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Posts posted by metalblaster

  1. In my guild our best DPS is our sniper who happens to be lethality. I dont see why it wouldn't be the same for operative Lethality. Granted there are some different skills and the range is decreased, but he litterally will out class every other DPS but a hell of a lot. Seeing as concealment is based on Burst, it seems like lethality is the best for PvE due to its sustain.
  2. Yeah the BH gear is pretty useless. If i end up getting a piece i tend to get the trapper (dps gear), im a healer, and then switch out the mod for a more healer friendly one. The BH trapper ear piece is infinitely better for healers then the Healer one and more of the other stuff isnt an upgrade from augmented Rakata.


    BTW, power is slightly better than cunning for pure healing, however, there is a hard cap that you will hit with power and then you will start to get diminishing returns and will need to re-prioritize cunning as the best. Ive had my grips about this before, but its true unfortunately. Id love to just stack cunning, then power, then crit.

  3. the only time i use it in a PvE environment, I have completed EC HM 16 man, is if i'm "preloading" the raid with my Kolto Probes to generate TA. I find that in some fights, since Kolto Injection can become taxing on the energy, if you start with like 4-6 KPs and they crit enough times KI is a better choice then Kolto injection. Though ill be honest, its a very rare case where i use it.
  4. As a really experienced Operative healer there are a lot of things i can give you tips about.


    Heres my spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffrzGoRzsZ0cZGb.1 Some of the skills can be changed around if you think you can get better benefit that way, Though i have found this spec to be optimal in most cases.



    First, take Kolto Infusion off your cast bar, It is too cost inefficient to ever use especially in a raid environment. Even with the 4 piece set bonus it is still not good compared to surgical probe.


    Second, learn to channel your Diagnostic scan at about almost every 3rd energy using heal. Or around 40% energy. This is a habit you need to learn if you want to have full sustain through longer fights.


    Another thing that can seem counter intuitive is to make sure to spread your Kolto probes around the raid at all times. Being able to generate that extra TA point could mean the difference between life and death for anyone in the raid. If they dip below 30% always remember that you get a free TA point after using Surgical probe on them so make use of this tactic as you see fit. I.E, If i see 3 people heading below 30% HP, ill try to chain heal all 3 in succession prioritizing the one that's currently taking the most damage so that I am able to essentially have infinite free heals and surgical probes on them.


    Our AoE does not suck any longer so it is certainly worth speccing into. Last night I was running HM EC with my 8 man core guild and I found my self spamming this skill every time I could because the benefit is extremely great (I have the set bonus though).


    Try to learn what is called Triage healing. This is very important to the success for an Operative healer. Triage healing allows you to prioritize the people who are currently taking damage over the people who just took damage. if you heal this way, you can put HoTs on people who are not likely to take direct damage in the next few moments and full direct heals on people who are taking damage currently. Ive found that this method is the most effective way to use the energy that you have. Also if you keep using your Diagnositc scan you will never run out of energy with this technique.


    If you do find your self running out of energy in that one extreme fight situation and the raid or tank is taking too much damage for you to channel chain Diagnostic Scans, push your energy all the way to zero and then pop Adrenaline probe. This makes the most use of all the energy you have and will receive from the probe. Also, keep in mind that because you have 3 TA points, (3 Free heals.) you always want to try to keep about 1-2 TA points on your self at a given time. If at any point you have 3 TA points on you and you are channeling a Energy cost heal then you are not doing things right.


    NEVER forget Stim boost. You want this skill active at all times. Every time it goes off of CD, you need to use it again. If you don't, you will surely run out of energy. I have this at my 1st slot of the cast bar because it is by far the most important skill.


    And last, as far as gear is concerned. The priority goes like this until you hit caps. Power (600 cap)>Cunning>crit (35-40% cap)>surge> alacrity. I know people hate on alacrity because it only really effects one of our casts, but i find that because this cast is very important as a initiation heal and a big single target heal, having a bit of Alacrity on your character is always useful. After you have capped Power prioritize cunning>crit>surge>alacrity. And of course if you cap Crit get more surge and alacrity. Anyhow, GL HF. This class is a hell of a lot more fun that any of the other healing classes in this game.


    Edit: There is no real effective rotation for this class as all of the heals are based on pure situations. There is a way you can be pointed in the correct direction though. If you keep in mind that you need to be generating TA points and keeping your tanks and Raid up, then its obvious that you should either open with Kolto Probes or Kolto Injection to start obtaining the benefit of having some TA points (mostly, i start out with Probes over the injection as usually people haven't taken enough damage to justify using an injection first.). From there you want to monitor your energy, TA points and the HP of everyone in the raid. if, for example, you see 4 or more people clustered up in the encounter that you are healing, then you will want to try to get AoE on those people. There is a little bit of a learning curve to placing the AoE heal correctly so that it hits everyone you want it to, but its not too hard to master.

  5. At that level all the classes are very ambiguous when it comes to how the roles are set up. At level 13 on my Operative i was stabbing people left and right as well as sniping from cover. Either way it doesn't matter. Cover is nice since you can still throw out heals, but stabbing is great too because shiv gives you a TA point. Course TA points dont matter at that level yet.
  6. you forget to mention that dispite the laugh being removed from the game there is still a sound and visual que when you obtain tactical advantage. Also, you forgot to mention that our healing in this game is probably the most balanced and if is used in the correct hands is the best. You also are completely wrong about energy as a resource because for-example, force users like sorc healers now have to sacrifice hp to regain their force which is counter intuitive for a healer.


    As a healer who is sitting near the top of PvE on my server, I can comfortably say that operative healing is by far the most well rounded in the game right now. I constantly play with Mercs and Sorcs who are healing beside me and hear complains about too much heat and not enough force, in times where I never use my adrenaline probe to regain my energy because I simply cant run out of energy. Our surgical probe is by far the best "OH ****" heal in the game as well. Also, the addition of another TA point makes it extremely easy to throw FREE heals around to the entire raid.


    And BTW, In my guild right now, the best DPSer is a sniper. So if you really believe snipers are UP as DPS then you are just playing incorrectly. He plays lethality as well and is constantly pulling threat off of the tanks in fights.

  7. yeah im sorry, all the people complaining about this class either dont know how to play it correctly or have no idea what they are doing in general. Since 1.2 ive seen a dramatic change in my ability to heal in Raiding environments. By dramatic, I mean I can literally spam heals and not run out of energy ever with out sacrificing anything. I have been healing since the Beta as an Operative so ive seen many changes to the class over that period. While it would be nice to have some sort of armor increase on our heals or something similar, I think the rate at which we can heal is not something to scoff at at all. I've been able to beat out sorcs and Mercs since before the patch and after it i now beat them both in AoE and Total Healing done by the end of the encounter I'm doing. Last night, on HM toth and Zorn, not only did i keep the tank I was assigned to up with out an issue but I was able to heal most of the raid with my aoe and still have energy to spare.
  8. Personally, I really enjoy playing this game, I figured I would start there, However; right now I feel as though Bioware or maybe EA, whom ever is holding up 1.2 is really making some bad decisions. When 1.1 dropped in January, the devs started talking about releasing monthly patches. They started mapping out what they had planned to do in the next 5 months and they released this to the public. Now 3 months later, we still don't have a definitive answer on when the new content will appear, in fact this week's maintenance is only webside.


    After having briefly played on the PTR and looked at a lot of the new features, at least the ones I could at such a low level, I realized that yes they are probably worth the wait, however, while I am waiting, server populations are dropping due to various reasons, many that are directly connected to the lack of fixes and support or even new content. This is discouraging to a lot of the people who want to keep playing this game but also want to play with others. Now, while my server isn't that bad, it isn't that great. I was in a fairly decent guild where we raided every week then something happened over the last few ones: people started just not logging on any longer. It got so bad that we would have 4 people online during a 16 man raid night. That was a really tough experience to go through for me as I really enjoyed the people I played with.


    After reading countless threads on the forums on the subject of low populations, I think its time for the devs to start doing one of 2 things: 1) delay the legacy system in favor of server merging to appropriately balance out the populations. It has been stated a few times that the Legacy system would make it harder to transfer characters from one server to the next, this is the only solution i see that could be implemented quickly. 2) just drop the patch and afterwards, start to build a way of merging legacy across servers so that they can easily transfer data from one to the other.


    Its a hard pill to swallow but right now this game isn't as appealing to everyone as Bioware thinks it is. They just need to man-up and accept that they need to cut their loses and try to make the game into what it should be for everyone who is interested.

  9. Most of the times in 8 man raids when I am healing people I don't even use KI except in emergency situations because i have so many KPs Spread around on the raid. keeping this in mind, there are times when I end up with redundant TA points and cant spend them fast enough to take advantage of it, but its not a big deal, if i need a TA point then ill cast a KI because the alacrity on my gear makes it into a 1.6sec cast. I don't feel that the TA point system needs a change, I think our AoE capabilities need a change. That's all. BTW Kolto Infusion is garbage, never use it, you can get the same heals with a Surgical Probe.


    Edit: In-fact its because of TA points, Stim boost and The full energy restore one (I cant think of the name) that I can literally sit there and spam heals for an infinite period, even during a damage spike.

  10. Dude, Im an OP healer, been healing Nightmare Ops for a long time here. I feel that the only thing that Ops lack healing wise is a AOE heal that's worth a damn. Bioware has talked about buffing our AOE and making it useful and thats what they plan to do in patch 1.2.



    There was one time where the other healer died during a fight with the Annihilation Droid on hardmode. I was able to heal through 2/3s of that fight with success. alone.

  11. EV normal mode, 8-man. the first couple attempts on the pylons ended with unlimited amounts of ackalays spawning on top of both groups. The only way to avoid this bug was to simply complete the pylons as fast as humanly possible in the prefect order. It was so close that one time we had the north locked and one more button push on south and still wiped.
  12. This puzzle is like the tower of hanoi in that you cant place a larger number on top a smaller one. The idea is that in order to fire, you must first move each symbol to the 3rd slot and have them in a tower shape. This will allow them to shoot the boss. below is a quick little idea of what exactly that looks like. I took each slot and just used a number to indicate the symbol in that slot based on the amount of prongs.




    0|0|1,2,3 fire







    0|1,2,3|0 fire







    0|0|1,2,3 fire


    Repeat by just moving the boss from the first cannon to the 2nd. You can fire off of these 2 since you dont have to fire all three to gain access to previous fired cannons.


    In terms of the buttons you must push it looks like this. 2-3, 1-3, fire, 3-2, 3-1, 2-1, 3-2, 1-3, 1-2, 3-2, fire etc. Hope this helps people do it faster. Due to the armor debuff the tank receives, It is easier to swap tanks out between each firing than to try to keep one up through out the entire fight. Other than that, the fight is a simple tank and spank.

  13. I did a whole discussion about RN, the AoE HoT we get. I think its vastly UP compared to even the merc AOE heal and the Sorc aoe heal due to the constraints placed on it from the limit and activation radius.


    While I still spec in it for Ops because it is very useful in situations like the platform jumping during soa or the knock backs from Gharj, even with 5 pieces of Rakata gear and the bonus that gives, I find that the risks do not out weight the rewards. when doing a HM FP it can come in handy for those times when you need to kite and have to rely mostly on Instant abilities, but other than that I don't see any reason to use it when you can essentially get higher energy regeneration from the lethality tree. I use the full healer spec only for Ops and certain fps and use a Mixture of Healing with Lethality for Pvp and other FPS. either way you look at it, the way our trees are set up you almost always waste 3 skill points because there are no really good tier 2 talents for healing outside the healing tree.


    Heres hoping for Dual spec soon or at least a buff to the skill to make it more viable. In the beta, it refreshed the stacks of Kolto Probes on targets making it very easy to keep 2 stacks on 4 members of a party each which made it completely OP, however i think that if they were to increase the number of people who benefit from it in a similar manner to the sorc AoE the utility would go up quite a bit with out making it Op. Imagine it allowing you to heal infinite people in a 10 m radius around you, You could use the points in raids when people are collapsing around you to activate it and give everyone the heal.


    Another skill that definitely needs to be reworked is Kolto Infusion. there is no justifiable reason to use energy and a TA point for such a weak channeled ability. If it however was a single target heal that refreshed the kolto probes on the target, that would change things quiet a bit.

  14. Im a lvl 50 PvE and PvP healer, Ive run a bunch of Ops up to 16 man Hm on EV and 8 man EV nightmare. Most of the people before me are correct. There really isn't a rotation. The brand of healing I like to use most often is called "Triage healing". I prioritize my direct heals, (Kolto Injection, Surgical probe over stacking kolto probes) on tanks and people tanking immediate damage and I prioritize my HoTs over direct heals (kolto probe then a Surgical probe when I can) on people who just took AOE or moderate damage and lost threat. By doing this I can maximize the amount of energy I have as well as the amount of TA points I rake in while not wasting a heal for when I need it in a crisis situation. For example, I see a DPS or healer in an Op take heavy damage from an special boss skill, ill quickly intervene with a priority of something like this: If his HP is below 30% surgical probe spam, if his HP is just above 30% kolto inject and surgical probe, maybe a kolto probe as well if I can fit it in. If he took about 50% damage from the one attack, ill heal him to full using whatever is least costly at the time and double up on Kolto probes as well as keep an eye on him while I go about healing the other people in the raid/op group so as not to miss if he gets blasted again.


    A rotation is bad simply because you cant adapt to the current situation that you are in. Id try other things and find a style that you like and feel is the most effective for you. Triage can be a dangerous way of healing if you don't know the content, but if you do, it can mean great rewards and interesting healing.

  15. i dont know what the OP is smoking. Im level 50 and have one peice of PVP gear, (course the rest is tier 2-3 PVE gear.) It takes about 2-3 people to DPS me down if im sitting there spamming surgical probe on me with 2 kolto probes on me. I've literally sat in one place while people were trying to burst me down spamming Surgical probe for almost a good 2-3 minutes until my allies noticed and ran to my aid. On average i get about 30-40k healing done in one FP with about 6-8 metals running the healing/lethality hybrid spec.
  16. Actually I disagree, While alacrity is not as important as it would be on say a Sorc or a very high ability spam DPS type class, I find that our Kolto injection some times has a extremely bad casting time. In a HM FP, specifically during an encounter that happens right after a piece of dialogue I have found that if i didn't get a couple Kolto probes running before the dialogue starts, I will have a very rough time with the group despite it being something I would normally not have an issue with. With the decreased casting time on Kolto Injection (mines at about, 1.5) I can usually get it off fast enough to pop a guaranteed TA point to either bloster my energy regeneration or blow out a quick surgical probe on a DPS who is getting threat trouble. Also during boss fights, For example FE's HM HK encounter, during his 3rd stage where he almost 1 hits everyone, it is a very needed thing to have a quick main single target heal on hand if by chance I don't have a TA point sitting around. This also helps in PvP specifically when the toon I'm healing gets low and I don't have a TA point, i can just blow out an Injection and get surgical probe ready for when he drops lower than 30%.


    So while Alacrity is not my first priority when it comes to healing, it is definitely a great thing to have when I'm in a sticky situation with no TA points. I guess its just a personal opinion but thats how I feel about that.

  17. At higher levels I find this heal to be absolutely useless, even with full Comuli/Rakata gear which makes the energy cost drop to 28 and adds a 15% crit-chance. When I first got the heal, I used it all the time in FPs etc but due to the low scaling of the heal its self i dont even touch it in HMs because you can barely see any heal there. At my gear level the heal says it heals 4 people for 1721 damage over 15 secs. Taking into the account the Crit chance and the fact that it only ticks a heal 5 times in that 15 secs, as well as the relative HP for people at my level and gear level About 15k - 19k for tanks, I find that this heal is not worth any of the energy cost.


    In raids its worse. I can heal a lot of people in a raid if I get enough KPs flying around and still keep most of my focus on the tank because of a tool like surgical Probe. But in a 16 man raid this small heal for 1.7k is a 10% total heal over 15 secs FOR ONLY 4 People where as the Sorc AOE can get the entire raid from half HP to full almost on its own. that's kinda dismal in comparison and while I don't believe this heal should serve the same function as the sorc AOE heal, I think it would be far if the heal had more utility since its our ultimate ability.


    Some examples are like this, in the beta it refreshed 2 stacks of KPs when used, maybe that's something worth looking into except with only one stack. Maybe only allow the heal its self to apply to targets with Kps active on them so it can hit a larger amount of people but only if you can spread enough KPs around. which I can affirm is impossible in a 16 man raid, to get 32 Kps out total. Or even 16 KPs at the same time with out killing your energy pool. This would be great for healing in raids, it would allow you to selectively Bolster the people who are having trouble.


    I dunno if my idea is too OP or too micro intensive or too Energy intensive, but this skill needs a change. So does Kolto Infusion but thats another story for another day.

  18. whats sad is that you are basically saying this game is going to fail because of the graphics.


    When WoW first came out the graphics were not cutting edge. When EQ came out same thing, When AC came out, it didnt even support graphics cards. All these games went on to last long.


    As long as Bioware keeps patching the bugs and puts out good content quick enough the game will stay alive for a long time.

  19. still can't do the first guy... Hes bloody difficult. Even though his damage output is low, that heal makes any damage you do almost irrelevant. Ill try temple next time in some up to date gear. I also attempted to try him as a lethality and conceal spec and failed even worse. I tried interrupting, but i find that when you Flash-bang him your companion wont DPS until you break the flash-bang. and the guy will start to heal even after the FB hits. maybe hes bugged? His sustain feels so much more stronger than any other mob I've encountered in the game.


    With the avatar, i just did what i did against Darth Jadus, LoS and keep spamming heals and C+1 and C+2 to make my companion dodge the aoe stuff. companion will eventually die but you'll be alive long enough to blow him to bits with overshot, grenade and a bunch of stabs.

  20. If you haven't gone to Voss with an op or sniper just leave now i don't feel like spoiling anything.


    Anyways, Im a full heal spec lvl 46 op. I love healing as an op find it to be a really fun class to play.


    My problem comes when i attempt to beat Xanar at the end of "Shining man". This guy literally cant die. He puts on a shield probe and heals him self every 2 secs for like half his HP, i sat there trying to kill him for about 5 minutes. The way I usually take on the high level high DPS elites like this is i will heal my companion and throw a little dps in here and there. This doesn't work on this guy. (BTW i use Scorpio as my comp.) How can I do this fight? I've tried using my interrupt, Distraction, but that's not enough for this guy because of the high CD on it.

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