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Posts posted by NykNayme

  1. So, the Character Legacy ability to port to your capital planet is cool and all... but you drop me off right in the middle of Kaas City; however, my class quest (The Mind Trap) needs to me to "Travel to Dromun Kaas). Meaning, "in my ship" - so my quest doesn't complete until I take the speeder back the Spaceport, and then loadscreen into my ship...... NOT a real time saver, if you know what I mean.... The orbital station would make more sense for our legacy planetary transports in my own opinion... do what you will - thanks for listening!


    edited: correction - i have to go all the way into my ship, travel someplace else, then come back to DK - now i'm track for my character quest. Why else would i pay for this perk if i wasn't leveling up? It only makes sense that it be helpful towards that end. Again, thanks for listening!

  2. Not to be a jerk, but if you didnt preorder day 1, why are you mad that you didnt get in on day 1? You have no right to be.


    it's ameriword - i have the right to everythingiwanttohaveandnotworkfor! stop talking to me like your my dad - you're not!


    i'm in-game voom-vooming your corpse - force choke on ____!!


    lololol, j/k. seriously. QQ'ing is crazy here



    You all mean to tell me that we're waiting for a game?!?!?


    oh no, oh no, oh no, oh nooooo... omg, omg, omg, omg... I've been sitting here all day watching the trolls in this forum thinking THAT was THE game. There is more? Truly? Can it be?


    *splat* *rummages for towel to clean up mess*


    Woot! Woot! I'm so exciting to be waiting to play a real game and to stop playing forums - my life will be COMPLETE!



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