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Posts posted by Anavalache

  1. Umm yeah, let me pull one out of a dark hole some where since they have whiped the forums. If you don't believe me than thats fine search for it yourself. I saw it many times on the old forums, it has even been tweeted by Stephen Reid several times, please be my guest in looking it up.


    yep that's what I thought. Thanks

  2. Early Game Access was determined by when you entered your pre-order code. Bioware has been saying this ever since they announced pre-orders. So if your complaint is about that then this thread needs to be locked and deleted.


    got a link? I wanna read that

  3. You'll be in tomorrow, relax. There's no reason to get all angry just because you have to wait a little bit longer for early access. You should have pre-ordered when it first came out if you wanted to be first


    I'm sorry I missed the memo or the forum post that stated that the first people to buy it would be the first peole to get in game. When did that post go up and do you have a link?

  4. Still cant get in on the night of the 15th. I didnt order it right away as I wanted to finish the beta testing before buying an unfinished product. Now becaause I didn't blindly go out and buy a game soley on the name I get punished to sit here another night while everyone I know is on day two or three in game. Fun times.. gotta say in my book your making SOE look good.
  5. The most annoying thing in the world, is not this staggered launch, but the fact that my email icon on my Blackberry is flashing every 10 minutes, my heart jumps a little and I check it to find some kind of Viagra ad to delete and I die a little bit inside.


    maybe the viagra peeps know you are being screwed today and thought you needed some help..

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