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Posts posted by DjDangle

  1. Oh look another BrandonMS "I hate Revan so ..............Revan vs Thread"




    Obi-Wan would win . He would do as he always seems to do , allow you to put him into defensive backing up until you left a opening and he would taunt you and defeat you.........


    Revan much like Anakin is too offensive and aggressive , and it would be pretty much the same fight but Obi-Wan would be really into it being Revan is a nobody to him , atleast he loved Anakin.





    P.S : Revan wasn't a God and there was many Hero's later and before his time that would beat him , that is life . It doesn't kill his character to be less than so and so , it would kill his character ("atleast to me") if he could win all these fights . At some point a Hero has to lose ! To me a Hero that always wins is poor writing and poor imagination . I really hate Good always wins stories ............


    I didn't see a lot of love from Obi after chopping his arms n legs off though.... Let me guess, tough love :D lol



    "You were my brother Anakin..... I loved you...... now burn in hell you scrawny little wretch"

  2. To the employees of Bioware and EA:


    First and foremost I would like to congratulate you on the launch of the 1.2 content patch. Hopefully it will help you make this game the success we all know it can be. My letter shall be brief and with one question to you. Why have you chosen to isolate your player base by basing your definition of customer loyalty solely on a characters level?


    Your decision to reward the 30 days of free game time based solely on this one requirement is both insulting and crass. To launch day subscribers like myself who are not level 50 and have real world responsibility or have chosen to explore the multiple classes and stories you have laid out before us it it a virtual slap in the face. Please do not judge a customers loyalty based on how fast they can run through a games content but by the time and money they have invested in the continued success of the product.


    Remember there are those of us who actually wanted to enjoy the game and not just power level through it for no other reason than to say "we got here first". Fix the issue with the 30 day free time and grant it to all who have been loyal, active customers since launch regardless of level. To do anything less would just be insulting and damaging to your reputation and the success of this great game.


    Yours Truly,

    A Loyal Fan


    I've been here since launch and I've never spoken out against Bioware, I love this game, but I agree with this, it was a bad decision

  3. I'm sure the idea behind Soresu form was that it is a pure defensive form that waits for the opponent to make a mistake and utilise that mistake...


    No other form, including Djem-So, could break a master of Soresu...


    So yea, Reven would get it handed to him...


    Edit: Gotta love the forceclash videos:

  4. Lets say I was doing Underworld trading missions to try and get orange schematics. Is it known if:


    A) The quality of that mission increases or decreases the chance of an Orange schematic drop




    B) The level of the mission directly effects the level of the Orange schematic that is dropped?



    Any info would be cool


    Ta :)

  5. I thank you sir for proving my point.


    I must ask though, what did I whine about? First I asked a question, then I made a statement, then expressed excitement for 1.2 So... Where did I whine?


    Oh dear muppet enjoy the next 20 years in an Orwellian world. You are the leading cause.


    Do you want a hug too :D

  6. He's an idiot for stating his views and facts?


    This was one of my favorite communities and after seeing a thousand responses like yours. I have lost faith.



    On a side note - yay only another hour!


    No, he's an idiot for whining, just like you are.

  7. Hey everyone!


    We have noticed the conversation is starting to go off-topic into discussion about zombies. And while we all love (or hate) these undead creatures, we do ask that replies revolve around the given topic regarding Mara Jade. Feel free to create a separate thread discussing zombies as they are in the Star Wars Universe though!


    We look forward to your discussion!


    Are zombies in the star wars universe? :D

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