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Posts posted by Pazno

  1. Forgot to mention it earlier but it's 3% per talent point, so 9% total extra cunning.


    Oh yeah, that's right. I didn't even think to check. Let me redo that bit up there...


    Throw in the extra 9% cunning once you get into the saboteur tree (making each point worth .2182 damage and .0081% crit, and it's for both ranged and tech) and it becomes an easy winner.

  2. The biggest issue is that aim provides no bonus to our tech attacks. As a sharpshooter, this only applies to Sabotage Charge, XS Frieghter Flyby, Vital Shot, and Thermal Grenade. Ok, not the biggest deal there, one useful single target move, one move for when you're moving, and two AoEs.


    With 972 cunning, I get 194.5 ranged/tech damage, 7.21% ranged/tech crit. This works out to slightly more than .2001 damage and .0074% crit per point.


    By contrast, 98 aim gives me 19.6 ranged damage and .82% ranged crit. Or .2 damage and .0083% crit. You get a little bit more bang out of the crit on it (enough to make the miniscule extra damage on cunning worth the hit), but losing out on it on the aforementioned tech attacks really hurts aim's usefulness, especially in AoE situations.


    Throw in the extra 9% cunning once you get into the saboteur tree (making each point worth .2182 damage and .0081% crit, and it's for both ranged and tech) and it becomes an easy winner.



    Disclaimer: It's very late for me and I've got a bad headache, so some of my math may be off a little, but it shouldn't be much. Also, technically, the 3% extra cunning wouldn't increase a single point to those values, you'd need about 33 to get a full extra cunning point, I just figured I should keep working with the same values. A better way to say it would be that 100 cunning / aim would be worth 100x the values I listed.

  3. The MT and OT marks are likely put on the tanks themselves, if I'm reading him right. As for the difference between focus and burn targets, I'm assuming that the focus thing is the one you target with /focus... except that doesn't work very well in this game yet. Maybe not.
  4. So I went in and tried this boss earlier today, and two of his abilities, the one that acts like sticky grenade (aoe explosion and knockback) and the stun -> cleave knockback were giving me problems... because I couldn't tell when they're coming.


    Now, the first ability is supposed to put that red circle on you, and I've seen it a few times, but I'm fairly confident that there were several attempts where it hit me but never showed the red circle - I've even had people call out that it was on me and I looked and it wasn't there.


    For the second, I was told he says something like "Proximity violation" before doing it, but he usually never said that for me until after the missiles started, though sometimes he did say it at the right time and I could get out.



    Anyway, all in all, between that and having to find a very specific spot to backstab him, raiding was a very frustrating experience, and I'm just wondering if I'm either missing something here, or if it's maybe just lag, or some known bug with that fight.

  5. . Not sure why you want to keep TA at 2. Maybe I'm reading that wrong but it sounds like you're constantly going Shiv -> Shiv -> Lacerate -> Shiv -> Shiv. Makes no sense to not double up on your Lacerate. TA gives you no passive advantage so use that rather than stashing it.


    Ultimately the class priority is energy management, exactly as a rogue was in WoW, and being succesful at that will be key to the class.


    Actually, you get a 2% damage buff. Not entirely sure if it stacks - don't think it does.

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