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Posts posted by Bation

  1. The TL;DR Summary of OPs post..


    I like your game

    There are some valid concerns

    People are leaving

    You need to talk to us more

    Regardless I'll still keep paying you


    And this is the begging of the end for this thread Trollz can smell other Trollz trolling forums away kinda like bees and bee stings

  2. If it is so easy, what is your speculation as to why BioWare simply doesn't press the big green "MERGE SERVERS" button? Laziness? Labor-management disputes? Evilness?




    I think it is pretty obvious from your comments that no matter what BioWare would do, you would not be happy.


    The reason server merging was ignored compared to server transfers is just for PR. Server merges look bad to the public more so than just server transfers to people who already play there is no diff but they have to also think about the ppl they want to draw into the game

  3. Your problem was greatly affected by aussies getting their own servers. Not saying it was a bad thing I'm happy they don't have to deal with **** conections on us servers anymore but it sux for night shifters like me who primarily played with aussies lol. I would go to Asian pasific server but I can't play with a 250-300ms connection
  4. What's frustrating to me is that they provide more info through 3rd party sites than they do on their own website. A few weeks ago on the Mos Eisley Radio podcast they gave a lot of info on ranked WZs, why they were pulled, what the plans are, etc. None of which they bothered to share on this site.


    This is absolutely true I get more info from darthhater than this site

  5. Though this post is aa old as the forums themselves ill still chime in with 1 thing


    Ppl have been complaining about low POP servers since January. And they already successfully did asian pacific transfers so asking for transfer to come sooner rather than later rly is not asking for much.

  6. Some people would appreciate it. Others would take this information as 'promises', as has been seen already, and use it to feel all butthurt that BioWare broke a 'promise' when no promise was in fact made.


    As for me, I don't need BioWare to hold my hand and talk to me every day..I'm not some clingy, desperate beta male who needs reassurance. I don't demand such communication from the devs that create my console games, nor the devs that create my SPRG PC games. I don't demand such communication from my cell phone provider, nor any other service provider in any business.


    Why certain MMO players feel they deserve constant attention by the developers is beyond me.


    If there's something wrong with my cell service you better beleive I'm going to call and demand to know when it would be fixed same my internet or anything else I pay a monthly fee/bill for why shouldn't mmos developers be held to the same standard. I'm paying them 15 dollars month for a service they are providing me you better beleive I want to be up to date with info on fixes and overall changes. I wouldn't allow ATT or insight to tell me it'll be fixed this summer.

  7. sorry but its not, bioware merged with mythic, wich made warhammer online, the nabs from warhammer online are now working on swtor, and its noticable.


    Yeah were trying to have a constructive thread there's no need for bad talking unless u have a leg to stand on

  8. This isn't exactly cracking PR... Nor is losing half a MILLION subscribers in 3 months.


    this is true but you the old saying "You're never beaten until you admit it." George Patton and thats what they think when they are asked to own up to their mistakes

  9. All we've been told about server transfers is that they're coming.

    Simple admission that there is a HUGE issue would at least be a start. I asked for that two months ago, a simple admission.


    Admission would never happen and especially this early it may make their current subs feel like their owning up but if they admit they messed up it may turn away future subs so its just rly bad for PR

  10. Use Torstatus.net to find a server with the peak time and population that fits your needs best site i know of for this. And FYI server transfers are supposed to be coming this summer but thats all we know
  11. It would be nice if there was some weekly information about the progress of some things. e.g. ranked warzones and server transfers. People would appreciate this.


    well they started that podcast crap so hopefully they use that and the weekly questions to talk about real problems and not ppl saying stuff like "Jedis with red lightsabers is not canon uggggggggg change it"

  12. I'm not someone who comes from WoW, never played it so I have no comparison point. But I enjoy SWTOR very much, I have a level 50 Sith Assassin in full BM. I see a WHOLE LOT of complaints on this forum, mostly about dead servers. I do not play on a dead server, is there something else I should be hating?


    What else is so bad about the game that the forums are filled with complaints?


    Honestly that's about it. Plus the fact there is no competitive pvp yet (ranked wz's on the way though) most ppl pvp for their dailies and that it win or loose it doesnt matter much as long as they get their comms there not that feeling of i gotta get better to beat these guys to go up in rank. PVE wise the games sound other than some minor bugs but u cant get a group for pve unless ur on a populated server

  13. While server transfers isn't a issue with me I imagine they want to make sure that it works right the first time.That takes time.If people lose their chrs during a transfer you will see some very unhappy folks.:eek:


    While i agree they def need to have it perfect before its released. I just want to direct to a post as far back as 1/25/2012 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=character+transfer So they should have known and had been working on this even in a just in case fashion and honestly im not going to say i know anything about making games but i just imagine 4 months would be ample time to have a decent system in place

  14. its not about losing subs but active players, my server has max 20 at the fleet ( prime time) but i think it will be 5-10 when d3 is launched.


    SWTOR did loose 25% of their subs down from 1.7mil to 1.3mil (which at this late i doubt is from the normal buy it and than quit it players) but yes i agree with your post

  15. Would i be right in saying June 20th is early summer as its the first day off it. and anything up to mid July would be also ?

    Just wondering as these are the vague terms in use atm.


    Early summer will turn into late fall so might as well not speculate

  16. Tor isnt and wont loose subs to D3 its loosing subs and will continue to because of the fact that Devs wont ever give us any updates on important changes other than just saying "its coming" and also the fact that there are so man y light servers i dont play anymore either just for the light server issue i rerolled 3 times i wont do it again


    This is how it went: In civil war there was me and two other commandos standing at the back in mid (ourside) the marauder comes leaping in on our backs (these two were pugs by the way, not a organized team) the marauder bashed the first guy real fast went for the second while me and the commando being attacked tried to kill him, the mara pretty much locked down the commando he was attacking once that target died he vanishes and I get him out with stealthscan he pops uber egg of imortal doom and bash my head in. I don't know about the other two but I noticed the mara when the first commando (out of three) only had 50% left.


    Of course I would had used cryo granade if it was up (my 4sec stun) and using knockback on a mara is a bad move, he will only leap back + interrupt you while having 9999 dots up he apply so fast that my cleanse is worthless. I have 1k expertise still I got nuked like a monkey unable to do anything. I don't see why so meny get offended bu this? it's a fact marauders and sentinels rip people apart and in this case it was just crazy, currently the best pvp class vs 3 of the worse pvp class and still we didnt manage to kill him. something is broken here don't you think?


    even with that explanation all i pull from it is 3 baddies were owned cause they dont know their class

  18. Really, I give answers you just insult me. Whats wrong with you. I can assure you I know what I am doing. I am playing both sith and republic toons and there is a major difference in pvp battle grounds. I win all time on sith side republic side is horrible. But, I hate the sith however I am forced to play sith to get anywhere in the game..


    Umm i hope this was not directed towards me because nothing i posted was an insult all facts



    FACTS Solutions

    1. Pre-mades kill the game for others. (pre-made should que with other pre-mades).

    2. Geared heals wins (heals are to strong for pvp).

    3. If you have no heals you lose (role selection for ques always 2 heals in a group)

    4. dps die to easy (hp or damage reduction skills added to dps)

    5. gear makes game less about skill (pvp gear should be same as pve but look different).

    6.People leaving or not entering wz (deserter de-buff and out numbered buff or game pauses to wait for players).

    7. Line of sight does not work all the time (needs fixed in general)

    8. To many sith on servers. (Make republic more appearing to play)

    9. Low republic populations (Merge republic sides on servers make sith only servers)

    10. Level 50 loses interest (needs to be achievements and more titles and tools)

    11. auction house never have enough items (missions should cost less or have option to farm them)

    12. activation times on skills should be retested (balancing is always a must in a game)


    Will post more unbalanced items as I play different classes to see differences.

    Here is what I see so far.


    Bounty hunter rise to missile barrage unlike troopers.

    Bounty hunter heals seem to auto fire faster with two pistols then assault cannon . This maybe a illusion should be tested.


    I'll number my responses the same as ur complaints.


    1. Thats what Rated WZ's are supposed to be for but we have no eta on their release

    2. Healz can barely out heal 1 dps since they got nerfed this is actually a little underpowered they should be on par with at least close to 2 dps. Should only be killed with 2 or more dps using cd's and interupts effectivly not facrollin on them

    3.This i kinda agree with yes healz can make or break a wz but im not sure their needs to be a set number of healers for every wz. will just make ques that much longer for everyone who doesnt heal

    4.I think TTK is fine if u get focused on then ur supposed to die

    5.Their needs to be pvp and pve gear for competitive pvp matches for the fact that ppl who never pvp shouldnt be able to just do nightmare modes for gear than molest ppl in wz's and vis verse.

    6. Agree with this deserter is a necessarily evil

    7. This is mostly because of the "ruberbanding" effect imo. On your display you make be behind the wall or pillar w/e than u die but on the server side the damage has been done already but it the data hasnt reached ur machine yet.

    8. On more populated servers (IE swiftsure Fatman) this is not true. Imp/Pub is mostly balanced maybe a 5% diff but not much.

    9. Are u actually saying make rep only servers or imp only servers cause thats what im reading. That is a horrible idea there needs to be somekind of rivalry, at least i think so, to make pvp engaging. Low server pops in general are a problem

    10. This is true but i dont think achievements and titles are the answers. The main problem is unless u got a high populated server ur not doin pve at all. and for pvp there are wz's thats it. PVP needs something else and population needs to be looked at.

    11.This is also a population issue and an issue with crewskills themselves. Crewskills (other than biochem) have no end game benefit so theirs no reason to lvl them. And honestly the whole send ur companion to do **** is nice but its just lazy i remeber farming mats for hours in other mmos L2 work towards your goals stop asking for ahandouts

    12. This is a huge issue most skills animations (exspecially on insta cast or on skills with no cd) take longer than the cast time or cd. it may say insta cast but in reality u dont even see the damge for like 3 seconds after activation

  20. Most of the people that says that GW2 or Tera are gonna be a bomb and will kill other MMOs havent ever tested GW2 or Tera. I only would say this: maybe some will get deceived.


    I haven't tested GW2 personally but watched plenty of the Yogscast and some of the *** no _____ videos on youtube and im pretty much in the middle on the game



    1. No trinity (tank/heals/dps)

    2. WvWvW (nuff said)

    3. Weapon swapping



    1. No real end game

    2. the idea u can only customize like 5 of ur skillz

    3. No Energy only CD's

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