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Posts posted by AetosV

  1. Can I have several? I thought hard about this one and, in the end, I couldn't make a final decision.


    Grand Admiral Thrawn: Everything I want to be. Cunning, insightful, level-headed, powerful. Thrawn is extensively knowledgeable in psychology and art, and just all-around classy.


    Shaak Ti: Beautiful as a flower, deadly as a viper, Shaak Ti is my favorite Jedi and I love anything to do with her. She's intelligent and skilled, and I think she's sexy.


    Darth Plagueis: The true emboiment of what a Sith ought to be. Not a screaming, raging invalid like Maul, but an elegant, classy Dark Lord that manipulates millions and is on the public stage.


    Roron Corobb: The Ithorian Jedi Knight eventually slain by Greivous and preivously apprenticed to Yarael Poof, I love him. I just think he's vastly interesting and sleek.

  2. And the whole "air-vent" survival is the most contrived garbage I've ever heard. First, the hole at which Darth Maul was slain- for he was slain- was a plasma mining conduit. There would be no air-vents. None.


    Secondly, Darth Maul was sliced completely in half. No one- NO ONE- survives something like that, no matter how "powerful in the Force" (Darth Maul wasn't even remotely powerful, either). When he was cut in half, he was dead before even toppling into the abyss. Seriously, a crappy character shows up, spins a double-lightsaber and this is all it takes to make him the hero of children? This is why the other countries are winning.

  3. I don't care how Darth Maul is returing- his return is downright stupid. Darth Maul was NEVER EVER EVER EVER (this cannot be stressed enough) EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER supposed to be anything more than an animal- a convinent tool used by Darth Sidious simply to let the Jedi know that the Sith had returned. As if Dave Filoni (director of The Clone Wars) hadn't perverted the Star Wars universe enough (I.E. peaceful Mandalorians, killing Even Piell long before he was supposed to die, giving Skywalker a Padawan, making General Grievous a bumbling idiot, changing Asajj Ventress from a Rattataki to a Dathomiri, resurrecting Eeth Koth who was supposed to have died at the Battle of Geonosis) now they're bringing back a two-bit, fifteen-minutes-of-fame villian from a cruddy movie?? Darth Maul was a two-dimensinal character played by a two-dimensinal actor with less-than-impressive Kendo skills. Just because he has a saberstaff, 98.9 percent of Star Wars fans drooled over him, and are drooling over his return. He was a worthless character- to prove that, Lucas KILLED HIM OFF. There is no reason whatsoever for Filoni to go ripping apart Star Wars lore, there's even less reason to bring Maul back, and there's even less reason for anyone on earth to like it.
  4. I LOVED the Phantom Menace. Mainly cause of the end battles (Darth maul VS Qui-gon and Obi-Wan -- Gungans vs Droids) and offcourse Jar Jar. :D


    The Clone Wars was "meh...", had a few good moments, but overall coudl've been better.


    I hated The Revenge of the Sith purely cause of the actor who played Anakin Skywalker, Hayden Christopher. His acting was sub-par in The Clone Wars and in this movie was absolutely DISMAL! Also, his terribad acting dragged Ewan McGreggor's acting down.


    The only good thing about The Revenge of the Sith was Obi-Wan vs Anakin, but it ended to abruptly by Obi-Wan utilizing the Sokan combat style (using the environment itself to gain a tactical advantage in combat.) and cutting Anakin's legs off.


    I was like; "What the flux? That's it?"


    I hate Hayden Christensen, but I have GOT to correct this post.


    First, Jar Jar was stupid and meaningless.

    Second, Hayden Christensen did not voice Anakin Skywalker in The Clone Wars. Anakin Skywalker in The Clone Wars is voiced by Matt Lanter.

  5. lmao... Aparently I was wrong sry, I thought it read out Satele Shan. xD http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Vintage-Figure-Bastila/dp/B0050EQZPK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326330921&sr=8-1 Again so sorry for the dissopointment. I diddn't look at the link the first time so heh, sry.


    Ohh, hey, don't worry about it. I actually didn't know they had a Bastila action figure. Woo! Another to add to the list :3

  6. So, the Old Republic is gathering steam. I'm an avid Star Wars action-figure collector. Why, just this Christmas my girlfriend got me Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, the commemorative tin-box set.


    Now that TOR is the big man on campus, I am hoping to see toys and collector's items based off of it. In April a Darth Malgus action figure is to be released. Does anyone else speculate or anticipate the arrival of other TOR figures? Satele Shan? Gnost-Dural? Jace Malcom? T7?

  7. The Rule of Two is bogus. At the exact time when Yoda proclaimed it there were at least 3 running around (Maul, Dooku, Sidious). 4 if you count the Cyborg Grevious who also said he was taught by Dooku.


    There is no Rule of Two


    This is all kinds of messed up. Allow me to correct you, sire.


    When Maul is delivered to Darth Sidious as an infant, Darth Sidious is still an apprentice to Darth Plagueis. Together, Sidious and Plagueis made it VERY CLEAR to one-another that Darth Maul WAS NOT to be a true apprentice, merely a weapon to reaffirm the reascendancy of the Sith.


    Darth Maul was never meant to be a true Sith Lord.


    The day Darth Sidious killed Darth Plagueis was the same day Obi-Wan Kenobi killed Darth Maul. At that time, Dooku was still a Jedi Master, but he was leaving the Order to reclaim his title of Count on his homeworld, Serenno. It was at that time, after the deaths of both Darth Plagueis and Darth Maul that Sidious made Dooku- renamed Darth Tyrannus- his apprentice.


    General Grievous was NOT Force-sensitive, and is not a Sith Lord. Asajj Ventress was also not a Sith, just an assassin. The presence of both Grievous and Ventress does not violate the Rule of Two, as the only two true Sith Lords are Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus- up until Darth Sidious replaced Tyrannus in favor of Anakin Skywalker, who becomes Darth Vader.

  8. I had a question- well, merely one I could think of at the moment, although I'm quite positive I will think of more- but in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 2 episode, "The Mandalore Plot", (the defining episode that ripped the Expanded Universe apart and then burnt it), the Mandalorian Vizsla (pardon my spelling of his name) presents the darksaber to Obi-Wan Kenobi (not going to dispute the darksaber, that's a whole seperate issue) and states, "This lightsaber was stolen from your Temple during the fall of the Old Republic."




    I am confused. To my knowedge, between 25,000 BBY and 19 BBY, the Republic had never fallen, therefore there can only be an Old Republic from the years spanning between the formation of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. Some may argue that the Mandalorian is referring to the Ruusaan Reformations of 1,000 BBY, however that did not constitute a governmental collapse, merely a military overhaul. One could also argue that it was during the Mandalorian Wars, the Sacking of Coruscant, or any significant event prior to Palpatine's coup, but none of those were actually the Republic's fall. Does anyone have any arguable theories? Since The Clone Wars animated series is being given authority over established cannon, we're merely going to have to suck it up and keep on keeping on.

  9. Everything- absolutely everything that comes out of young Anakin Skywalker's face. Yes, he's nine, but he's also the Chosen One. He built C-3PO, is a slave and a podracer- so shouldn't this kid be a bit, oh, I dunno, smarter? Sure, kids say nutty stuff in reality, but this is a movie, and dialogue, even delivered by a child, should be superb.


    Jar Jar Binks. That is all.


    Anakin: "You're so beautiful."

    Padme: "It's only because I'm in love."

    Anakin: "No, it's because I'm so in love with you."

    Padme: "So love has blinded you?"


    Me: "What the hell?"


    Hayden Christensen was just...just awful, acting-wise. And it's a terrible shame that such superlative actors such as Ewan McGregor, Ian McDiarmad, Samuel L Jackson, Frank Oz, Leim Neison, Natile Portman, and many, MANY others were given such crappy dialogue. I mean, think of how...incredibly improved these movies could be in the hands of someone who might actually write them.

  10. If Mary Shelly can create Frankenstein, then we haven't seen the last of ANYONE. Star Wars has taught us that for the cooler characters, death is only the beginning.


    That might have an ounce of validity of Darth Maul was one of the cooler, or even remotely important, characters.

  11. There's been an avalanche of both positive and negitive reviews for The Old Republic, but I think all of us can find at least one thing to be satisfied with- otherwise none of us would be playing at all.


    I, for one, really commend BioWare on their impressive array of worlds, and I cannot wait to see what the future of TOR has for us. What worlds, if any, do you suspect are on their way for our enjoyment? I'd specifically like to see Manaan again- I am a huge fan of the Selkath- and I'd like to see some of the other more obscure worlds. Glee Anselm, Dorin, Clak'dor, you know, the ones we've only ever heard about, but never really "seen".


    If I were to express disappointment with one aspect of TOR, I'd have to say it was the lack of playable species. Everything available is completely humanistic, and while that's fine for those players who want to play as those species, I honestly can say I'm craving playing as a Bith character. Does anyone believe a wider selection of playable species will become availible in the future?

  12. SPOILER.



    Maul survived the fall and cut in half. Healed himself, I believe with the force and then later with some tech. Went mad; and during the clone wars his brother finds him and brings him back to "Mother" In which she heals his madness. He then decides he wants to be Palpatines apprentice again and challenges Vader. But like the ****** Vader is, he kills Maul by stabbing himself through his cybernetic torso and piercing maul. He later appears again after a mad scientist attaches his brain to a holonet grid in some city. He is able to attack but not be attacked. Luke fights him and eventually disables the brain. There now you all know.


    We're discussing Maul's upcoming return in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series.

  13. After reading it, I'd have to say Hego Damask, otherwise known as Darth Plagueis. I have a real admiration for intellect, and Plagueis embodies it. He's not flipping around, behaving like he's hyped up on steroids like Maul, nor is he whining about how life is unfair like Anakin. Plaguies is a smooth-talking, public figure who has courtly manners and a kingly persona. Behind it he sleeplessly plots the reascendency of the Sith with cunning and aptitude.
  14. Oh for the days that when a character died he would stay dead. Darth Maul was nothing more and nothing less than a tool. He was a weapon used to bring the Sith back into the eyes of the Jedi- he meant for nothing more by Darth Sidious and Darth Plagueis. He was never the heir to the leniage of the Sith- nor was Tyrannus.


    Maul, as a character, is flat and uninteresitng, and his time was brief and sweet. That, in my opinion and my opinion only, was a perfect existance for him. The Clone Wars, which, heartbreakingly, is G-Cannon, has already dumbed down the once-menacing General Grievous and perverted the once-proud Mandalorians. Now, Darth Maul, one-time bad guy who was nothing more than a weapon, is going to be ressurected for no other reason than George Lucas- who has FULL authority over the Clone Wars- wants to elaborate on a meaningless character to appease an audiance of none- just like his utilization of that worthless Jar Jar Binks.


    Dave Filoni, director of the Clone Wars, can elaborate on an entire universe of unexplored characters, but instead he decides he can't leave well-enough alone and he has to spoil Star Wars. Now even death has no meaning to a character. Get severed completely in half? Not a problem. Fall down a seemingly endless abyss ending in your body becoming virtually liquid? F@#$ it. Not an issue here.



    I get quasi-irate over things like this because Star Wars has become a mantle, a dynasty. It's like an enormous fresco that millions upon millions of people have spent nearly four-decades painting. All of us, every Star Wars fan, belong to this legacy, and to have someone like Dave Filoni skip right in and splatter bull-pucky across what was once a work of art is kind of insulting. Not just to fans, but to others who have contributed and seen their works become completely invalid.



    Let the flaming begin.

  15. I was just bumming around on Wookieepedia, and I saw that Darth Maul will be returning in the animated "The Clone Wars", and that he did not, in fact, die at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is it just me, or is the Star Wars universe beginning to go downhill?



    Merely a thought.

  16. I think the weekly updates were just a pre-release thing, timelines and the like are still coming, but it's not the same "weekly piece of info for people anticipating the game" kind of thing.


    Thank you, sir. That makes cohesive sense.

  17. To those who said that the developers are taking time to work on the game, I applaud your ignorance. As with any company, corporation, industry, so forth, there are obviously different branches. Take your own body, for example. Just because you're using your legs to walk doesn't mean you cannot also use your hands for other actions. Or perhaps you're so single-minded that you really cannot focus on multiple tasks at once.

    I digress.

    So, while the developers are working diligently on this game, there's also a team of people who manage the site. Back to my origional question- I'm not complaining- are the timelines, etc. on hold?

  18. Do any of you think it's possible we'll see action figures related to The Old Republic any time soon? I'm an avid collector, and I am eagerly waiting to see if BioWare makes any sort of deal on this.


    Personally, I'd love to see the following in action-figure form:


    Satele Shan


    Darth Malgus

    Darth Jadus

    Darth Angral

    Yuon Par

    Kira Carsen

    Qyzen Fess


    Nem'ro the Hutt

    The Sith Emperor


    Ven Zallow

    Shea Vizla

    Jace Malcom

    Bela *******


    Cin Tyken

    Sergeant Rusk

    Assorted Republic soldiers

    Assorted Sith Imperial soldiers

    Assorted companion / background characters

    Assorted creatures (I.E. K'lor'slug, kath hound, et cetera)

    Assorted artillary / vehicles




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