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Posts posted by Highlen

  1. Concept is an Imperial APAC progression guild. We are looking for mature, skilled and raid aware players that are interested in clearing content.

    While sometimes we may not openly be recruiting, we are always looking for good players that can raid at APAC times.


    The guild’s progress:

    • TFB NiM: 5/5 + Time run
    • SnV NiM: 7/7 + Time run
    • DF NiM: 5/5 w/ NiM Power + Time run
    • DP NiM: 5/5 w/ NiM Power + Time run
    • The Ravagers HM: 5/5
    • Temple of Sacrifice HM: 5/5


    What we are looking for:

    Currently not recruiting, feel free to apply for future consideration.


    Our raid times:

    >> Raid times - 7:00pm - 10pm AEST (GMT+10) // (2.00am - 5am PDT) <<


    Weekend group - Friday / Saturday

    - The Ravagers HM: 5/5

    - Temple of Sacrifice HM: 5/5


    Weekday group - Wednesday / Thursday

    - The Ravagers HM: 5/5

    - Temple of Sacrifice HM: 4/5


    What we expect from our members:

    • Reliable raid attendance. You should aim to meet 90% of the raids. Consistent AFK's without letting anyone know (unless it can't be avoided) will mean you will be replaced.
    • For you to put effort into min-maxing your gear and rotation.
    • Don’t come to raids making the same mistakes. We expect you to make mistakes during progression, but we also expect you to improve and learn from them.
    • We are looking for NiM progression ready players. We are happy to gear you to an extent if you can show you can play your class to a NiM level. (E.g. You have cleared the content on a Slinger, and have a Sniper which still needs some gear)
    • Mature attitude in raids. We joke around and have fun but we are not going to house someones e-peen. If you like to brag, and think you're above helping others then you need not apply.



    What we provide:

    • All repairs paid by guild bank.
    • HM/NiM alt raids to play new classes/specs and to gear alt raiding toons.
    • Small group of friendly people willing to help where they can.
    • We play for the fun and challenge of clearing bosses and getting better. Not for bragging or showing off. Most of us see enough of it in RL, without getting more of it in a game.



    Please do not apply if you are tentative about making the times and will have to leave in the near future due to RL or other commitments. We appreciate this is only a game, however it gets extremely tedious to consistently have to fill spots with the very small amount of APAC players left. We are a small guild, and do not have the luxury of having backups to fill spots while we look for replacements.


    If you are interested in applying, please go to http://www.concept-guild.enjin.com and click on the recruitment tab to submit an application. If you have any questions either mail or PM Fappins, Sedif or you can send me a PM on these forums.


    Thank you for reading.

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