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Posts posted by Huobes

  1. OP -- The one big piece of advice I would give you is on your talent trees. I run 2/8/31 and am doing pretty much top damage in my 16M raiding guild these days. A couple differences from your spec:


    **I think you can ditch marksmanship. You can make up the difference in accuracy with your gear by swapping out just a few mods/enhancements, and I think it's worth it at higher levels of gear. This allows you to take explosive engineering, which will make four of your regularly used abilities (EP, OS, frag grenade and CD) hit harder. Consequently, EP should be higher up your priority list for filler between culls -- like, use it on cooldown during those phases. You should also be using BM or WH shells on two of your main pieces, giving you the two-piece PvP set bonus. This makes OS hit four times, giving you more returns on your 30% AoE increase. I could see maybe taking marksmanship if it's going to lead to something worthwhile on the second tier of that tree, but there is nothing worth taking there to justify spending points in marksmanship that can just be made up with a little gear tweaking.


    **It's not a huge deal, but IMO it's not worth getting deadly directive over razor edge. Alacrity is just gonna contribute to energy management problems, and it's not going to make your DoTs tick any faster. Shiv, you might end up actually using.


    **I don't know why you'd want your CD to slow its targets rather than reduce the cooldown on escape, cover pulse and shield probe (choosing adhesive corosives over hold your ground). Most if not all boss encounters are going to be immune to CC, and it's not like trash is around long enough for movement speed to be an issue. The three abilities with reduced cooldowns can all come in handy multiple times per fight.


    That's it for the skill tree differences. I would push the crit percentage to the 38-40% range. Rotation looks fine, except upgrade EP and eliminate snipe from the list. Work on maximizing OS connections and double dotting, these two things will really set your dps apart that extra bit.

  2. Couldn't of put it better myself. Be patient with it and you'll reap the rewards towards end game.


    Also not sure if there is a tutorial video but plenty of montage videos. Yes, i'm aware this shows the good side of pvp not the bad. But if this doesn't make you want to play GS, then i don't know what will.



    All credit goes to Revy, alot of thanks too. Never looked back on mine.


    I'm calling shenanigans on that video. First of all, it's from very close to launch and a lot of things have changed since then. Second of all, the players he is going against in this video must just be retarded. As soon as I saw him successfully take on four enemies (including a healer), I had to switch it off. Don't get me wrong, he's doing a good job and everything, but please...


    But yeah, love playing my sniper! Engi for PvP, Leth for PvE. Pretty serious force to be reckoned with in both.

  3. But your ordering for EC SM is wrong...it is far easier with the recent nerfs than NiM KP. Fearful does nothing important, the shields are immune to damage and AoEs, the minefield kit can be used to clear two squares, cleave isn't an AoE, etc.


    Fair enough. Never really had trouble with KP on any mode with any toon, although I guess Jarg and Sorno can be tough on healers. The nerfs to EC SM do bring it a step below, though. I was also partly going by gear drops, which is a good indication of which Op you should be doing when -- and they all drop the same level gear.

  4. It's great to see all the replies to this thread and to know that I'm not alone in my observations. I definitely hear the point that some of you have made that, when pugging, leaders will opt for higher geared players to counteract the lack of coordination and general unpredictability of PuGs.


    The instance that led me to start this thread, however, was not one of these cases. It was a guild run for which they were looking to only add two dps. I was very clear with the leader that this was an alt and that my main had been through TFB HM (16M at that, which IMHO is much harder) many times, so I knew the fights and assured him I wouldn't be a liability. I offered to run a parser with the rest of his dps to make sure the gap wasn't too significant. I asked which of the voice programs they were using. In short, I did all I could to demonstrate that I'm a reliable, knowledgable player and it would make up for any perceived lack of gear.


    How did he respond? He ignored me! Before this, I had never been ignored by anyone and I've been playing this game since launch. I was being completely respectful, even apologizing if I sounded condescending while explaining the gear requirement. Totally baffled me and, I must say, compelled me to start this thread.


    Which brings be back to the thread's title, "sad state of operations." Are we really at the point where people would go so far to fake proficiency that raid leaders need to be so skeptical? Why can't you trust me to self regulate and only apply to encounters I know I'm suited for? Would I have brought this toon for EC HM or TFB HM? Hell no! I'd need at least full rakata first for just the former. And how was I trying to get to that point? By running TFB SM, duh. I take a lot of care to monitor how I'm performing and determining what level of encounters I'm able to do. I know I might not be in the majority on that one, but are there really so many clueless idiots out there that are irresponsibly joining groups they have no business running with? Was it really so hard to distinguish me from them? The whole thing left me with a very bad taste in my mouth and completely disillusioned with our seemingly ignorant player base.

  5. TFB SM have a very lenient gear requirement. It's designed for players in Columi, which is why it's dropping Rakata.. This just demonstrates the raid leader is clueless and relies on being 'overgeared' to get through the mechanics.


    Right, this is my point. Unfortunately, this seems to be a widespread perception. My post is both lamenting that fact and hoping to inform people to the contrary. In fact, just in this thread, someone equated TFB SM with EC HM. It's confusing, but the real hierarchy is NiM EV = NiM KP = EC SM = TFB SM < EC HM < TFB HM. Wish more people would understand that.

  6. ... But you might as well wait til 1.5 at this point where you will be able to buy the campaign armorings directly with bh comms.


    This is what I'm stockpiling black hole commendations on my main for. As they have added new items to be purchased and we know they will be doing so again, I am hesitant to waste comms on gearing up alts when I can just run ops with my alts, which is fun. That's the point -- I do actually find it fun going through the gear progression with a new character. Although I've experienced all of the ops and bosses, I find it new and exciting doing them with a different character that accomplishes things differently. Plus, it's actually exciting downing a boss again when you know there might be an upgrade in it for you. That is, if you are even given the opportunity to be there...

  7. You have to remember that generally speaking, there is a huge difference between a reliable rakata raid member, and a rakata PuG. It's very easy to clear TFB in Rakata with people you can depend on to do what is needed, but PuG's on average tend to be all over the place.


    To make up for this loss in comfort and reliability, the only option is to request for over geared players (who you can roughly assume knows whats going on since they already have the gear).


    Good points. For what it's worth, I did tell the guy that it was just an alt I'm gearing up and I know what I'm doing. He also had an issue with my gear itemization, but he did not seem to understand that this was not my final gear configuration. I'm gearing up! He complained that some of the mods in my gear were not updated...well, that's because they were lettered mods and the columi mods I already had were better (I look at main stat + power in comparing mods). He also complained that all of my pieces were not augmented. You really want me to augment pieces that I plan to upgrade shortly? Come on....


    It just seems that, with almost all of the gear available without having to set foot in an operation, the art of running ops to gear up has been lost. Do people not do this anymore? People just hit 50 and immediately buy all the campaign gear and run operations that are way too easy for them? Sounds like a whole lotta fun...

  8. This thread is not, as you might have expected, a criticism of Bioware -- it's more a problem with how the player base is tackling end-game operations.


    It seems as though player skill is at such a sad point that people forming ops groups are imposing gear restrictions way beyond what they should be for a given operation. I am gearing up an alt DPS sorc, and I got turned down from SM TFB twice last night due to my gear, which is full rakata except for two pieces of columi. Um, am I delusional or does SM TFB drop rakata? How am I supposed to gear up if groups doing the content that drops the gear I need will not take me? You really want me to grind black hole comms and credits to buy individual mods/armorings to gear up, just so I can over-gear content and put ops leaders' minds at ease? No thanks, I'd rather do it the old-fashioned way. It's pretty simple: I need rakata, SM TFB drops rakata. Thus, I should be doing SM TFB.


    Come on people, this instance is not that hard. I do 16M HM on my main with my guild, and people are acting like you need full campaign for story mode. 80% of TFB is about mechanics -- get them down and you're good, as long as you can do decent DPS (and have tanks and healers doing their jobs, as well). Has player skill really dipped to such a low that people don't feel comfortable doing the content unless they completely out-gear it?


    Anyone else found this to be the case? It's pretty sad. Man up and challenge yourselves.

  9. Listen, I'm not disputing that DPS-specced scoundrels/ops are something you rarely see in progression raiding. You don't need empirical evidence to tell you that, observation is enough in this case. But using these incomplete parse lists to make the argument that the specs are unquestionably not within 5% of one another is just not tenable.


    We clearly have a lack of scoundrel/op parses to look at because the player base has already done its own work in rooting them out. How do we know that this bias didn't arise from a difference less than 5%? We've arbitrarily labeled 5% as acceptable because that was the developers' stated goal, but how do we know that we haven't already rejected that threshold, without realizing it?


    Returning to the original observation that the sniper with that top parse only did 1385 damage to the actual boss -- do you think a campaign-geared operative couldn't pull that same number? I think they could. They might be limited a little trying to move between the boss's positions into melee range without a gap closer like marauders have, but I'm pretty sure there's a skill in one of their trees that ups movement speed after using debilitate. They could do this each time, just before the boss moves. Not saying it would be easy, and it would certainly take a great deal of attention and resourcefulness, but isn't that the fun part of learning fights? Of course, ops get orbital strike too and could use it just as devastatingly on those adds (not that that's relevant in meeting that 1385 DPS, just saying).


    Anyway, I just worry that the player base might be making uninformed decisions -- like rejecting certain classes/specs and not even giving them an opportunity to see how certain encounters and mechanics might play to their strengths -- that limit everyone's enjoyment of the game. The tendency is to look at the devs and level the blame at them for not meeting a stated goal, but maybe we've already wasted the opportunity to see if we've met that goal.

  10. The parse list for TFB and EV is bugged, but you can search the parses yourself to get around this. I have. Search by advanced class and look at the results.


    I'm not seeing how you can search by advanced class and filter it by encounter. Searching for operative, it returns a list of 1167 parses...no way i'm going through that to find one from Writhing Horror. Plus, we can be fairly sure that most of them were healers..

  11. Ok, I also just took a deeper look into these pages upon pages of parses on all these sites that some of you are referencing as gospel. Aaaand...you might want to slow your roll there.


    I started at torparse, thanks to the link provided earlier. There are really not that many pares there. I took a look at the TFB final boss fight, and under 16M HM there are only 22 and 16 parses posted for DPS and HPS, respectively. Switching over to 8M, there is indeed a Top 50. However, the difference between the top (legitimate) parse and the 50th is 264 DPS (1711 - 1447). Obviously, with values so spread out, this is the Top 50 of not so many.


    Switching to an older fight that I figured would have more data, like Kephess in EC, I was surprised to find even fewer submissions! 16M HM one again had only 18 entries in its Top 50, only four of which were even over 1000 DPS (the top was 1124 DPS, entries 9 - 18 had less than 600 DPS, and the 18th was a whopping 81 DPS). 8M was not much better: top parse was 1455 DPS, only entries 1 - 20 were over 1000 DPS, and No. 50 was 419 DPS). Clearly, we're not looking at the cream of the crop here.


    So where can the cream of the crop be found? I headed on over to askmrrobot in hopes of finding it. Instead, I found more sparsely filled lists. There are zero (0) parses uploaded for 16M HM TFB. On 8M, the first 25 entries for Writhing Horror range from 1866 DPS (about 600 lower than our top parse on that fight from torparse) down to 1590 DPS. On EC's Kephess, more of the same huge variation between the top spot and the 25th spot.


    TL;DR please don't go taking things as given that you have either heard from someone else, seen yourself through rose-colored lenses, or are flat-out lying about. More importantly, don't shove them in other peoples' faces to make them feel stupid for holding the opinions you do, like you have some scientific foundation upon which you're basing your views and they are just idiots. In my opinion, the jury is still out on just how far apart the DPS specs are. We really don't know. Anyone pointing to these parse dumps as the be-all, end-all is doing so with an agenda.

  12. This is exactly the kind of things parses show.


    Here is a link to the highest DPS posting on torparse for the Writhing Horror encounter. It's a sniper. When you click on damage done it tell us: his exact damage breakdown over 324 seconds. We can see based on his abilities that he is lethality/engineer hybrid spec'd and we can see by his damage breakdown that he has 40-45% crit-- which would imply to us that his gear is either BiS or just short of. You can see his rotation down at "Damage Dealt Broken Down by Time". It breaks his abilities down to when he used them by the second.


    It's easy to discern what is going on based on this data. We have mountains of this data.


    Ok, this goes back to my point that different encounters favor different classes, and that part of the fun of learning new encounters is figuring out how to best use your spec to maximize your damage. The fight in question, the Writhing Horror, is totally and completely in a sniper's wheelhouse for one reason, and one reason alone: Orbital Strike. I know because I play a lethality sniper and myself and the other sniper in our guild top the parser every time on that encounter. You leave some DOTs ticking on the jealous male and set up an OS over the pheromones and bing, bang, boom, DPS is off the charts. There are so many of those little adds, and there is no limit on the amount of targets it hits, it's actually pretty ridiculous. At one position, you can even place OS in such a way that it strikes the boss at the same time.


    If a sniper did not have the top parse on this fight, I would be worried. See those jumps on the damage graph every, oh, 60 seconds? Guess what the CD on OS is. Looks like he even laid down an OS at the end when the endless stream of adds spawn to pull some crazy numbers at the end.


    Anyway, my point is that all fights are not like this. Some fights are more difficult for snipers. Some fights are more difficult for marauders. I didn't look, but I'd wager that some of the other top parses on this encounter come from sorcs and bounty hunters for the same reason that snipers do so well -- AoE. If you look at the DPS he did on the Writhing Horror itself -- which is all the really matters in determining whether they hit enrage -- he only did 1385. Nothing to write home about. The problem with these parse lists is not, as some have asserted, that it does not take into account the human element. Of course it does. The problem is that the numbers don't necessarily reflect the damage being done to the boss as a single target. You can argue all you want about how "multitudes" of "incontrovertible" statistics back up your assertions. But as evidence goes, it's shaky at best.


    If you pulled up the parse from an operative/scoundrel who did that same fight, you'd probably see pretty similar DPS on the boss. Anyone want to find one?

  13. The people arguing with the math -- or insisting that skill somehow mysteriously makes the math irrelevant (despite the fact that the statistics automatically take skill into account) -- are the same people who don't believe in climate change . . . stragglers not willing to catch up to the modern era.


    Nevertheless, the issue is, as usual, PvP. If you removed PvP from the equation these statistics would be damning and there would need to be balancing. Obviously in PvE raw dps matters tremendously. But in PvP other things need to be factored into consideration, such as:


    1) Burst vs sustained DPS. In PvE against bosses this distinction is meaningless, but in PvP the ability to unload the majority of your damage in a brief interval can be devastating to your opponents. This is precisely why operatives and scoundrels have such terrible DPS according to the stats right now. They used to have comparable DPS, but it was all front loaded in a quick burst, resulting in players getting killed almost instantly (i.e, before or shortly after stun lock expired). The devs needed to tone them down, but they couldn't change the fact that these classes are designed for burst (at least through certain specs), so all they could do was lower dps which obviously hurt pve performance.


    2) Range vs melee. There is an inherent advantage to being able to use range in PvP, whereas in PvE this advantage seems rather trivial. If you have sorcerors hitting as hard as mauraders you will have calls for nerf, not in PvE, but in PvP it is almost guaranteed. The reason people are OK with Maurader dps is precisely because there are ways of escaping it, of getting them off of you. It is much harder to escape Sorc dps.


    3) Healing. In PvE the fact that a sorc has heals and bubbles doesn't matter much if they are dps spec because they aren't there to heal. But in PvP these abilities can be lifesavers and help diversify the players ability to manage each unique encounter. You can't just give healing capable classes the same dps as classes without healing, they tried that. The result was the 3 most complained about classes in the early days of the game were Mercs, Operatives, and Sorcs . . . the three healing classes. All three were nerfed. This was never due to their PvE performance, only to PvP.


    4) CC. Look at the maurader, he has very little in the way of CC. He has to struggle to get in and stay in melee range. In PvE this isn't an issue really, mobs just stand there and take it. But in PvP no one is going to just stand there, you need to work to stay within melee range. A lot of the time you simply will not be doing dps because you can't. Against a sorc you will be knocked back, stunned, rooted, snared, mezzed, you name it. So naturally the damage you do do needs to be higher once you get into melee range. If you just gave mauraders the same dps (or even a measly amount higher) than other classes, this might be fine in PvE but in PvP it would just mean the class was more effort than it was worth.


    When the game first came out there was less DPS disparity, and the classes were closer to within this 5% ideal that keeps getting mentioned. But once PvP started class balance issues almost immediately appeared for the reasons I have given. Most of the classes performing poorly in DPS today are the direct result of the balancing measures that were taken in response to the early days of PvP. Nevertheless, I think most people would agree that -- in terms of class balance -- PvP is better today than it was a year ago.


    Although I agree with the general thesis of your post -- that PvP concerns prevent dps specs from being completely balanced in PvE -- I also have to disagree with a few of your points. First, burst damage is not irrelevant in PvE. There are a few boss encounters with quick dps checks that require good burst, such as both Kephess fights in EC and TFB. Second, ranged/melee balance is very important in PvE as well. While melee dps might be higher in general, there are certain mechanics on several boss encounters that absolutely require ranged dps and good balance/organization in a raid group. The general dynamic currently at play in raid group composition is that you need marauders for their dps and group utility (bloodthirst, predation), but it's a tradeoff since they're harder to keep up and you need ranged dps for certain elements as well.


    In general, the point that is lost is that it's not as easy as the OP and others might believe to balance the PvE dps output of all of the specs without making a dramatic impact on PvP balance. While I doubt that they have given up entirely on it and might very well be tossing ideas around, the current imbalance is not so egregious as to make it worth taking a big risk in ruining balance in other areas. Honestly, almost all dps specs are fine and welcome in top raiding guilds so long as the players have enough skill to perform well. In my own guild (5/5 TFB 8M HM, 4/5 TFB 16M HM), we have dps sorcs, mercs and juggs parsing right up there with the rest. No one says it should be easier or harder for some specs to attain similar dps numbers. If they have to work a little harder for it, it makes it that much more rewarding to learn fight mechanics and how they apply to your specific spec in most efficient way. Each encounter is different and favors some classes over others. It's one of the beauties of the game, and any guild that doesn't recognize that and eschews good balance/variety in their raid group is missing out.


    Really, the only spec you never see is operative/scoundrel dps, and that is as much because they are melee as because their dps numbers aren't at the top. But the current state of things is not dire enough to go shaking things up to the degree that some on here are advocating. Be careful what you wish for.

  14. Ok, I've seen the separate DR on cunning's contribution to crit chance referenced all over the Internet, but have yet to see it graphed or really analyzed. My question is, at what point does it stop being beneficial to add cunning over power due to small marginal returns? I am full campaign transitioning to dread guard, and my cunning is already through the roof raid-buffed (not logged in now, but I think like 2350 or so). I'm starting to switch out some skill augments for overkill ones because my crit is where I want it to be and there is just no way that additional cunning is really impacting crit chance much at this point in the DR curve.


    So, I ask again: has anyone graphed this curve and determined the point where cunning's contribution to crit percentage is negligible?

  15. I zoom out when possible, I just hate getting stuck in a situation where I'm backed up against an obstacle and my view zooms in, so I settle for a happy medium most of the time. I definitely end up more in the thick of it on Novare Coast and Voidstar, it's kinda unavoidable. I guess I find it easier to blend in and avoid notice. It's part of what I like about engineering spec -- I can take a beating much better than any other spec. But on Huttball and Alderaan, I stay out of it. I rarely, if ever, leave the upper rafters on huttball, for example.


    I'll post more vids as I get time. And yeah, I'm gonna find some music to add :)

  16. Hey guys -- gonna start posting some vids on Youtube depicting my exploits as a full engineering sniper. I have kind of an unconventional build that I'd feel free to discuss. Check it out here: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bsMZbIMbRRrRrs.1


    Anyway, this was an epic match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7nMfMHArDA. I didn't do anything crazy here but it's a good portrayal of the varied arsenal available to Engi snipers. Like I said, this is my first go and I'll get better at this -- better quality, editing, etc. Just wanted to get this up because it was an awesome match and should be entertaining. I think there's a general lack of engineering sniper vids out there so I'm trying to address that. You'll see plenty more from me if you're interested.


    At this point I'm still in BM gear, but I'm right at the point where I'm making the transition to war hero. I'm at valor 65 and will soon be getting crafted WH with augments. But this just goes to show the power of this spec, even with on BM. I really didn't start this game off too well, as you'll see -- just wanted to give a realistic depiction with me making some mistakes, not a game where I don't die and do 500k damage. I've had much better games personally. The match itself was a really close one, though, and should be entertaining.


    Looking forward to your comments!

  17. Yeah the beginning was rough. Gotta admit I didn't play all that well early on, but it gets good if you keep watching!


    And let me again stress that I'm not trying to show the best match I've ever played where I don't die and do 500k damage. It's supposed to be realistic, to show a run of the mill performance in a great all-around, competitive match. I have plenty of vids where I make no mistakes, and maybe I'll get around to posting those too sometime. In the meantime, this should be entertaining.

  18. Hey guys -- gonna start posting some vids on Youtube depicting my exploits as a full engineering sniper. I have kind of an unconventional build that I'd feel free to discuss. Check it out here: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bsMZbIMbRRrRrs.1


    Anyway, this was an epic match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7nMfMHArDA. I didn't do anything crazy here but it's a good portrayal of the varied arsenal available to Engi snipers. Like I said, this is my first go and I'll get better at this -- better quality, editing, etc. Just wanted to get this up because it was an awesome match and should be entertaining. I think there's a general lack of engineering sniper vids out there so I'm trying to address that. You'll see plenty more from me if you're interested.


    At this point I'm still in BM gear, but I'm right at the point where I'm making the transition to war hero. I'm at valor 65 and will soon be getting crafted WH with augments. But this just goes to show the power of this spec, even with on BM.


    Looking forward to your comments!

  19. I play on Hedarr Soongh (US-East-PVP), and the only problem I see with PVP right now is not enough people doing it. Our server has been declining for a few months now, but the PVP was holding strong as something you could always participate in...until now. Now, the server is so dead that that's not even happening, aside from a few specific hours each evening.


    However, when the WZ's are popping, it's great! I have nothing to complain about. The matches are competitive, everyone is focused on the objectives and we communicate. Pub side has good players, and so does Imp side. So while the group has dwindled down considerably, those who remain are keeping it an enjoyable, challenging and worthwhile experience.

  20. The RPG part of mmorpg specifies character progression. The gear grind is just alternative to not having lvl 100 characters. It's the genre. If you're character was not progressing you would not be justified in paying $15 a month.


    ^^Exactly this. I was about to make this point...not sure if it has been made before in this thread as I didn't read 10 pages of it or so. But progression is the bottom line in any RPG game, not just MMO's; it's what incentivizes continued play. The more you play, the more powerful you get. As 50 is the level cap, the only way to continue to gain power after that is to have an upward slope in the quality of gear. Heck, even games that are not RPG's are starting to find ways to reward accumulated success. There's really an RPG element being injected into all games, and it's all pretty much to enhance the replay value. If you got to 50 and that was it, you were as powerful as you were ever going to be, you wouldn't be playing for much longer. You'd just be repeating the same exercise over and over again. For most of us (not the OP, apparently), this takes a huge element of the intrigue out of it.

  21. I think there is a lot of confusion arising from the fact that the difference post-1.2.2 is very intangible. It's a feel kind of thing, and it's very hard to put your finger on what is different, but something definitely IS different. Having leveled my sniper all the way through 50, I've gotten a feel for how to roll into cover where and when I want. After the patch dropped, it just doesn't seem to work the same way. Sometimes when I'm trying to roll into cover, I'll just drop in place or not get in cover at all. Again, it's just a feel thing that I subconsciously learned and execute, so I'm not 100% sure but I'm fairly certain that when you'd get the little green crouching man behind an obstacle, all you had to do was hit the cover button and you'd roll into that spot. If you wanted a different piece of cover or a different angle, you just had to change your angle relative to the obstacle and your target. Now, you need to be actively moving towards that spot in order to roll into it. Now, this might be the opposite (moving towards a spot no longer allows you to roll into it), because again it's not something I actively think about while playing. I have just noticed that it has become inconsistent and is no longer working as I'm intending it to, when I used to be pretty good at it.
  22. Another person moves to the dark side..muhahaha!!!!! The red headed step child of specs. I am Lvl78 valor full ENG spec Sniper (7-31-3). This is what I use for easy kills 1v1. Corrosive dart->Interrogation probe->Plasma probe(stuns target)->shatter shot->(cover/entrench)Ambush->Adrenal probe->Emp Discharge->Explosive probe->Series of Shots->Takedown (if they are still alive). That is in a perfect world. Make sure u keep them within the fire of the plasma probe for max dmg. I know we are supposed to be ranged but with ENG you can afford to be a little closer to your target because of the added survivability. It's not a 3-4-5 button process to play sniper well (as many other classes can get away with) It is arguably the hardest class to play but played well it is really rewarding. And yes i rarely use snipe. overload shot coming out of cover is way more energy efficient.


    Another pure engineering sniper here (we're coming out of the woodwork!). Your typical 1v1 rotation looks pretty similar to my own, but I'd add one thing I assume you are just forgetting at the moment. You'd 100% want to pop a shield probe, probably at the beginning of the rotation. You're factoring in EMP Discharge, so the CD is going to reset anyway, and SP doesn't trigger the global CD so it won't mess with the timing on your rotation at all.

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