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Posts posted by DanaOShee

  1. We have problems on Tulak Hord, Jump Pads in each Hutball dont work properly.

    Stealthers can tap voidstar and Alderaan in unvisible mode and stay unvisible.

  2. I am glad that you brought this up! There has been some misconception about how gearing works when we indicate play your way. Let me make some direct statements and then I will add clarification:

    • You do not need to play any content to get specific items.
    • You can play almost any content in the game to get any item.


    Since you brought up specifically that you never want to play ranked and only want to play unranked let me use that as an example. It is still possible that specific items come from specific content. Let's say that there was a specific tactical that only came from ranked. Yes, that does mean that specific item will not come from playing unranked warzones. However, you can get that item from Renown Crates, Conquest rewards, and by spending Charles Points/ChuxBux (on both the in-direct and direct vendors).


    The play the content you want portion of the loop may not give you availability to every item in the game, that is true. But every other part of the loop does. So again to put it directly...


    If you only want to play unranked warzones, you can, and you will still have access to every set and tactical item in the game. (this statement is true of almost every content type in the game at max level).


    I hope that provides some clarity and allows you to be excited about what we are doing with spoils of war!



    for me its a pitty, that long time players have no advantage. I played this game hard, since 8 years, i did each hard quest to get items to earn advantages. but allways the new ones get bolstered , and u think; uhhh we have to care about new player

  3. Hey Ppl,


    i am scared about this Bug where u can call more then 8 ppl into a bg. everybody knows how to use this bug now. so there isnt any fair 8 vs 8 pvp match anymore.

    I dunno what to do, i dont like to play PVP until it is fixed. But im addicted to pvp , should i use this bug too ? to play fair ?

  4. Es gibt Leute, die früher mal ganz ok waren. Dann wurden die immer hochnäsiger weil die immer besser wurden. Die fühlen sich so gut, dass andere Spieler nur noch Müll für die sind.


    Jetzt wirst du selbst geflamed


    Ja wo gibts denn sowas ? ;) Mitleid ? Nein

  5. after long time in lvl command lvl i got no trousers, so i buyed it at tier 1 vendor. i got tier 1 trousers, wanted to change it into tier 2, but at vendor its red. it doesnt work
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