anyone who claims experience from "the other game" and how metres were constantly used to measure e-peen, are making stories up. I raided and pugged through three full expansions. None of this was occuring."


    Here's your problem - this quote completely negates every experience of every other player who played WoW? Really? You have all the evidence you need to support this statement and negate the experiences of hundreds of posters in these forums, veterans of WoW?


    I still play WoW from time to time and pugging puts you in a jungle of button mashing tools, who spam Recount every 30 seconds and boot players/quit the instance there is a pause in action. It doesn't even have to be a wipe.


    I have pugged and raided through FOUR expansions - does that make my statement more valid than yours?:csw_jabba:

  4. This is a dismissive "**** you" reply to the OP, that is probably not useful in any way concerning this thread, but I'm going to say it anyway.


    If you really need the Epeen Stat Stick to keep you interested in the game, go play "World of Addons." I have heard there is still tons of content to spam your DPS meters during over in "the other game."


    I prefer the old school feel of the classic trinity system set in one of my favorite Star Wars EU settings.


    But this is ONLY MY OPINION. :csw_jabba:

  5. The UI is customizable enough as it is. And while an add-on like Healbot would make healing easier, it would all be a wash when you consider the re-tuning required for doing instances with your typical WoW loadout of add-ons.


    The lack of add-ons in SWTOR is actually quite refreshing and to be honest, if a cavalcade of WoW type addons became mandatory to just play the game, I would probably head over to LOTRO.


    SWTOR has much of the old school MMO gameplay I feel I have missed since my EQ days.


    This is a Pandora's Box waiting to be opened, and in spite of all the above arguments containing the key words "help," "tool," and "improvement," lets be honest here -- the people who really want add-ons primarily want a running damage meter so they can judge other players and gloat over their Epeen.

  6. 1. False advertising


    2. Misrepresentation of terms of service


    3. Misrepresentation of terms of purchase


    4. Misrepresentation of contents of purchase



    The only one that you could apply to a blog comment is #1. I too have solidarity with my subscribers -- SWTOR is my MMO of choice, and its players are my tribe. But I also count the devs and community reps as my tribe, and thus prefer to give them the same consideration. Call me gullible, but I just don't think Jeff Hickman gets up everyday thinking about how he can **** over the SWTOR player base.


  7. Ouch.


    I noticed how a few folks on this thread seriously did their best trying to apologize for this statement. I love the game too, but Jeff is a highly paid grown man and should take some accountability for what he is telling the customers. I'm not about to call Ralph Nader or anything but as a subscriber and fan I logged on to pimp out my characters only to find out that it just wasnt possible that day.



    And I am glad you are stopping short of the political analogy -- politicians are trying to win elections based on what they say they will do, and therefore have PR machines that make sure every statement is carefully worded. Jeff Hickman isn't trying to win an election and I think in an attempt to genuinely communicate to the players the future of the game, he misspoke. I don't think he counted on this type of scrutiny over his syntax and semantics.


    I'm still trying to understand the point of dwelling on this now infamous clause...:mon_trap:

  8. This is such a fallacious, semantic-parsing, ******** thread. If Hickman's statement were a binding legal document (which it is not) could we hire David Boies to protect us from the savage injustice of MMO oppression? Get over yourselves. The beauty of paying for entertainment is if you don't like it, you don' buy it. No one is making you play and no one is making you pony up for CC.


    Regardless, I think any player with a head on his shoulders knew what Hickman was talking about and knew what was coming with the change in business model: all content PATCHES which included NON-COSMETIC features would be open for subs; all cosmetic junk would be all over the Cartel Market and we would ALL be paying for it with CCs. (Expacs are expacs, and everyone pays for those, however large or small, in MMOs.) Furthermore, I love how you are all over this ONE CLAUSE from Hickman after 2.1, when we have already been playing with a whole bunch of Cartel **** that was NOT open to subs from the get go. Now with dyes and kitties, all of a sudden we are "lawyering up" and "tearing up" over being "lied to?"


    All that being said, and its pretty obvious that I am fine with the business model of the game right now, I respect players that don't like what they get for their sub. That's cool -- make your grievances known, ask for more CC, ask for more features, whatever. But don't go back to one clause from a blog post almost a YEAR ago and act like you found some legal proof that is going to force Jeff Hickman and a bunch of Bioware execs to be hauled away by the feds with trench coats covering their heads and 'cuffs as they get frog-marched into black SUVs.



  9. LOL sorry man, SWG in any phase was better than SWTOR. Most of the SWTOR player base is only here because we love the IP and "we've got no place else to go!".


    The only GOOD thing that can come from this EA buyout, is that POSSIBLY they could make a 2nd SW MMO, more sandboxy. Call it SWG 2, SWTOR 2, etc etc...and then because EA owns both, it WOULD be possible to have 2 co-existing MMO's under the same IP. Thats the best I can hope for atm.


    SWTOR is semi-fun to play...at times. But I'll never call it even good. SWG, was great.


    LOL sorry man, you aren't speaking for all of us. Other than the oddly titillating dancing Wookies, SWG wasn't interesting at all. Oh wait, I'm just expressing MY OWN SUBJECTIVE OPINION on SWG.


    See what I did there...:rak_tongue:

  10. Preface: I am a huge fan of Gary Gannon. He wanted to turn Gamebreaker into the "CNN" of video game news, and the production values of his shows are tremendous.


    Concerning this issue and THAT episode:

    1. Always thought Holiday Events in MMOs suck. I could care less.

    2. Bioware could sell virtual poop in the Cartel market for all I care. You want to spend our money on ****, good on you, good on them.

    3. Other than the fact that you can get a few Blackhole comms now, stuff for the Space Game is hardly "pay to win." Besides, if you're an addict to this little side game, you're going to need the space package for those brutally hard new missions. (I will say this, however, I am not entirely pleased with the effect the space upgrades have had on crafters. I know crafting for credits is difficult as is.)

    4. Gary Gannon is really the one "Out of Control." He has veered into irresponsible journalist territory; he is now that dude who never plays SWTOR, yet spouts off emotional opinions about everything in the game. He hasn't booted up the game in months and yet he's going to give us all his informed opinion on the direction the game is going? I'm really tired of the internet hacks in this position who continue to pound SWTOR in ignorance, and will probably continue to do so because they know they'll get a rise out of people -- negative or positive.


    But to get back to my preface, I really enjoy Gary for the most part. He is a charming, witty dude. I am actually more disappointed with Larry and Justin -- they play the game and allow the show to become a SWTOR troll session.


    Sorry for the wall of text...

  11. Since when are genre labels factual? Categories are all up to interpretation. And here is what amuses me about this beaten, tired, near dead horse -- most people love to pile on with the "god it's not even an MMO thread" as well as the "god it's just a WoW clone" thread; yet the hybrid nature of SWTOR is what makes it so interesting to me, and why I play the game.


    i can play SWTOR in many different ways: like a single-player RPG, like a classic "treadmill" gear grinding PVE MMO, like a casual multiplayer game where I just Q up for PvP runs, etc.


    "Facts" are not the issue, it's how you choose to interpret those facts. For me, all the elements in SWTOR's design hit my sweet spot as a gamer. If it doesn't work for your sweet spot, what, aren't there 2 or 3 dozen other choices out there for you at this point?


    I think people need to quit trying to quantify or qualify why they aren't playing a game. There are multiple issues I have with WoW, which keep me from playing that game again -- yet for some strange reason I am not in the Blizzard forums trying to tell everyone why...:confused:

  12. Just saying, LOTRO launched 5 1/2 years ago without a Mac client. It still doesn't have onw, unless you boot camp your system.


    LOTRO has a native OS X client. It kicks ***.


    I guess Turbine thought it was worthwhile to develop a NATIVE Mac client for the "microscopic" Mac community. Yet another MMO company without a clue? :cool:

  13. Never unsubbed, but RL has kept me from putting meaningful time into the game. But I log on almost every day, and the vibe I get from my guild and the community is that we are really left with a very dedicated core of players at this point.


    Now there seems to be a small growth spurt of players who will also get really entrenched in the game.


    I hope F2P doesn't disrupt the community which seems to be reforming itself in a more "organic" fashion right now.

  14. They said they needed 500k to make a profit. At launch they bragged about reach millions and competing with wow.

    I love this overused "mythos." Someone please find me a direct, sourced quote from any Bioware employ that specifically states "We are going to directly compete with WoW," or "We are going to dethrone WoW," etc.



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