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Posts posted by gavlad

  1. Topic is it really hard?


    RF Online was a great pvp game badly made but still a good pvp game chip war every 8 hours or so made for great pvp.

    Problem many new games now days have is they make them far to big so you never really see other races that much.

    Players will only do stuff if its worth it an open world pvp gains you nothing so thats why

  2. Sorry if this has been talked about already but under level 50 the bags or what ever they are called you get from daily wzs never give you anything you can use is this right or what or dont anyone care what they get seems *********** stupid to me
  3. I play rep an it seems like they favor imps the way the game is but we all know its not its just simply broken more on one side witch tbh is still very bad.


    I came from rift and like this game was very big on lauch they had 20+ servers if not more for usa an eu at the start like 100 servers total.


    A year an 6months on look at rift servers now there is about 10 servers total hope this dont go the same way but bw has got the same problem rift had stupid devs teams

  4. I got a 50 imp an we rerolled rep got a 50 rep and atm 42 shadow i'm just getting to 50 then making a new char because 50 pvp blows *** WZs blow *** a.

    A few of my guild has quit but i'll keep messing about till something else comes out but bit sad because i kind of like this game but the pvp is just so fail an the classes are a joke imblanced

  5. Bioware should look at RIFT wasnt a bad game but was killed by bad devs listening to the noobs on the forums rift WZs was perfect please have level range wzs its past stupid by now.


    BIOWARE grow a pair for ****s sake an fix this games pvp an broken classes if i was in change i'd have saked all the pvp team for sure your *********** clueless

  6. level a sorc to lvl 50 enter pvp and then come back. I have done it they are not op except maybe the hybrid spec. The truth is that the dps sage telekinetic is very underpowered.


    LOL except hybrid spec you people are funny thats why they are broken they can clearly kill most people 1on1 even 2/3 on one if there noobs that just shouldnt happen.

    There knock back knocks back more than any other class dont know why but it does there shield is crazy better than other classes.

    The lighting is just stupid op so yeah there ok arent they but because most people play a scor its never going to get fixed its like most know but dont like to say imps are favored way more than rep.

    Before you cry i an my guild all started as imps but we rerolled to rep because we dont like zerging low pop races an we like to be the underdogs but yea op socrs need to be sorted.

  7. 1 Imps on every server bioware has outnumber rep 95% of the time from what i can see.

    2 Imps as the above its normaly 30 imps vs 10 rep an you wonder why they dont come back.

    3 Zerging is not skill.

    4 Doing all of the above will only kill off servers in the end and the game long term.

    5 WZs are the dumbest thing i'v ever seen level 10s with 49s is just stupid how hard is it to have 5 levels of WZs 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 an 50s only.

    6 What i can only sum up is bioware when they made this all the diffarent people just went off an made the game each to there own an then smashed it all together in this load of trash called swtor.

  8. Sorry, bit of a rant here. And yes, I am qq'ing.


    At level 50 on my sorc, I average 6-8 losses for every 1 win. No, not part of a PvP guild and I am pugging / single queing.


    But recently, it takes me DAYS to complete the DAILY. The weekly? Heck, I've had it since LAST WEEK.


    I do my best, but given the massive loss to win ratio, gear is an issue. It's taken a few weeks but I do have at least 300 expertise (low, I know). So I help when and where I can and I usually end up fairly well with marks.


    It's becoming a gross imbalance. Republic is rap-1ng on our server. And yes, it's usually a pre-made.


    So I suggest 10 losses in a row counts as 1 win for the daily.


    Would also suggest that we have some serious gear rating / cross server Warzones so that the 1000 expertise pre-mades don't fight the brand new pugs with no expertise. But that would be logical and make sense.




    1 Your a op class thats clearly broken an your still loseing you must suck

    2 Yours must be the only server i know of that has more rep than imp

    3 Bioware clearly dont give a toss about anything because of the balance server wide every server and the broken classes that can cc stun an heal at same time QQ that

  9. To be fair, the "bugs" he lists for PvP, aren't bugs at all (except the bolded one). The last one is just a far far stretch.


    Ability Delay stopped you from using an ability when it would have made the difference between living or dying…


    Knockback and Air Vent collision in Huttball making you 100% immobile until you either died, got pulled, or pushed again…


    Leaping to someone or getting pulled to someone caused you to fall through the world…


    Someone on the opposing team leaped over the starting wall in Voidstar, capping the door before the match even started… FIXED


    Someone in Voidstar stood inside the door to cap it making themselves untargetable for a free cap… FIXED


    Someone in Voidstar AoE’d the red wall so you couldn’t activate the controls to open it for the final door stage… How is this a bug?



    I am NOT saying TOR is bug free, far from it. I'm just pointing out the short sightedness of this article.



    i agree i'm not trashing on bioware i'm just trying to show that there are still problems they have fixed many things but there are still a lot of problems with the game

  10. So i am playing on Nadd's Sarcophagus server dont know if its same on other servers but my server is so imbalanced.


    I was playing on rep side and was at the fleet so i logged on to my sith and in the fleet on sith there was 95 people on rep side at same time there was 10.


    I have a 50 sith and a 50 rep and after 5mins in illum i left an started an new char because of the zerg that is sith vs rep on my server.


    Will bioware ever address things like this and merge server to balance some servers or is every thing ok as it is thoughts from other server please


    PS sorry about spelling an grammer i'm not the best at posting lol

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