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Posts posted by Arcadius-Fett

  1. Operatives became the go to healers for PvP due to their playstyle and started to become considered OP by less skilled players. After two years BW finally decided to buff Concealment and less than two weeks later the QQ on the forums convinced them to nerf it again.


    So in 2.7 they will be removing the knockdown on Hidden Strike from the Concealment tree and replacing it with a laughable, useless 3 second root. The nerf to the Medicine tree comes in the form of removing our ability to spam Surgical Probe to targets under 30% health. From now on you will only be able to get a Tactical Advantage refunded on targets below 30% every 6 seconds.


    So basically, the combat team still doesn't have a clue on what to do with Operatives and refuse to listen to player feedback but give in to complaints instead.

  2. Just in case, somehow someone isn't aware of it... I'm referring to the brief moments where no one can activate any abilities.


    I'm surprised there wasn't a thread on this within the first few pages of this forum, I know everybody experiences this bug regardless of your server ping.


    I haven't seen any posts from BW acknowledging it, I hope they fix it soon. It hasn't occurred at a critical moment where I fail to hit a defensive ability and die because of it yet, but I have had some close calls (about 90% of the time I run this flashpoint the group is 4 dps and I'm pulling a lot of aggro).


    I hope they take the time to fix it soon.

  3. Oh man, I came on here to post the same thing, not surprised so many people have already gotten around to it. I was going crazy this past weekend, obviously running this flashpoint non-stop to level my lowbies. On my Marauder and Assassin it was just so painful, and I kept getting this boss almost every time.


    Then I logged on my Sniper. I wanted to punch my monitor by the end of it. This fight is not difficult. Not at all. It is just so pointlessly tedious. This is the worst encounter in the entire game, such horrible design.

  4. Well if I turned out to be Force sensitive, I'd like to think I'd become a Jedi, but I would probably end up falling to the dark side at some point. I wouldn't become a Sith though, I'd rather just go about my own business exploring the galaxy and learning what I can from other Force practitioners, becoming as powerful as I possibly could.


    If I was just a regular guy I would join a Mandalorian clan and train with them, then go off bounty hunting when I felt I was ready.

  5. My strategy was to queue as a healer for the majority of my games. That way the match is determined by my ability to out-heal the enemy healer while kiting/losing the dps. I had some decent matches as dps but there were some pretty lousy healers most days. I carried a ton of bad players and it was absolutely aggravating but it was a hell of a lot better than putting my faith in people I didn't know. If you don't have the option to respec heals or are a bad healer than I feel sorry for you.
  6. Yes i get carried all the time you caught me. Obviously me playing objectively and not doing top damage makes me bad thanks for the pro tip. As for the last match i was in with you, you came in a minute late, so the game had barely started and i was not at mid the whole game as i stated i guarded grass the whole time. But obviously you doing more damage while i sit and guard a node makes you better than me.


    Sigh. I guess your memory is as bad as your attitude.


    Tell me, how do I get more objective points if all you do is sit there touching yourself?


    How does a pre-2.6 concealment op outdamage the "server's best" sniper and marauder?


    Did you forget when ranked first came out and was worth playing and I globaled your *** 2 rounds in a row? Or when I did it 3 more times during the gree event and my guildies(in mostly pve gear) and I beat your team multiple times in mid while you guys were farming pve geared folks trying to do their event dailies?


    I'm not surprised you'd choose to forget these things.

  7. the last time you were in a match with me i guarded grass the whole game (which was not active at all) and you only did about 50k more damage than me, and are you still going on about the time when spurs carried you in that huttball and you happened to do more heals?

    No that was a while ago, I'm also not talking about the Civil War I joined late and still did better than you, no, the last time we were in a match we were both in mid for quite a while, and I was also rolling from node to node so I don't really know what you did while I was away, but yeah I did better than you that time too, and many more. And outhealing your pals is a common occurrence.


    You're a hack who thinks he's hot **** cuz you get carried day in and day out. Don't think that just because they stroke you under the table that others regard you in the same light. The same can be said for a lot of other people here.

  8. its okay Ziara we all know you are bad from your last little out burst on the forums but thats a different story.


    Funny, considering I always do better than you when I see you in a wz. Better than your pocket healers too when I feel like healing.

  9. I will certainly read it, but I can't promise a response - at least not right away. What I can promise to do is pass along your exact mods/equipment to the combat team so that they can recreate your gear and look at the numbers. This can certainly help us narrow down any bugs in the mods that weren't found during these past few weeks.


    How 'bout you stop wasting time on this, and rethink your impending nerfs before you kill dps operatives once and for all. We know the difference between Obroan and blues are minimal and skill will more than make up for it.

  10. The change to Hidden Strike is a NERF. It is in no way a buff. Concealment has only 2 hard stuns and we just lost one of them. This spec is about taking on enemies on your terms and controlling them while bursting them down before you get blown up by their measly gaze. We really are just gimped Deception Assassins with a few minor differences.


    Now we have less control and we can't interrupt their current action. You know what's going to happen now every time you open up on a semi-competent player? You're going to get stunned or knocked back immediately. We are a melee spec, the point of the KB was to stay on our target and burst them down as fast as possible, to catch them off balance. Now they can react the instant we attack, we just lost a HUGE advantage. The knock down had several effects, it let us interrupt the player no matter what and had the chance to throw them into a panic depending on their proficiency. It also let us get an extra attack or two in before they could react. Now all of that is lost.


    No immediate white bar? You think this is a buff? You must not know how to play this spec effectively if that is your reasoning. That is only a valid argument when referring to Concealment vs a bad player or a player with their stun breaker off cooldown. When you face a good player you should not be filling their resolve as soon as you can. If you do not know whether or not your enemy has their stun breaker available you should assume it is and treat them as such, you don't always need to gamble and use all your stuns right away. If you know for a fact they used it recently then by all means stun lock them and tear them a new one. Hidden Strike's knock down effect barely adds resolve anyway, and you should be taking advantage of that fact and spacing out your hard stuns with Sever Tendon's root in between to make the most out of your enemy's resolve. If you don't know how to take advantage of this system then you shouldn't be playing Concealment or Deception for that matter.


    And don't even get me started on the ridiculous 360 degree backstab buff. That's *********** stupid. they are literally catering to the bad players now. If you can't get behind an enemy for one attack than there are bigger issues than the class' mechanics you should worry about.

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