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Posts posted by RoccProfit

  1. The stuns are out of hand, Especially the Agent stuns. I can't count the number of times I have had an agent stun me, I break it and they imediatly stun me again. Personally I think that after stun breaks there should be 2-4 seconds that player is imune to any further stuns.


    Agent cloak is a tactical ability and I am not a supporter of removing it or anything but, for them to be able to avoid a fight by stunning a player and shiving them to death is only fun for that one player and is not tatical use of stun it is easy mode. That is why there are so many agents.

  2. 'some people are like this' automatically translates to 'but the majority isn't'.


    I appreciate that you want to 'boost' the server, but I really think you could have said a few of these things differently. for example you could have just given the person in question a general shout-out and not make it a 'server issue' at all.


    or make a list of things that nice people have done to you and not single one happening out, because that will make it seem like a rare occurance; which it isn't.


    It seems to me you need to work on what you read into people's statements and just read it. He said NOTHING about the majority being bad. That is YOU assumption not what happened.

  3. I played SWG for years, lived through the NGE, (wish I wouldn't have thou) and this game is way better in my opinion.


    Sandbox didn't make the game good, there wasplenty of areas, planets in SWG that where dead. Who cares if you could speeder around the planets for hours? Nothing there, is nothing there. Especially in the end when all you saw was DEAD player cities. Can't build, can't harvest, nothing because of people who took up real estate and left.


    Graphics in that game where horrible. No animations for dual wielding, and lack of polish.


    I don't know how you can say that KoToR was rich with life and this game isn't. Did you even play KoToR? Cause KoToR was nothing like SWG, I was playing both of them during that time period and prayed every day that Bioware would create and KoToR MMO so that Galaxies would just die. Cause SWG was that bad.


    Yeah I said it, it needed to be said. It was bad. And so many of us stuck it out because we wanted to play a Star Wars MMO and remembered what the game was. BUT even in SWG glory days, I still think this game is better.

    To even say that SWG in it's glory days was bad points out glaringly that you did not play it or were one of the few that logged in to complain and did little else.


    mind you I like SWTOR I am NOT amongst the haters of the game. I still play most every day and find plenty to do despite all the people claiming there is nothing to do, They just are not looking.


    Lets do a slight side by side, back in the day in SWG if you flagged your self for pvp and traveled to the major cities or just went about your business someone would take a wack at you in short order then you call your friends and he called his and before you knew it the city was ablaze with gun fire and light sabers. SWTOR pvp server where one is flagged pvp all the time even before people left I got attacked twice on one character, both times by the same person who wanted to try again when I killed them, between lvls 10 and 50 and once on my 2nd during the same time frame and now at 50 hardly ever and normally only in the BH.


    SWG pre cu you could make or have made a variety of clothing not a huge variety but a good bit and then with proper dedication you could get the skill tapes and thus you did not have to look like everyone else and you could also fine tune your clothes with the skill tapes you wanted to aid or enhance the temp plate you had chosen. you also had a nice variety of colors for a given set of cloths. This customization even extended to speeders and vehicles get a customizing kit and you could pick from a decent variety of colors again not a huge variety but a nice sized one.In SWTOR no matter what your class you ARE going to look exactly like any other person of the same class with minor changes to SOME coloration only related to the chest piece and most times the color does not translate the way you would like it to so making the "look" you want is rather like banging your head on a wall, futile and pointless. This has been made better with being able to use social gear but, we still have loads of vendors across all the planets with grey lvl gear that has no purpose.


    SWG pre cu you could chose a temp plate that was unlike anyone else's. while every one and his sister was tkm/swordsman I went tkm/pistoleer and during the time when everyone was melee and when losing they would just run out of range I was able to draw my pistol and shot them. Made a great many mad as they did not expect that from a tkm. I had a one tree rifleman that took out a fully templated tkm swordsman and until the day they unplugged tempest he had a house declaring his hatred for me in his town. SWTOR your template will be exactly the same as the next guys of that class, there is a little variation with the different skill trees but in the end that really is not a huge difference. For the most part. You may be better at healing tanking or dps depending on which tree you picked but the other guy that decided to tank also will be exactly the same and more then likely be wearing the exact same gear.


    SWG you got a house. Any items you picked up along the way could be used to decorate your house and later this carried over to ships. While the ability to move and place items as you wanted them was clunky and hard to use pre cu, it was there and one could spend hours decorating there house or ship. SWTOR the previously mentioned limited armor customizing is all you get in the way of personalizing anything. Although you can choose light saber colors with again limited options.


    Swg crafting was insanely intricate and at the same time rewarding to those that put effort into it. If you think about it that lvl of intricate crafting would be more accurate because a novice is NOT going to go into a metal shop or wood shop and make the absolute best there is to be made. Before they get the uber crafts they are going to have to spend some time learning there trade. When the space expansion came I was one of the best crafters on my server and I was proud of that. Many x-wings flew with my parts as did many POB's. One spent hours collecting resources and not just running from node to node trying to beat the next guy. You actually had to know what you were looking for, a metal that might be garbage for a engine might have the right stats to be a awesome resource for a gun or a sword or a droid or for the sub-componets needed to make these items. Cloths could be custom colored during the craft and with different things you could sow into them they could have different stats on the same bit of clothing. SWTOR no matter what your crafting 5 of these 10 of those, insert numbers for given item, and push the craft button. a minute or so later you have just made an item that is EXACTLY like every other item crafted by a person that took the time to gather to proper resources for that craft. Although I will admit that being able to send companions for resources is really nice. checking harvester's and powering them and maintenance would just about drive a man nuts and hand sampling resources was mind numbingly boring.


    Then there was space, In SWG you could launch your ship and sit there, or decorate if you had a ship with an interior or you could travel to another planet, head out to deep space and take on the star destroyer or the rebel base depending on faction or both if neutral. You could jump to this sector and chase down ties and or various imperial capitol ships or jump to that sector and take on the the rebel versions. Another sector might have pirates or robot ships or both or even all of the above. You could customize blasters to get the bolts you wanted you could have all blasters and no missiles if you were good or more missiles then blasters. There was a decent variety of skins you could put on most ships and then customize the coloration of said skins. You could get engines to give your x-wing a classic look or more modern sleek looking engines. you could customize your droid to match your ship and also give it certain programs to make your weapons hit harder or your shields stronger or make your ship faster or all of these with proper ship parts. SWTOR you enter a certain flight path and aside from very minor course corrections now and the to avoid something you can take your hand off the controls and the ship WILL fly the course turning and weaving as needed to run the course. Of course you have to have your hand on the mouse to shot the enemy's but once you have done it a few times you know exactly where they are going to come from and many times you can shot at a location and as your shots arrive there the enemy spawns and explodes. The next time you fly that mission it will be exactly the same experience. Your ship inside and out looks EXACTLY the same as anyone Else's of the same class. But does not matter as you can not go into space unless you pick one of those missions or if you launch you will have the exact same view out your window from the exact same position that anyone else gets when they launch.


    Sony eventually took away the ability to pick your own template so that anyone of the same class was exactly the same as you and they made it so that a all members of a certain class had to wear the same type of armor with very little variation between the choices but, they added a visual tab so you could look the way you wanted to look. Most of the rest remained the same. They stream lined the house decorating to make it easier to put things in your house the way you wanted. Over all it was still a fun game to play but, most people bailed as the cu loomed and in the months following the cu not because it was not bad as such but, because sony pushed the cu out despite the fact that most of it's player base did not want it. Those that survived the cu left when the NGE came out for much the same reasons. Then in a desperate attempt to recover they pushed NGE 2, the first one NGE New Game Enhancements, then the second Further Game Enhancements, and as a further act of desperation they suddenly started giving the content we had been asking for and for years that they had been telling us was not possible.


    SWTOR is smoother, not as clunky and not as blocky and not as obviously pixelated as SWG but, then one should consider that in the years spanning the SWG release and SWTOR release technology improved drastically. Even Wow for many years the undisputed king of the mmo market feels clunky and old when placed in a basic smooth side by side with SWTOR.


    Swtor's biggest problem is not the game it self but the fact that people are expecting it to be in the first year what it took 7 years for wow to become. If you think about it the market in general has become less about choices and more about putting you on a path and you go till the path ends and move on to the next path/game. That is not because sandbox does not work. there is still a market for sandbox but, a sandbox game will never reach the number of subscribers that a theme park game will. To me that indicates the lack of desire/ability of the largest class of players to think. They all want a simplistic game. Stop and think about it even if you could say that end game template takes some thought to put together for optimal results most people don't bother. They go to a site where they can copy some guys idea of a best template and they go complete all the hardest content thereby validating there tendency to not consider any options whether they exists or not.


    Just because the market for rap or rock or country are the largest does not mean there is not a market for polka,jazz and opera. Same with games The market for sandbox is small and the company's are all striving to get the numbers wow did or even that they currently have because that is the current definition of success.

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