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Posts posted by Corpselight

  1. So any word on when we will be credited with our 500 cartel coins!?


    If the Marketing department executives are having issues trying to figure out what to do... beyond ignoring the problem i suggest giving either a free month to subscribers or just providing the 500 cartel coins to those who subscribed after confirming eligibility. I have to admit i am rather disappointed about this i could have spent my $15.00 on the secret world instead of this promotion. The only reason i even bothered was because of the promise of an new chapter on the 7th and the bonus cartel coins.


    Eligibility can be easily determined by collecting data on who is eligible for promotions and who subscribed by july 7. Would also save on future problems including legal problems if promotions actually tracked and collect data on who is offered and accepts promotions.

  2. May i suggest to those who feel cheated that you boycott swtor. Let your sub expire and EA\bioware will change it's tone real quick. I plan to let my sub expire in OCT. That will be money that they will no longer be receiving from me. I can live with only 5 WZ a week. As for the rest of the unlocks and free player punishment as i like to call it (we all know it is play to win with swtor) i have already spent credits purchasing the necessary unlock from the GTN to make free play less odious.
  3. Welcome to Perfect World International. Enjoy being nickel and dime to death. Cathar a huge waste of time and money . cartel collections? LOL. Only decent thing about this is the dyes and the devs squandered the opportunity to do it right. I soon see an end to subscriber services in the near future so that EA and Bioware can maximize profits. As well as an end to the story based MMO idea this SWTOR will quickly become just another basic MMO with the same old boring repetitive quest of go here kill 50 mobs then go there and kill 150 more mob then pick up insert item here and deliver insert item here to npc there.
  4. My beef is with the large number of ignorant and stupid people in this game. Here are a few suggestions for those of you who fall in to these two categories.


    1. Learn how to press the Esc button and click the tutorial button.

    2. Learn how to read a forum especially the guides section.

    3. Do NOT beg for gold in a game that has NO gold in it.

    4. Do NOT beg for credits in general chat or whisper lvl 50 players for credits.

    5. Do NOT beg players to buy you GEAR!

    6. Learn basic math skills!

    7. If you are lvl 20 and are facing a lvl 25 elite mob refer to suggestion number 6.

    8. Do NOT ask in general chat (or any other chat) for someone to kill a class mob for you!

    9. If any player does any of this on tatooine or any planet after tatooine add them to your ignore list IMMEDIATELY!!



  5. cathar with the exception of the female type seems kinda ugly. Both seem rather lame (at this time) they should have worked on new classes and worlds for those classes instead of adding mere fan service with the cathar fans. Makeb was rather disappointing there is enough content for a lvl 65 cap character there. The devs really need to kick it in to over drive on the new classes and worlds content wise not just giving fan service. i predict this will get old real quick.
  6. After going to makeb i noticed two armor i would like to see become available. Namely the imperial space trooper both medium and heavy and the imperial special infiltrator armor.


    I also would like to see the regulator speeders (all) to replace the drab selection from vendor on fleet.


    Also as an after thought i would also like to see the protector set made available as a medium set.

  7. They need to implement limited stealth for snipers and gunslingers say like5 seconds with a 1 or 2 minute cool down

    make it easier to set up nests in warzone.

    It's called going after the most important targets first. Should be a red flag, honestly.


    As I understand it, snipers who have been knocked out of cover by Diversion can simply use their roll to regain cover even if the debuff isn't over. Personally I think this is lame (although it's also lame that you can knock a sniper out of cover with Diversion when he has Entrench running).

  8. Snipers and gunslingers do not have the hp and DR to take on CQC types except at range. They can dominate pretty much anything at range but up close easy prey.. The new change make stealth type even more fun if you ask for my opinion and with GS and snipers new anti stealth capacity things are going to be interest in Warzones. Last night there were 4 IA (3 of which were snipers) in warzone playing which is kinda rare. Used to be lucky to get even 1 IA and they were almost always an operative. I think these changes will be good for the game in so far as PVP is concerned.


    Indeed, am rolling a merc at the moment, and every wz I mark snipers and informthe group to burn them up first, then healers- why u may ask? because a sniper under pressure isn't dpsing hes' running. I have a gunslinger at 50 have had once as my second character while I was waiting transfer from harbinger to apac way back last year, love the class- however back then u didn't see many of us cos they wernt the easiest to play.


    Now any tom,dick or harry can roll up and faceroll, esp with these new abilities, that I can understand why they would be implemented; but I question why the added So many new escapes.

  9. Dear god they whine! The very first thing that occurs in WZ is everyone rushing my damn sniper! There is 2\3 healers in front of me and everyone ignores em and comes after my sniper.


    Lol @ complainers. The sniper was always this powerful. You just didn't notice it because of all the smash monkey and Pyrotechs. We get a few moves to make us more mobile and hold our own in a 1 vs many fight and you complain? Ha ha I say... Ha ha.
  10. It will become that eventually nearly every F2P mmo i have played started out decent then it became about making money to purchase items needed to play the game. In some cases it was deliberate in the rest it evolved that way as players were granted total control of premium currency and sold it in game thus wrecking the standard economy. Imagine 7,000 credits for a single low level medkit that heals you for 500hp 100,000 for a level 14 blue hilt or barrel.


    I have no issues with Free-to-Play. Where I have a problem is when F2p because Pay-to-Win. As long as they don't do that, they will still be getting my money. :)
  11. Welcome to perfect world international! This game will now offically die a slow and boring death as it turns itself in to buy sell rares to purchases coins game. The SWTOR economy is officially wrecked!


    New news items (pun intended) .. EA/BW just releashed info about an option to use Cartel Coins to buy/sell on the AH also. In some way creating an real money AH.



    jk, but doesn't seem to far fetched after BW is actually going f2p on a game of theirs. BW, you guys where one of my childhood heroes when it was about real quality games ... Grats on reaching a new low.


    /cancelled. (but seeing how excited you all are about this, you probably think thats great news ... )

  12. I am so voting for the rancor just to keep the likes of you from annoying me in warzones and FP with childish group cheers and dancing!


    everybody needs to go now and vote for the Party Jawa... if I get stuck with a stupid *** Carbonite guy or a holo Rancor I will be pissed
  13. Game economy wrecked is the easiest negative to up and slap the community in the face. Game could easily be turned into a pvp based game. Worst case the game becomes about only buying and selling rares to buy gambling boxes like in perfect world international!

    I'm fairly new to online gaming so I'm not sure about the positive or negative effects this will have on the game, but more people on the servers is never a bad thing. What I am interested to know is more specifics on what differences there will be between F2P and sub players, and whether or not those differences are going to be worth 15 dollars a month.
  14. Jedi need to die painfully so! I mean really the endless whine of my jedi my jedi is pathetic! You side gets to win every time in it's cliched cannoned good vs evil crap. Sith rule jedi drool! Besides jedi do not have thrones and since you jedi naturally stink it is only fair that you look like walking turds. DEATH TO THE JEDI!!!


    My only problem is BioWare once again showing it's "Empire Bias" by making all the rewards "Sith" rewards... Where is the Jedi Master's chair? Where are robes that make us look like Jedi and not homeless Egyptian hobo's?? :/
  15. Would be nice if they concentrate on expanding storyline and leave the bling for later. They should have made it FTP at the start like so many had suggested! I guess i will most likely be leaving at the end of the year like i left STO. Perhaps i'll try the secret world (i hear that it is story driven) or go back to E.V.E online

    I think you need to realise 90% of the items in the cash shop are going to be aimed at getting the F2P players to spend cash on boosts.


    Someone like myself who has multiple level 50s and does not need/want to level another character only has Operations and a few more WZs to look forward to, how is that worth $15 a month?

  16. Yeah i was wondering about that as well. I spent over 80 bucks on this game for the deluxe edition . I should be getting the same treatment as collectors edition or at least 700 additional cartel coins for my loyalty to the franchise.


    So... all the people that purchased the collector edition, get extra items and so on. ...but what about the people who purchased the the digital deluxe edition? are they being put into the same category as those who purchased the standard version of the game?
  17. Dude, I kid you not, it's doable. All you need is to open with heavy attacks, use knockbacks and slows to keep your distance so your cooldowns reset than whale on them like there's no tomorrow. Use the quick 4 second stuns to land a few bleed effects if you got them. You won't end the fight with a lot of health, but trust me you will still be standing.


    Dude you are trash talking here man. The closest i have ever seen a player beat a champ that was at a higher level then him was a noob champ and he had to use his companion to help him. Very well take on the talz task master (lvl 37) on hoth at the heroic 2+ called joint training imperial side and post it on youtube with your toon being at level 34. That is the easiest Champ i know of to beat with him being in a heroic and where i always start my champ hunting for my toons. I'll do you one better you can make it lvl 35 that is 2 levels below.

  18. Dude I can solo champion levels three levels UNDER them. It's all about using the right amount of knockback, stun and heavy hits.

    Yeah right! At same level (and we are not talking noob champions here lvl 14 and below with back up were talking 1 on 1) not only do they have over three times your hp they hit harder as well. No way you could do it 3 levels under them. And 90% of champions are immune to either stun and knock-back the remaining have a 15% to 25% armor bonus or damage bonuses. So in other words they would be killing you in 3 to 5 hits at best at worst 2 to 3 hits.

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